Is the death of a pet the same as the death of a family member? r/advice drama

17  2017-08-19 by InsaneStudy


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Well, for me....generally depends on the family member.

My dog died 3 years ago, I buried her myself and it was an emotional experience. On the other hand, I will try to outlive some of my family members, so that I could spit on their graves.

Same. I'll help you throw them in a plastic bag and bury them, if you help me.

Ur doing it wrong. You need to cover the bodies with lye & without a plastic bag.

It definitely can be. Different people form different bonds. Some of us hate our family members, or just don't get along with them - and we wouldn't feel as bad if they died.

To some people, pets are the equivalent of a siblings or child. Remember that many of us live in the same house, every day, without pets for up to over 20 years.

I had a cat named Shadow. I considered him like a child. We were very strongly bonded together. Shadow had chronic kidney disease, and it reached advanced stage in late January. It was the hardest thing to in my life so far - to make the decision to have him euthanized to stop his suffering. I've had family members die, that I never cared for. Shadow's death hurt me more than anything else. I cried so much the first few weeks, in public, in private. Over a month after, I adopted a new cat. He doesn't like being picked up or petted the way Shadow did, and the first time I realised that, I cried. Because I can adopt all the cats I want, but none of them will ever /be/ Shadow. It's been several months since then, and while I absolutely love my other cats - I still spend nights in bed sometimes, remembering Shadow's cute little face and wishing he was here with me, hogging the bed like he used to...

The average pet is better than the average person

And somehow you most likely think you're not an average person lol

i didn't say that

I was messing with you :p

I unexpectedly lost my five-year-old Schnauzer in 2015. Yes, it hits you like a relative. Maybe less intensely than a parent or sibling or spouse, but it was very real mourning. There are actual humans in my inner circle I'll shed fewer tears for.

Ready to diagnose any person who is crippled by furchild/pupper. You are so sick

well, i mean, if we're talking about a white family member, they're obvious far inferior to any pet worth having. it's nuances like these that are always missing from such debates.