Two throwaway accounts slug it out in /r/ChapoTrapHouse over Bike Lock Guy.

23  2017-08-18 by zahlman


Have you posted bussy yet?


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/u/transsoldier why do you have any sympathy for Islam, you retarded tranny?

They have built their own case. The records from cell phone towers place him at the scene.

you realize there were thousands of people at the rally and so any cellphone "evidence" is worth about as much as a hot piece of dog shit?

Corroborative evidence towards /u/transsoldier 's retardation, xim/xer/zam actually thinks cell towers, carriers and cops can't tell different people's phones apart from each other.

Iran pays for gender reassignment surgeries. They're so progressive they give them out to homosexual men, not just trans.

u/TransSoldier do you think the skinheads in prison will let him join, kill him or will he be a whore for basketball americans. That's basically his only choices

He'll be more bussy than man when he finally gets out.

Idk why /u/transsoldier thought he could get away with making this case in ChapoTrapHouse. Fullcommunism and LSC, maybe, but he's getting his ass handed to him in CTH.

idk, CTH seems to me like they'd be willing to put up with a fair amount of antifa's shit.

They put up with some, but def not Bike Lock guy.

isn't there video of the dude hitting people with the bike lock?

4chan faked the footage, obviously


Mayos aren't people fam.

u/sex_with_Men can you actually explain what Clanton did wrong? It sounds like he was just defending his community against national socialism, like millions of patriots did during WWII.

/u/TransSoldier They're going to bugger him silly. I hope a black gang does it rather than a white power one, coz he'd hate that.

He can think of it as reparations.

Imagine being so stupid you can't imagine a world were someone would have bike locks in their house.

He's guilty but a better come back would have been "they are common household items". I have a bike and a lock for it and masks from prior halloweens, am I some antifa terrorist?

But so glad the dumb tranny /u/TransSoldier is so okay with people being attacked walking to see a homosexual speaker, sure theres no problem with that.

Imagine being a radical communist and NOT wanting to go to a Commune where the state provides housing and food along with the diverse multi-cultural mosaic of other wards and a very pro-homosexual atmosphere.

Sounds like Eric "The Bike Lock Bandit" Clanton is going to paradise!
