Caamib alt tries to convince /r/Jewish to read Mein Kampf (also Caamib confirmed as identifying as Juden)

7  2017-08-18 by IAintThatGuy


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Wrong, I am not Caamib.

So you mean to tell me there are 2 redditors who would link to his wordpress?

Yes, at least 2.

That's fucking scary to me. Like I can understand Caamib is insane, but you'd have to be straight up retarded to propagate his ideas.

Actually we have many of the same ideas and he also links to my content.

Holy fuck he made a friend.

Actually Caamib was much more moderate before he was exposed to my ideas.

fschmidt from the love-shy forums and Eivind Berge are some of the most intelligent men I have met online. Both are educated and well read in various subjects. They were both incel at some points of their lives and suffered because of it. fschmidt was close to kidnapping a girl, Eivind Berge close to mass murder. I find their reactions normal for somebody suffering from years of incel. Fortunately, both of them have partners now. fschmidt is married to a loyal wife for 22 years and has two kids. Eivind Berge has a lovely anti-feminist girlfriend. Scum from sites like Manboobz or FSTDT would have never find that possible yet it happened. Some of their extreme fascist members suggest they abuse their partners. It just shows what kind of people these accusers are. Their hatred is enormous. While fschmidt and Eivind use logic to bring out some unconvinient truths all they use are personal attacks and bad arguments. I know that I will probably be hated too because of my blog. But is an honor to be hated by such people.

You're a 40+ year old man, with a wife and two children no less, that has admitted virginity nearly brought him to kidnapping and is now trying to convince people of a 'religious' genocide?


Elder god tier troll tbh, saluted and respecced.

Is this caamib guy trolling too or are/were you so dedicated that you infiltrated?

Caamib was banned from reddit. I am only here to correct factual mistakes. I am fully aware that people here cannot be enlightened.

caamib got a girlfriend from kiwifarms. didnt he betray his movement? 🤔