HuffingtonPost tweets totally hilarious knee slapper "Goy, Bye!" headline; retracts it and then claims people are too sensitive these days

206  2017-08-19 by HodorTheDoorHolder


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. This Post -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Spot on Snappy.

That's a woman?

I actually don't know.

I looked her up and apparently it's a woman. But even with that knowledge, I can only see a man in 'her' Twitter pic.

We live in scary times.

We live in scary times.

Stay safe

Don't worry, i've got a gun and shoot any tranny on sight

An engine or a car that transforms into an anthropomorphic robot?

No, a walking bussy

Dont kill yourself.

What if I do it outside though? Like in a field.

yeah, do it far away so it takes a few weeks before they find you (if at all).

Allah smiles upon your good works


I was going to write an angry comment but then I realized what subreddit I was in.

Is this why you are so butthurt today?

Keep yourself safe

Look at her Wife.

Do they really not have Butch Lesbians where you live or do they just never come to your basement?

They do come to my basement, they just never leave.


Lydia was Paul's first convert in Phillipi (sp?) .

Lydia is the same as naming your child American meaning wise originally, gone on to mean some greek nonsense about beauty or proudness or some sort instead of being a Good Christian Temperance and Virtue one.

Also Lydia Polgreen is a Women, she's a lesbian who's been featured in Out so i'm going to have to politely ask you to stop being so insensitive and bigoted.

She was also a tatooed lady who Groucho Marx sung about.

Also Lydia Polgreen is a Women woman

Just helping where I can. :)

Also your sentence reminded me of him

I randomly capitalize things, I was just explaining the name for all the heathens who couldn't tell if it was a Man's or a Women's name.

I did too think it was a man just by looking at the thumbnail but the name didn't fit the gender. Sometimes I can't tell if that's look they want to achieve it that they're stuck with

I think it is, wow

These people are fucking hilarious getting upset about the half assed apology. This is huffpo have they not been paying attention?

Snappy didn't have his coffee this morning, let me help your

Jews did this

Bots drink coffee?



I thought the jewish media conspiracy thing was just a nazi meme.

Is this real? Have I been being lied to? Are cable tv shows actually crafted to make me gay?

Allah, save me!

Bannon's a faggot who's entire views are based on what he called "traditional western Judeo-Christian values".

Well yeah

Not sure if you're memeing, but that just means he follows the Old Testament.

More like best testament in the west. I love to hate these fire and brimstone right winger nutjobs. It's too bad one of them became Vice President though :(

I think it's a way of saying "Deus Vult" without upsetting alt-right Jews.

Judeo-Christian values

I always get a good chuckle out of this.

One accepts Jesus as the King, the other, well, killed the King - some values lol

im too lazy to do it, but if you use that google-thing which shows when phrases started being used (i believe it scans books/article/text from history or whatever) there is no usage of the phrase "Judeo-Christian" until like 40 or 50 years ago.

Oh, I know…

Are you two really retarded enough to think that he made up the term, or that 'Judeo-Christian' is some new phrase of art?

Sometimes I have trouble telling what is retardation with redditors, and what is them being so fucking young and equally as obnoxious.

Shut up, faggot


Are you two really retarded enough


what ethnic group and religion do you think Jesus was? where do you think half the bible comes from?

Jesus was a 6 foot tall white man with blue eyes and anyone who says otherwise is a heretic or a mooslim

They are both master-slave religions for the betas.

Fucking pussies, that was hilarious

It is hilarious, and I'm sure a bunch of alt-right faggots pissed themselves laughing too. The only legitimate reason people should complain is the whole "rule for thee, not for me" attitude. If this was posted by Breitbart, they'd have their domain name revoked.

Pretty sure breitbart has done worse.

They probably have.

I heard they did a genocide

It was just a pogrom.

It is pretty funny seeing what crowd is doing the "i am SHOCKED and HURT" shuffle this time around tbh

Nah Breitbart also called that one guy a 'Renegade Jew'.

But that was in comparison to other Jews,'making him for perceived antisemitic policies on Israel. Still not cool, but not the implied context.

I'm a bit confused. What does it mean? I think I may be stupid but I'm a bit confused about this whole Goy, Bye thing. Was it accidentally offensive?

"boy, bye!" or "girl, bye!" is a relatively common dismissal of someone being annoying or stupid or whatever, used by youth, especially black youth. Its also gotten more common since beyonce used it in a song. "Goy" is a yiddish word for a non jew. Theres disagreement about whether or not its derogatory but its not a fringe opinion that its a slur.

Thank you for the explanation. Man, can't believe they didn't think that through. God sometimes Huff Post is run by blockheads

Yup. It's hilarious that an organization that cares so much about bigotry would run with that. Personally, I don't believe "goy" makes sense as a slur but lots of Jews and gentiles consider it one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ someone that high up in huffpo should be able to figure that before running it lol. Also hilarious that they pussied out

How did they manage to find a two word sentence that, just going by the sound of the words alone, sounds like shit?

"Bye, Goy" would have been objectively better in every way.

It's a pop culture reference, nerd.

Sorry, I avoid culture.

Gotta keep yourself safe from all that culture, I see.

Me too. Science and millitary victories are just so much easier.

Yeah, autists and barbarians don't really do it for me either.

Wenn ich Kultur höre ... entsichere ich meine Browning!

It's a play on "Bye, Boy," from Beyonce's limonada album

But if the original is "bye boy" then "bye goy" still works better

Like "Auf wiedersehen Juden"?

I'm a man of simple tastes and haven't listened to that album, but wouldn't "bye, goy" be a better reference to "bye, boy" than the awkward sounding "goy, bye"?

I think you expect too much from huffpost.

What the does it even mean? "Goy" a Jewish name for a non Jew? :/

It means cattle and it's what they call non-jews.

Yeah, from what I understand it's literally just the Yiddish word for a non-Jewish person

if you listened to the album it wouldn't sound awkward, "boy, bye" is pretty common in that part of the internet.

also listen to that album, it's really fucking good.

Hey Taylor, I'm happy for you, and I'mma let you finish....But Beyoncé is the best of all time!

Oh man girls are so savage

So they appropriated the work of a PoC to spread their racist message of hate.


Am I missing something?

Bannon isn't a Jew.

"Girl bye" is the meme.

Bannon isn't a girl. But they should have just said "Bye girl bye" anyway. Would have pissed them off.

Yes, that's why they said "Goy".

Goy is short for goyim doesnt that mean literally a Jew?

What do you think it means?

It means literally not a Jew.

Goy, shorthand for goyim is a less polite way of referring to non-jewish persons.

So the subject of the term 'goyim' is explicitly non-jew. Bannon fits the term pretty good. This is actually a really good headline, especially for the shrill moralizing that usually comes out of HuffPo

Why are they appropriating Jew words?

It's a rude way to say gentile

A loose translation would be infidel.

Or cattle.

What are you doing outside /r/cedar rapids and/r/iowa? Did they finally exile you?

WTF is a degenerate loser like you doing in -- oh /r/drama

Nevermind, carry on.


As if this is the first time (((they))) got caught.

Just stretch that ass wider goy and ride it - lol

I don't even get the joke. Someone explain, i know goy is a non jewish person but ate they saying bye to Banon?

Yeah, Trump fired him yesterday.

I know but why goy bye?

I think this was their attempt to rile up all the antisemitic nutjobs on Twitter. And boy did it work.

Oh.... then they fucked up by apologizing.

Make the reporter an /r/drama mod pls.

Because only Jews are allowed to be in government, silly goy

"Boy bye" is the name of a song or something.

Bannon's ex wife claimed he made some snarky comment about not wanting his kids to go to school with Jews, which apparently makes him some kind of Nazi.

Hence they were trying to snarkily dismiss Bannon on behalf of the Jews.

yea im also confused on how people were drawing a connection between antisemitism and nazism

> Wanting to gas jews makes you a nazi

smdh fam

So by that logic Palestine is full of Nazis

my bad i didnt realize bannon was palistinean and all jews are israeli

You miss his point. It's not specific to Palestine or Israel. A large number of muslims view jews unfavorably and the quran and hadith speak very negatively on the jewish people.

They are debased, cursed, anathematized forever by God and so can never repent and be forgiven; they are cheats and traitors; defiant and stubborn; they killed the prophets; they are liars who falsify scripture and take bribes; as infidels they are ritually unclean, a foul odor emanating from them – such is the image of the Jew in classical Islam, degraded and malevolent.

You miss his point. It's not specific to Palestine or Israel. A large number of muslims view jews unfavorably and the quran and hadith speak very negatively on the jewish people.

They are debased, cursed, anathematized forever by God and so can never repent and be forgiven; they are cheats and traitors; defiant and stubborn; they killed the prophets; they are liars who falsify scripture and take bribes; as infidels they are ritually unclean, a foul odor emanating from them – such is the image of the Jew in classical Islam, degraded and malevolent.

oh well if bannon converted to islam i can understand why the president fired him. totally not on message

So what you're saying is that nazis are only bad if they've got white skin?

im saying its not crazy that given any context whatsoever people drew a connection between bannons antisemitism and nazism whether theyre correct or not

who are we talking about? bannon?

I don't blame him. A few Jews is nice, but when you have 25%, then you'll be guaranteed to be able to recite the seder from memory by the time you graduate. Plus, kvetching culture.

media jews

>not using "buy, goy"




Well, they ain't wrong. Why does a bad pun trigger you?

Because some people view "goy" as a slur. It's really not used that often. It's sort of the less polite version of "gentile".

Now obviously the intent was to slander him as a Nazi and to rile the "other side" up (which worked great btw), but this also (probably unintentionally) has the side-effect of lending weight to "conspiracies" suggesting that Jewish people have a disproportionate amount of power compared to their % of the population.

It's not just the GOYIM freaking out. The (((ADL))) and also lots of Jewish journalists were calling them out on the title for essentially giving credence to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, hence why the ended up changing it.

"conspiracies" suggesting that Jewish people have a disproportionate amount of power compared to their % of the population

What are you talking about? It's not a conspiracy, it's plain as day. And they got that way because they earned it, because they are superior to every inbred meth-mouthed peckerwood who was ever born.

We are replacing you, and the bigger and more violent your tantrums, the faster you lose.

Are you fucking retarded?

Are you fucking white?

We are replacing you, and the bigger and more violent your tantrums, the faster you lose.

You shouldn't encourage big and violent tantrums. We all know how things worked out the last time that happened.

@casey_NTX: @Huffpost has NO journalists or reporters. They are simply alt-left, hateful, opinion editors.

  1. Anyone who uses the new buzzword "alt-left" unironically should jump headfirst off a fucking building imo. Alt-right at leas was coined by the people who are following this ideology.

  2. Headlines and puns are as old as newspapers. I'm not a fan of huffpost, but this is, in itself, is not outrageous. And it was an actual relevant pun, since the alt-right kiddos love to use the word "goy" a lot.

  3. People who complain about PC culture and then unironically get upset by silly pun a should jump off a fucking building headfirst.

ironically alt left was first used earlier this year by clinton crybabies to slander socialists

Everyone one knows it's control left not alt left.

You're not wrong, there are just some butthurt retarded Nazis around taking this thread very seriously lol.

No worries, I was promised Boston riots so I didn't want my outrage boner go to waste.

You're not doing your job as a drama user if you aren't out there using alt-left as a positive label. That will make EVERYONE on every side angry.

Using it ironically is not the issue.

Not ironically.

I'm saying we should now identify the people Trump called the alt-left as the alt-left in all contexts. This will make the left angry.

I'm also saying that we should be saying nice things about them and their campaign of violence, terror, and pro-mayocide behavior. This will make the right angry.

Which means its an appropriately centrist type of behavior.

Who is the alt-right? Who do you think created the notion of an alt-left?

I see a lot of faggots ITT claiming that the Alt-Right were freaking out.

No they just rolled their eyes and said "of course".

Last time I checked (((JONATHAN GREENBLATT))) and the (((ADL))) were Jews. Hmm strange that HuffPo decided to switch the headline after numerous Jews called them on this.

lol getting this butthurt

Yes i am raging that jewish nepotism was put on full display! wowowowo so angry!!!

lol even more butthurt

you seem pretty mad

"lol" means i'm laughing out loud

wow, so mad lol. calm down. you might need a break from the keyboard

lol so butthurt double lol

ROFL. calm down please. your anger is really unneeded. lol. hahaha.

LMAO!!! ROFLMAO!!!!! You really need to chill out bro!

Open cloth show bob.

lol sir i believe lol it is you lol who are lol the one lol that is butthurt lol you can see this lol from lol the abundance of my use of lol laughing out loud lol to indicate the lol mirth i derive from your madness lol lol


Hey poor ass Yorick! Who has the last laugh now you jester lookin muthafucka!!!

THIS is the Editor in Chief of Huffington Post?

This fucking weirdo with dog buttholes on his twitter page and multiple shitty political memes plastered everywhere?

I was wondering why that magazine became such a trashy nothing rag, now it's pretty clear.

Still not sure segregation is a bad thing.

What did you expect from a publication that let a troll publish "It's time to deny white men the franchise" and wrote a lengthy dissertation defending it, including the phrases "feminism 101" and "blindingly obvious".

It's fucking dumb. Removing the vote won't solve the problem. We need mayocide.

TF is it with you and triple brackets? Are you Alt Right, or just pretending to be to make them seem bigger than they are?

I just think their whiney scapegoating is funny so I've adopted it.

i think you mean "(((Alt Right)))"

Of course the one time they're actually funny they delete it


A bad pun and calling someone a goy is truly offensive. Who would do such a thing?

Huffington post caliming people are to sensitive these days.... uh that sounds backwards.

thanks for your input Susan

I've tweeted a bunch about this. We do puns and pop culture references all the time. This one was too narrow and too easy to misinterpret

Ho ho. I'm laughing.