All White People are Racist - PayPal Me Now

95  2017-08-18 by newcomer_ts


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I'll decline...Looks like she's feeding herself quite well just on my tax money.

Goddamned right. Reparations? She has them in spades in the form of food stamps and EBT cards

The Hut are real!!!

PayPal Me Now!!!!

Hutts they are called hutts You bantha sucking swine.

Mod her now now now.

乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚


"Pay me but you don't get any benefits lmao". I mean if you were poor, maybe, but there's a thing called welfare for that. First, I don't know who you are. Second, the organisation should pay the costs of travel and food.

I really hope this gig economy bubble explodes tbqh.

I think its a sexual thing, like findom. Those white ladies in the audience are reaching a level of fulfilment that they just can't get to with the pool boy any more.

How long did it take to stuff all her fat into that outfit and how is it not a crime.

That is fact body paint. After a certain level of fattness it just gets easier to paint yourself than get dressed.

Dude we have to sleep at night! Stahp!

Fat Albert had a sex change🤔.....Anyway she will die before being able to vote for Beyonce in 2020.

Trump will be two bubbles on the next ballot, if the Dems know what's good for them.

By the way, for reals, what happens if Trump decides to run for the Democrats and wins the primaries?

They've got superdelegates in place so that things like that don't happen.


I want to watch her twerk on my your face.

I want to watch her twerk on my your face fall over and crush your pasty white ass into a thin layer of human jello without even noticing. this is how the mayocide starts.

Sounds good

Tharr she fucking blows.

All white people are racist.

So, I've put this up because I really want any white person in the room to know up front that this is what we're dealing with, that it's not going to be this coddling of white tears, and what that looks like. We're not gonna discuss, "oh, maybe some of us have worked it out," no. You're always gonna be racist, actually. So even when you're on your path to trying to figure out how to be a better human being (because I believe that white people are born into not being, instead of people of color and black folks being dehumanized, actually everyone is dehumanized within white supremacy, that you all are born into a life to not be human, and that's what you all are taught to do: to be demons.)

So, in this particular way, white people are all racist. I just want you all to know that up front.

All r/drama people are retarded.

So, I've put this up because I really want any dramanaut in the room to know up front that this is what we're dealing with, that it's not going to be this posting of bussy, and what that looks like. We're not gonna discuss, "oh, maybe np links aren't so bad after all," no. You're always gonna be retarded, actually. So even when you're on your path to trying to figure out how to post to a better sub (because I believe that r/drama is born into not being socially, instead of agenda posters and SRDine folks needing to themselves safe, actually everyone should on r/drama needs to do that, that you all are born into a life to not understand basic hygiene, and that's what you all are taught to do: to be incels.)

So, in this particular way, dramanauts are all retarded. I just want you all to know that up front.

I was really hoping this would end with a socksoff ad.

"This race isint human"

I'm not racist


Mayocide now. Venmo me.

Mustardcide now. Bitcoin me.

There is a need for more people like this in the US tbh. Mayocide when ?

Mayocide now IMO

I don't know if she could swallow a pineapple whole, but I'd love to see her try.

Does this ever work? Do people actually send these people money?

Liberal guilt is a hell of a drug.

yeah, a lot of cucks used to pay women who did the same thing. i forgot the name but they demanded men to pay women to make up for misogyny.

That's called "my ex-wife"!

White people always need a side of mayo. Bitcoin me:



If /r/Drama was really into crypto-hate they'd send money to /u/aquota's Bitcoin wallet:


I'll send you $5 😘

Why'd you change the last 7 characters? Their donations won't go to fund my degeneracy if they use that address D :


I didn't know people like this existed

Hey heffer-lumps, by being a fat tub of shit you're just encouraging the stereotype that black chicks in America are all fat ass heffer-lumps.

But yeah she does have a point, clearly. So yeah I say mod her now!

The fuck she need more money for? We all know she is just going to deep fry it in some form so she can get even stronger and more curvy.

LOL the look on those old white ladies faces when the camera pans to them after she drops the "all white people are racist"

"No beauty or brains. How is she going to catch a husband?" "By sitting on one" my sides

Wow it's the female Tariq Nasheed.

The amount of people engaged in politics, people that give lectures, etc that are asking for money on patreon, paypal is growing but the day. It almost seems like some of them don't care much about what they are saying, just keep saying those buzzwords, being w👁️ke on twitrer and they can keep cashing on the situation.

Maybe some of them really need the money (this beetus in the video doesn't seems like it) but it seems like they are using the deaths, aggressions of people to winning some easy money. Like that guy, i cant remember his name. The one who made that Wash Yo Ass music. He was asking money for that site that put the name of supposed white men, i mean white supremacists, on a list. Scam after scam. So sad!

when retardation spreads, someone looking to exploit it is never too far behind

and thanks to the shockwaves sent out from last year's debates, retardation on BOTH SIDES is rapidly approaching record levels

Yeah, it's unbearable the "pls support me i rather shitpost about politics in the tinterwebs instead of finding a real job" crowd

Now we know why Ethiopia is in a constant state of food shortage.

I like how she almost bursts out laughing when she calls these old white women "inhuman demons" straight to their faces, knowing their actually paying her for this shite.

She should be modded here tbqh.

what is this twat going off about? she needs a treadmill

Lmao, that black lady's face when she says white folks aren't fully human.

How does one not get up and immediately walk out after that?

"Your always gonna be racist actually"

Lets for the sake of argument accept that premise, if you are always going to be racist, no matter what you do, then stop trying. Go enjoy that KKK tight knit community of other racists. Why beat yourself up over something you can't change? The ideology is necessarily self defeating.

Almost like they want there to be a KKK to justify themselves...

The idea is to get under your skin to want to prove them wrong, but to do that you have to let her be the arbiter of whether you are racist which puts her in a position of power over you. Its a power play dripping with condescension.

Challenging her would be racist though, so rather than be more racist I'll just agree with her and join the KKK.

These people would be the KKK if they were born white. All authoritarian personalities are essentially the same, their hatred and allegiance changes only based on what groups are willing to accept them

All those white people in audience deserve to be gassed.

Yo I'm blond almost white har, have white skin and blue eyes. I am the master race. Give me ethereum: 0x8d53987A82Eb78598E844Ed4E9905Fd2fCC049b2


No fucking way this is not a troll...


How is her figure staying inside that fabric? Looks like a manatee going through a mutated growth cycle.

Here's the video if anyone missed it.

Do we ever group thin people's health together & ignore personal medical history, genetics, identity, & circumstance? Nah, just fat people.

But you know for sure that I'm going to die by high blood pressure or diabetes? Yikes.

I mean, she's right that she might not die by high blood pressure or diabetes. Captain Ahab might harpoon her ass.

A+++ for effort posting.

So here's my question: She's clearly good at being a Twitter lolcow. Does that actually work; are people really paying her for this?

A+++ for effort posting.

I just started looking at one tweet after the next and figured to share just one or two. Like tugging on a loose thread, but it got out of hand real quick so I started shutting down cause there was too much.

Not even other fats are safe, if it's white it ain't alright.

Does that actually work; are people really paying her for this?

Very much so, they actually retweet eachothers paypals with snarky demands so gullible guilt-ridden/retarded followers will enable them further. I didn't start reading all of their shit thinking so terrible/nasty of someone but looking through tweet after tweet, reply after reply it's really obvious their grievances are petty or personal and they couldn't care about actual equal civil rights/treatment.

So for example, here's payee Syd the Sloth from Ice Age.

I know Lyndon Baines Johnson famously said that if a politician tells the


lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.


I didn't know he was being this literal, look at poor Syd catching hell now.

[*in Porky Pig voice] "Hello twitter? P-p-puh-p-please help-p-puh me!""

Please keep in mind as you read Syd's grief after her reparation payment, she willingly chose to do all of this voluntarily, of her own free will.

So for example, here's payee Syd the Sloth from Ice Age.

"My brand of revolution is taking underwear selfies."


I didn't know they made bikinis for walruses.