Season three is posted in the comments

0  2017-08-20 by StrongerThroughFaith


About the Show

Three very different couples caught up in a storm of pure romance! Romantica: Misaki is struggling to prepare for his college entrance exams, but his nightmare is just beginning when his tutor comes on to him! Egoist: Just when Kamijou's life is at its lowest, he meets Nowaki. His name means "typhoon," and he's about to take Kamijou on a whirlwind ride. Terrorist: Miyagi always seems to shrug off the cares of the world, but even he has problems. Foremost is Shinobu, a relentless man who's adamant that they're destined to be together.

Season 3:

What the fuck is wrong with you

They post on r/drama.

Please take this 🔫

This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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What is this Chinese cartoon faggotry and why is it here?

2 atom bombs weren't enough. Tsar Bomba or bust.