山歌剧情版 - Rain Rain - guai lo

18  2017-08-19 by snallygaster


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Half-Life 3. Enjoy.


Have a nice day by the way.

By mentioning Half-Life 3 you have delayed it by 1 Month. Half-Life 3 is now estimated for release in Mar 3454.

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stupid ass bot

r/BotsRights r/Modabuse

dumb fucking bot

what is this

guai lo

the remix is better

where can i subscribe to your newsletter?

There's no drama here unless she dies under semi-mysterious circumstances like Teresa Teng did.

Gwailo is Chinese for mayo.

Wait... oh shit... are they calling me out for... okay, it makes a lot of sense now. White people. We're so lame.

Lmao, no. I did some more searching and (although gwailo is Chinese for cracker) they seem to be singing about...other things.

Here's a youtube comment from another upload "translating" some parts. I will c&p as is.

@vqc2rswj just translate part of this青水龙潭插竹竿The bamboo pole Inserted in the dragon lake0:09 叫你莫疯你要疯I told you not too crazy but must you be so0:13 疯疯癫癫到处冲 you crazily wander around0:17有人问你疯哪样What do you prefer to addicted to ? 0:22 你说你要找老公 You say you're looking for a husband .0:28 0:09 叫你莫疯你要疯I told you not too crazy but must you be so 0:32裤子疯得通洞洞 There are all holes on your trousers after your crazy action0:37我说挨你补起来let me sew your trousers. 0:40 偏要留着好通风 but you say its cool and ventilational

I fuck with this.

I bet /r/aznidentity will love this AMAF relationship. #AZNpride

See, the joke lies within the rhyming of the store's name. Sneed, Feed, and Seed rhyme with each other as they each end in -eed. Taking that away, you are left with Sn, F, and S. The Sn is irrelevant in this point, but the F and S are important factors in this joke. The bottom line "Formerly Chuck's" provokes one to replace Sneed's name in the title, initially producing the name "Chuck's Feed & Seed. However, as the sign had previously conditioned us to rhyme all the words, the mind does not perceive this as the proper name. The mind then subconsciously isolates the F and S and looks to Chuck's name. Ch is thrown out as it has no rhyming value, and the true relevant phonetic begins with -uck. Therefore, applying the suffix to Ch, F, and S, we arrive at the title "Chuck's Fuck & Suck." The end result is a hilariously inappropriate name, one that would never fly on a public store. The reason this is not a true name is both due to an In-Universe reason and a much more abstract reason. Along with being morally offensive, this whole arrangement of words is a cleverly-devised sight gag, meant for someone to glance at it for the fleeting amount of time it has onscreen and ponder about it. "Sneed's Feed & Seed, Formerly Chuck's." They may first wonder who this Chuck fellow is before connecting his name in place of Sneed, and it is then the subconscious rhyming kicks in. The person thinks for a second, laughs, and says something along the lines of "That's hilarious. I can't believe they got away with that." Of course, the joke is now ruined thanks to lolsofunny people spamming it to high heaven always asking, "What did they mean by this?" or "ITT: Joke's you don't get" or just randomly shouting Sneed and Chuck's names in random Simpsons threads, ruining or derailing any semblance of a discussion they had. Yes, we all know what the joke is. No, we don't need this to be a micromeme of the next few months. You're killing threads with it, so you can stop anytime now.

There is so obviously a person off stage right giving directions to the guy dancing.

Also I'm not convinced this is more than 10 seconds of footage looped for 4 minutes...still surprisingly catchy!

That music style reminded me of this old starcraft video.
