Vaping birdman tries to create ultimate (((echo chamber))), fails immediately

40  2017-08-18 by tooism

Because /r/Conspiracy has been overrun by libshills and marxist agents, and because there's no longer anywhere on Reddit to discuss right-wing conspiracy theories without being disrupted, ol' Podcast Podesta himself, /u/flytape, has established /r/ConspiracyRight as a place where he will "shut down the trolls, shills and misguided liberals."


Snappy already sees this whole schism for what it is

Tries to advertise it in /r/The_Daddy only to have it auto-removed for "linking outside the Trumpire"

lmao all that work to make conspiracy T_D 2.0 and they do nothing to help him.

Feel free to join if you're not a cuck.


The retard keeps begging them to accept him and they don't even care lmao

lol /u/flytape you're from Tennessee? You really are the perfect fat redneck stereotype. "Dem joooz and nigras be comin fer my gunz!"

Looks like someone had never been to Tennessee. How embarrassing for you.

well at least your flair makes sense. Also I'm guessing ol' birdboy is not living in the nicer parts of that state

This is r/drama. My flair is redundant

Well you could be a (((shill))$

Looks like someone has never been to Tennessee

And we all envy him for it.

Yeah fuck all that great food, music, real culture, lmao. NEET life is the life for me.

real culture


Fucking lmaooooo. Trash is trash. Deal with it.

Yes as opposed to Canned Urban White People Culture©. You dont get around much, huh white biy?

white boy



/r/ConspiracyRight, for when posting anonymously on /pol/ doesn't give you enough attention.

> attention

> 89 subscribers


Ideologies are the biggest conspiracy of all.

Open your fucking mail, holy shit

/u/aldebaran333 why cant daily stormer just use the same webhost that isis uses?