Some Iowans Do not see what is wrong with a Nazi selling goods at the farmers market.

4  2017-08-20 by IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu


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I mean the cat's out of the bag now. People know he's a Nazi. I'd imagine some people aren't going to like that very much. And that's fine.

I said that it's fine that he hold whatever opinion he wants and that other people hold whatever opinions of him in response and to act accordingly within the confines of the law. This is America. People are free to hold whatever opinions they want and believe whatever nonsense they want to believe, as the alternative would involve policing of thought.

Your vital work against witches is a credit to society.

Lol. I know. I'm expected to be inducted into the prestigious Who Gives A Fuck Society. They'll be awarding me with their Don't Break An Arm Jerking Yourself Off memorial prize. My friends and family couldn't be any more proud.

But just not on r/IowaCity. I was banned for nothing on that thread. You called that dick out for being a dick. 👍

Iowan drama is boring and pointless. Makes sense.

Once on October 18th 1993, a black person traveling without accomplice, passed state lines into Iowa and stopped in Des Moines. In the ensuing chaotic 4-minute crime spree, he jaywalked, made an illegal Uturn, allegedly committed miscegenation and to cap it off, he was still in town after sun down. The community is still recovering from that scandalous, fateful day.

>Pretending he wouldn't have raped every white women in the county.

Oh boy, we found another witch!

Everybody burn the witch!


The way they spend their lives looking for the 12 nazis left in america and then being overtaken by a combination of smugness and bloodlust reminds me of ants swarming an injured moth at the behest of their queen, except ants aren't capable of being self-righteous so they're objectively better

"white nationalists fear whites are being marginalized and potentially wiped their own nations. whites are less than 10 percent of the world those fears are well founded. white nationalists believe white western culture is the best and is a representation of our biology...and our histories. whites have made the world a better place and it won't be the same without them."

If this is the worst thing they could find then they're gonna have a real hard time when they find out about shitholes like blackladies and hapas

Or is that different because they're not white

If you want to see some straight up spergery, just look at the interaction I had with /u/malus545. Banned me because he didn't appreciate what I had to say. Suggested that he might enjoy Tumblr account. I was looking out for him.

Seems I'm building a fan club on reddit.

Do you think there may be an underlying pattern then? Is it everyone else, or you being an overly-offended candy ass? I'd air on the side of candy ass.

My fan club insists of people generally disliked by the local boards.... and you. Quite the company you have with you.

Oh golly geez! The local boards! How can I ever get back in their good graces again? I'll do anything, mister!

You banned someone for saying something you didn't like. For making you look foolish. Again, you've accomplished so very much. Where would "the local boards" be without Sheriff McLawDog out to sniff out meanies?

Say whatever you need to say to yourself. But you banned someone. You censored someone. And whatever you have to say, you'll never have the moral high ground when you stoop to that level. Enjoy it. It's all yours. No one else's.

You keep claiming that my feelings were hurt while writing paragraphs that are soaked in tears. Calm down.

In what planet are you from in saying that I am disgusted with you for banning someone because they said something you disliked to be soaked with tears.

He Xer needs his xer's echo chamber u/malus535

Exactly! Thank you!

Nice edit, BTW. It's good you keep track of exactly how many people you've "taken the high road" on. You disgust me.

"keep track"

3 isn't hard to keep track. It's not like I need to keep a list to count to 3.

No. It's not that it's very difficult. But you still keep some mental record of people you've banned simply for hurting your feels. As if it were some accomplishment.

As I said, if you're anywhere near as petty in real life, you'll get precisely what you have coming to you. Make no mistake about. You can't swing the ban hammer when you overreact and your delicate sensibilities are bruised.

For the record, /u/malus545 has offered to sticky pin the transcript I create of this little exchange. Let's see if he holds his word.

I didn't ban ianpatrick, he was already banned when I was modded. I didn't ban buzzabuzz, she was already banned when I was modded. I actually unbanned her in an effort to give her another chance, before I had to ban her again. And then there's you, my first actual ban. Thanks for being my first, babe.

You do have an interesting way of "not being offended". I suppose the ban came out of love. You're just looking out for me. I knew you loved me. 😍

i like heow u/malus545 points out that he didn't ban me, although let's be honest considering he legitimately used a Steven Colbert quote in a post non ironically I wouldn't have lasted long in that sub.

Seriouslky /u/malus545 keep yourself safe

r/malus545 is petty alright. He's the one who started all of the r/iowacity drama bitching that I was posting too much legit posts on a DEAD SUB. On most of my threads bitching calling for a permanent ban. Had a fit when I became mod.
