MKUltra Bussy

39  2017-08-19 by NotAllMenAreLikeThat


Cool story, bro


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fuck you asshole!

Snappy please don't misgender her ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”

For the love of god, shave.

We just had a scandal in Portland where a bouncer got fired for assuming that a person with a full beard didn't belong in the women's restroom. Please don't be closed-minded like he was.

I'm trying to figure out if this is going to a huge deal or if Chelsea's tweets are just going to get absorbed into the ether of internet outrage.

If anyone hasn't seen We Steal Secrets: The Wikileaks Story, it's not the wikileaks story. It's the Chelsea Manning Story and it's worth a watch.

looks like some cheap whore my husband would pay $2 for like no really the not even there feminine touches the dark clothing the bright color accessories the for some reason eyeliner and the hair the does look like a chick but with the rest of it makes you look even more like a dude i swear go to NOLA down bourbon and you can maybe find at least 5 of these.

Post your husband's bussy please. With permission of course.

Commas. Use them.

of course milday

You need to use puncuatio. This is unreadable.

Oh no. It's retarded :(

I swear to god manning makes me want to become a Trumptard.

You don't have to be a Trumptard to point out that it's not very ladylike behavior. it just me or he looks kinda like a young Rob Halford๐Ÿค”



At least but u/mehforeverybody lunch first of you aren't even gonna get a room.

Ok, first of all, even if I would be at least a bi man, I would be the one doing the dicking.

Well it sure as hell is not a woman.

Can we hang him publicly.

Accessories make you a lady.

I gotta tel you all, if facsist where trying to attack me i wouldn't really trust in that person to be able to protect me.

Respect your soldiers.

I want to penatrate this individual.

Not sure if I should do so with my dick or a bullet tho