
12  2017-08-18 by Garrett_C_Cress

This is the first time I have ventured into this group and I can already see tha all of you are fuckin imbeciles. You don't even discuss anything of value.
Whadda ya do, just wait for an article like this one, then sit around with one thumb up your loose ass while you type away with the other hand? You idiots must harbor a tremendous amount of hate at the world, maybe cause your dad wouldn't let you have a turn with your sister the last time you visited home.

                                the gmeister
                                get used to it

Whadda ya do, just wait for an article like this one, then sit around with one thumb up your loose ass while you type away with the other hand?

It's 2017, I use a vibrator.


...You don't even discuss anything of value.

We don't discuss and share bussy that much, no. It's really a shame, for a subreddit whose pillar principles include it.

Discuss my bussy; it has a lot of value.

It's shit and useless and you should feel bad about it.


I'm acutely aware.

I thought it was a Gussy.

You don't even discuss anything of value.

I'm sorry, but bussy has a lot of value.

This isn't nearly inflammatory enough, step up your game.

Tldr: see you later, fuckface.

+1 Insightful.

[Loose anus]

Don't anal tight shame

I looked the gmeister up and apparently he was arrested for indecent exposure 9 years ago

92 was a great year.

This is the first time I have ventured into this op profile and I can already see that he is a fuckin imbecil. He don't even discuss anything of value. What does he do, just wait for an article like this one, then sit around with one thumb up his loose ass while typing away with the other hand? You, idiot, must harbor a tremendous amount of hate at the world, maybe cause your dad wouldn't let you have a turn with your sister the last time you visited home.

wow, this has broad pasta application.

                                               the gmeister
                                                get used to it

what, you mean get used to another borng loser with a dumb nickname?

or get used to another asshole with r/kstate as your site?

perhaps you and that other snot-nosed kansan tilden can be bigger assholes than Bruce and Ken, tag-team assholes from penn state

What the fuck is this skitzo garbage even supposed to mean?

OP is from this dank 1992 newsgroup thread

I copied the second response.

is this pasta now

Is this some pathetic attempt at pasta?

Sounds about right tbqh, only I'm an only child