Proving what most of us knew already, Joss Whedon's ex-wife says that he's an overcompensating faux-feminist loon.

175  2017-08-20 by letumblrfaec


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Looks like Whedon's bussy will be blasted by armchair feminists soon....

Sensitive Joss Whedon

Josh " I'm a male feminist" Whedon. He once again proves that menslib are just a side sub for all the redpill users alts and also their new plan to get laid.

that menslib are just a side sub for all the redpill users alts and also their new plan to get laid.

I really wish that were the case.

...and now it's canon. r/menslib is where Chad LARPs out his weird cuckold fantasies. What a magical world we live in.

That's so clunky. Please shorten it

that's right, Jay.

Can we mod Rich Evans?

Sensi J-Whed

Who is he?

Would anyone be surprised, anyone that virtue signals that hard clearly has a closet of skeletons.

he overcompensates so hard

for you

Rich famous accomplished guy married to boring mediocre woman gets a little on the side, boo hoo. As if there's a straight man who wouldn't take the opportunity to nail Eliza Dushku in her prime.

I mean she's only 36 and still looks hot.

24 years past her prime, tbh

When he said he preferred to hang out with women she should have known. No man prefers to hang out with women unless he wants to get laid

To be fair, his wife is retarded:

He always had a lot of female friends, but he told me it was because his mother raised him as a feminist, so he just liked women better. He said he admired and respected females, he didn’t lust after them. I believed him and trusted him.

She believed a man who claimed not to lust after woman. As a woman. So why did she think he wanted her?

This is like a woman telling you that she loves you for your mind.

Obviously he was interested in her for her charm, intellect, and feminist values.

Sure as shit wasn't her looks.

That just shows why he needs to be punished. He used Power Word: Feminism on her under false pretenses.

That is a solid application of 'listen and believe'.

Or they are friendship queer.

Yeah, jesus christ, she bought this on herself.

It's the same for girls too, girls who "prefer boys as friends" and "don't have many girl friends" are 10 times out of 10 huge sluts who adore the attention of being passed around and used by their male friends.

Idk. I always prefer mixed groups to just men or just women. It all just gets a bit stale otherwise.

No man prefers to hang out with women unless he wants to get laid

This. I don't think I've ever had a female friend that I wouldn't have boned.

Likewise, in my single days, if I was hanging out with a woman it was because I was trying to get her in bed and if that wasn't a possibility we probably weren't hanging out long...

I would have boned like 95 percent of my female friends of given the chance, i still wouls prefer hanging out with women than with men.

I rather hang out with women. They are nice to look at and can hold conversations on other things besides sports. Sports are fucking boring

you better leave /r/drama then, you wouldn't want to be seen hanging out with us jocks.

Shut up nerd.

D-D-Don't give me a wedgie! It's not like I would enjoy that, senpai!

Your problem is you're hanging out with meatheads, not that they're men.

Joss Whedon: Frequent casting

Whedon often hires the same actors for his projects, and has been described as "the gravitational center of the Whedonverse, a galaxy that spins recurring actors and themes through an orbital system of TV shows, films and comic books that all share similar traits: a unique brand of witty dialogue, relatable characters and fantasy/sci-fi mythology". Note: Due to Whedon's frequent casting of the same actors in various projects, the above list only includes those that have played three or more different roles in a Whedon production; actors that have only played the same role in multiple Whedon productions are not included. Stan Lee's parts are cameos, similar to those he has had in many other Marvel productions.

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Like Ryan Murphy

I refuse to believe that Nathan Fillion was ever on his casting couch.

Who tops?

Whedon banged Stan Lee? My world is collapsing...

male feminists are a mistake






I have the biggest shit eating grin right now.

My smug levels are approaching SRD levels.

If my smug keeps rising I'll reach /r/circlebroke levels.

Will you put me out of my misery if it does?

if it does, if it doesn't... whatever.

Well imagine my shock

Can't blame him. I'd call myself a nazi if it meant I got to go hilt deep into Scarlet Johansson and Eliza Dushku.

imagine being a young woman actor and having to have an affair with this dude to advance your career

He looks like he smells of cheese

Now I kind of want to see what r/incels makes of this.

Whoa, hold on a second. Before you go casting judgment or assassinating his character...

What kind of cheese?


sounds like an easy ladder to climb. beats the fuck out of the time/money spent on grad school

"Babe, you're gonna be the star of the next season of Firefly."

I don't get that shit, if you have all that money and influence, why not just go get a hooker? Seems simpler than giving someone a contract for while television project based on how well she fucks insteadvof how well she acts.

Maybe Penn just likes to laugh every time Alyson Hannigan acts awkwardly on-stage, knowing there's going to be a little tete-a-taine, oops, I mean "tete-a-tete" before the next series of shows are taped.

Also, it's all fun and games until the Pink Ranger look-alike turns out to be the actual Pink Ranger, complete with Chris Hansen retinue.

Because it's about power, friend. Knowing you have power over a young girl just entering the TV world, you put her where she is.

As Dennis would say, it's the "implication."

You speak as if you know lol, you're just parroting was other armchair psychologists have said on Reddit for half a decade now.

Why go that far? Just accuse him of male gazing and he'll bend over pronto.

I'm pretty sure that's happening.

I saw on him valentines day in Hollywood at a Trader Joe's, he was with a younger blonde.

Shit somebody who isn't banned and has a convincing post history please post this on /r/gamerghazi.

I'll get my popcorn ready.

Literally shaking in smugness rn.

Someone beat you by a few hours.

Have they? Oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Damn ghazi somehow does more reaching than normal.

Here it is

Are ya sure? Because personally when I think feminism, I think "barefoot kung-fu teenage ninja" and quite frankly I can't really process that that idea wasn't conceived with total respect and admiration of strong female character.

u/robertjhill, is this actual sarcastic banter? on Ghazi?

I guess? Do they usually ban that kind of stuff? I'm only a casual poster but it looks like there are other people in the thread busting his chops too.

Mostly they just take everything Very Seriously, even by feminist standards. For instance, you'll notice that the person replying to you there totally missed the sarcasm.

It's ironic, considering that the sub was built to make fun of people who clearly take vidya too seriosly.

Luc Besson has made tons of movies with strong female characters. He also likes fucking 15-year olds.

Well the age of consent is lower in Europe. Quelle surprise

I will never not do a double take when I see a photo of Joss Whedon's truly enormous head. It defies comprehension that a person can have a noggin that size and shape, and this is compounded when you learn that the owner of this head can still manage to bang woman. Admittedly, his (ex)wife looks like a tranny, but I'm sure he would have hit some attractive women in his time.

it's like it gets bigger every time I see it.

I usually find cheating on a long term partner is more of a sign of someone being a weak and shitty person, but not sexist. He would likely cheat on a male partner if he was gay.

Anything that affects any woman negatively is sexism, dumbass.

This is sort of how I feel about this. What the fuck does any of it have to do with sexism. He's just an asshole. You can be an asshole and hold onto the ideals of feminism. You just have to admit that you're an asshole and that your shitty actions aren't due to some inherent female flaw or male 'spread seed' as though one was a bird fucking bee.

Yeah, if anything he was empowering multiple women multiple times at the cost of one woman. The math checks out for a net feminist power gain. I say he's a hero.

She said he is a hypocrite, not a sexist.

Whilst I'm no fan of Whedon's sanctimonious feminism, the fact that he's slept around doesn't really alter the validity of his opinions. Surely feminists can sleep around too? Or is feminism a kind of priesthood, now?

Or is feminism a kind of priesthood, now?

After evangelicals crashed and burned, they are definitely trying to establish themselves as a kind of priesthood.

America might stop being religious but it will never ever stop being puritan.

Saving this for future use.

It all makes sense now.

Mainstream Feminism = Arminian.

TERFS = Calvinist.

Nah, its all Calvinism because it is all predestined.

to explain the joke

With mainstream feminism anyone in the world can be a woman (for men, through accepting they are trans - just like nonbelievers can accept christ) and become saved.

TERFs believe only some are elected (XX chromosome) to be even capable of being saved. If you're a male, you're eternally damned, the best you can do is accept radical feminism just so you can see with more clarity that you are damned.

to explain the joke:

With mainstream feminism anyone in the world could be a woman (for men, through accepting they are trans - just like any nonbeliever can accept christ) and become saved.

TERFs believe only some are elected (XX chromosome) to be even capable of being saved. If you're a male, you're eternally damned, the best you can do is accept radical feminism just so you can see with more clarity that you are not among the saved (even if you've cut your dick off).

Well, it kinda does. If you're gonna lecture others about how to treat women, maybe you shouldn't use your position as a showmaker to cheat, gaslight your wife and then pressure actresses into sleeping with you to advance their career. That's just my hot take, though.

Well feminism isn't just about how to treat women. Helping create strong powerful women or just believing that women are strong can classify him as a feminist. His mistakes don't overshadow his beliefs imo.

Also a representative of Joss did say that this is filled with lies and inaccuracies. To me it looks like a scorned lover trying to do the most damage by taking something that Joss values (his beliefs and how it defines him) but since we don't know both sides, I think its very easy to assume that he and/or she is innocent or guilty.

You're being too objective and fair and it's frankly disgusting. Please do your part for this 'community' to blow everything out of proportion and make it as dramatic as possible.

I've decided Joss Whedon is guilty based on my feelings and a tabloid article, please validate this or call me a shitstain and start an over the top argument about feminism, goddamit.

What do the following people have in common?

  1. Joss Whedon
  2. Eron Gjoni
  3. Unidan

Answer: They did nothing wrong

Eron Gjoni (or however you spell that Turkish or Azerbaijani or whatever-the-fuck shit he calls a name) was a incel stalker one step down from Hapas-Saint Eliot Rodgers.

He laid his pitiful inability to sexually satify a blue-haired hambeast with shit tattoos out for the world to see and thus made an absolute fool of himself.

That's what he did wrong.

To be fair why would his rep say anything different? It's not like Joss is gonna tweet "actually I was slamming puss in the reg".

"This is false and I deny these accusations, but I'm not going to comment further" is pr response 101 for these sorts of situations.

True. I just think this entire situation and the assumptions made are completely based on one biased account of events. Joss's rep could be saying the truth or could just be employing the most basic pr strategy. Unless Joss does come out and reveal his side of things, all the narrative is dependent on is his wife speaking the truth, which isn't that probable. What gain does she have by ruining her husband's reputation?

I agree with you that Whedon's wife could be lying. If they're going through a bad divorce, ruining the reputation Whedon has built up over the years is a finale 'fuck you' to him. She gets revenge.

On the other hand, why would Whedon admit to this if it was true. It would ruin his career.

We don't know who is lying or what really happened. It's a fun drama rollarcoaster, though.

I don't think it would ruin his career. His directing and writing ability isn't harmed. At most, some execs. wouldn't like him that much. But he is already signed on for DC films. He would lose some of his reputation and people would lose respect for him but that's at most what I can see happenning.

Also setting the record straight could get people back to his side. He can admit that he cheated but if he explains it as if he only did it once and when he came clean, told the truth, and asked for a divorce, his wife blew up and exposed him to the world. But we don't know if that is the truth or if she is telling the truth. Its a "he said, she said" situation with one side barely saying anything. I don't think its necessarily fun since so many people are hating on him for something that could easily be fake. I think everyone here or on the internet should calm down and actually think about what the context here is for the statements.

If Roman Polanski could still make films after being tried for child rape, I think Whedon's career would withstand this just fine.

If you'er going to lie, you say he had an affair, not that he had 15 affairs.

Helping create strong powerful women... having them work the balls a little...

...can classify him as a feminist


You are assuming that he did write these female as strong characters only because the actresses slept with him. Also him supporting (when he created the characters and promoted them in the industry) and believing in the feminist movement classifies him as a feminist.

Or he wrote strong roles and scripts that called for young actresses to make sure he had plenty of pretty young actresses on set.

Or he wrote strong roles and scripts that called for older actresses to make sure he had plent of pretty old actresses.

You do realize that we can make up whatever scenario we want. All we do know are the statements from his wife who sounds like a scorned lover and someone who says that its a lie. Believe what you want to support your narrative that Joss just wanted to sleep with young actresses.

Wow. Hear that guys? It's ok to not believe the victim now!

How do we know she's a victim? For all we know she could be lying and just a scorned lover after he husband wanted a divorce? You don't know if she's the victim. Neither do i. So stop assuming things based on only one account.

How do we know she's a victim?

She said so. You can't go against that, that's rape. Why do you want to rape this woman after all the horrible things she's been through already?

So you are taking only one account of events to be true? You must be so trusting. There is no matter of rape here and I can go against that since there is only a story to support her side. There is no evidence besides her account of events.

I feel like you are trolling so I'm going to ignore you now. Have a good day!

Well hopefully you don't ignore this: hope you have a good day too!

"I'm not saying we shouldn't listen to victims, I'm saying the so-called 'victim' could be a liar."

Oh ok

Why not? So many people have done it before. A husband or wife is honest about his/her infidelity and the opposing partner explodes and tries to ruin the others' reputation and life. Basic strategy of a scorned lover.

If we are to believe her, Joss's wife is a victim of lying and being in a relationship with an unfaithful man. At the same time, she could be exaggerating details and straight up lying. Maybe Joss didn't cheat and just wanted a divorce. His wife took matters into her own hands and tried to ruin his reputation for leaving her. We don't know know whether Joss's wife is telling the truth about any account, nobody has corroborated this story. So nobody knows if she is actually a victim at all or on the opposite side if she's telling the complete truth.

Point of clarification: the article doesn’t mention the word lies at all. It says inaccuracy

Excellent! Can we all justify our lying and cheating away as "trying to create powerful women", or just male feminists?

pressure actresses into sleeping with you

Is there any evidence Whedon did this, other than you wanting it to be true because you hate men?

Is there any evidence Whedon did this

I feel it in my heart fam. Evidence? Did you stumble across this subreddit by accident lmao.

other than you wanting it to be true because you hate men?

Are you assuming how I feel? You filthy women hater, KYS.

Are you assuming how I feel?

Just using the benefits of my superior masculine intelligence to come to a completely correct conclusion

women hater

Only the uggos tbh

I'm literally shaking like now. This is why I need feminism.

no one in his position needs to pressure anyone. that's the joy of status

You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

  • Feminism in 2017

When a guy keeps making up these feisty, empowered girl characters, I'd like to some some evidence that he isn't screwing the actresses.

Ohh I know this!

Something, something Power differentials!

I love Buffy, Firefly and Dollhouse. I used to freaking love Joss Whedon. It's a shame he turned out to be such a twat. Or maybe he always was a cunt, idk.

Does anyone find it hilarious/alarming just how many male feminists tend to be really shitty towards the women in their lives? It's starting to feel like men who believe 'all men are sexist' are doing it to justify and hide their own fucked up views on women.

Does anyone else find it alarming just how many male feminists tend to be really shitty towards the women in their lives?

Doctor's offices are full of sick people and churches are for sinners, my nigga.

...but what is r/drama full of?

Honestly, mostly people that are tired of getting banned by the insane shut-ins that "mod" other subs.

Homosexual autists, got it.

No, we're mostly all just cunts.

Every day just trying to Keep Myself Safe but never works out


Have you read any of the shit your write?

Yeah, its pretty entertaining. Sometimes I go back and read my own posts.

Do you go back and touch yourself while reading the highly upvoted or downvoted posts?

I said entertaining. Not arousing.

Haha yeah not me either that'd be weird

I think he has a point. Drama is the sub people are drawn too after they get banned for being too left on a right sub or too right in a left sub. Radical centrists only.

What a load of self serving shite.

No shit

Bit ironic bitching about being banned when you post on the donald. They ban everyone who so much as mildly criticises their batshit conspiracy theories and hurt their feelings.

That is a sub specifically for organizing support for a political candidate. Bit different from "worldnews" or "ask reddit", which are general purpose threads.

Well, either it's okay for mods to agenda ban or it's not. If you have a subreddit that claims it fight for free speech, maybe you shouldn't ban people with differing opinion. It seems hypocritical.

Well, no. It is ok for mods to ban people going into /r/PortlandTrailblazers to disrupt discussion of the Portland Trailblazers and call fans of the Portland Trailblazers Nazis. It is not ok to ban people for talking about the Portland Trailblazers in /r/basketball.

But look at what the donald has become. It's irrational, it's paranoid, it's hypocritical in it's beliefs, and it won't accept any criticism. It censors news. It believes ridiculous conspiracy theories such as pizzagate. A child could disprove those conspiracy theories.

It is one of the biggest Trump communities on the internet and it makes every Donald Trump voter look ridiculous. You can probably tell I don't like the donald subreddit, but I do try to read pro-Trump articles and listen to Donald Trump voters and try to understand where they are coming from. I think (or hope) most people understand that not every person who voted or support Trump is racist or authoritarian. however the donald, as much it blames the main stream media, has helped build that shitty reputation.

When it comes to politics, you need to listen to different opinions in order to prevent radicalisation. That's why, in my opinion, the basketball comparison doesn't work. No one is going to become a extremist and try to kill people because someone banned criticism of the Portland Trailblazers. The donald advertised the Unite The Right rally and look at the type of people that showed up at Charlottesville.

When you ban any political disagreement, the nutjobs in your ideology show up and try to spread. They try to manipulate and scare people into following them. This is what has happened in the donald.



Td is shit, but I never ever for a single moment expected better from them: they are a circlejerk by construction, they are here to cheer at Daddy and that's it.

When r/news upvotes ten gorillions articles about how drumpf is totally a fascist and one article about Trump getting two scoops of ice cream, I can say I expected a little better from them.

I agree, /r/news is a bad subreddit but I think it's always been like that. All the posts are sensational articles in order to get the most upvotes or to further your agenda that day.

I don't you should seriously get either your news or politics from reddit. It can be a fun website to share opinions on but only if you don't take it too seriously.

it won't accept any criticism.

It isn't for criticism. It is for advancing and supporting Americanism and President Donald J. Trump.

When it comes to politics, you need to listen to different opinions in order to prevent radicalisation

Exactly. Take up your complaint with /r/politics

So we're going to play the whataboutism game instead? God forbid you had to go outside the echo-chamber and think for yourself for once in your life.

/r/politics is for debating politics.

Politics is a shit subreddit but I wasn't talking about politics, I was talking about the donald.

the_donald isn't for haters. You can't come into my house to start a fight with me.

If you want open political debate, you should be able to do it in /r/politics.

did you read my post at all on why the donald should be open for political debate?

It looked very long and gay.

The very short and extra gay version then: When you don't expose yourself to political diversity, you have a higher chance of becoming radicalised. Look at what happened at Charlottesville.

I know, man. It is a shame that /r/politics is such a leftist cesspool.

So we're back to whataboutism. This is your brain on the donald tbh.

The_Donald is for supporting The Donald. /r/politics is for discussing politics, generally. If you aren't a supporter of the President, The_Donald is not 4 u

When you don't expose yourself to political diversity, you have a higher chance of becoming radicalised. Look at what happened at Charlottesville.

Indeed.Violent radical leftists are a sad result of people being exposed to anti-democratic brainwashing in schools.

So we're back to whataboutism. This is your brain on the donald tbh.

Perhaps you can try /r/politics if you would like to discuss politics.

Politics is a shit subreddit but I wasn't talking about politics, I was talking about the donald.

the_donald doesnt exist to do the job of /r/politics

When you don't expose yourself to political diversity, you have a higher chance of becoming radicalised. Look at what happened at Charlottesville.

Yeah, spending too much time at /r/anarchism can be hazardous to your health.

Why do you think I'm an anarchist?

The retards at Charlottesville were anarchists.

If you have a guilty conscience, that's on you.

I have a feeling that if I said 'all the donald posters are nazis' you would go even more frothing retard than you are now.

So we're going to play the whataboutism game instead?

LMAO fam



This same argument has been had on reddit about 100,000 times by now. How fucking retarded do you have to be to want to have it again? Holy shit

the fuck are you


It's starting to feel like men who believe 'all men are sexist' are doing it to justify and hide their own fucked up views on women.

Plenty of Christian Fundies say anti-gay or anti-adultery shit then turn out to be slimeballs so I wouldn't say it's surprising.

The only way to cure my gay is to pray the gay of others away.

I used to freaking love Joss Whedon. It's a shame he turned out to be such a twat. Or maybe he always was one, idk.

The internet has made 'never meet your hero' pretty much impossible.

I try to keep my heroes entirely fictional -- so if some author or screenwriter tells a different version or a part I don't like, I can just ignore it-- doesn't count as denying reality since it's all made up anyway.

I dunno that I held Joss as a "hero" per se, but-- turns out I looked up to him or at least to his well earned place in geek culture way more than I should have.

It sucks.

At this point it's not alarming it's just expected. No wonder so many hardcore feminist women have so much hatred for men. Look at the ones they surround themselves with.

Remember back when Republicans disliked gay people and yet every six months one of them would be outed having a gay affair? And it was usually the ones yelling the loudest about how being gay was sinful?

These liberal ultra-feminists are just the modern version of that. They can't be comfortable with who they are, so instead of adopting a happy bachelor lifestyle, they embrace feminism 110% to repress their "sinful" urges.

I love Buffy, Firefly and Dollhouse. I used to freaking love Joss Whedon. It's a shame he turned out to be such a twat. Or maybe he always was one, idk.

you can think someone is a twat and still enjoy what they create.

Does anyone else find it alarming just how many male feminists tend to be really shitty towards the women in their lives?

Not to bring up GG...

But let's just say that in the game of: "Which men in that culture war have later been found out to be pedos/rapists/girlfriend abusers/girlfriend murderers".... The counter in the anti-SJW/gg column is 0, and the count in the "feminist ally" column is not.

They believe in shit like patriarchy and men being oppressive and all of them being rapists because that is how they think. And because they're too stupid to realize that they're just a shit human being, they assume that all men must be just like them.

But let's just say that in the game of: "Which men in that culture war have later been found out to be pedos/rapists/girlfriend abusers/girlfriend murderers".... The counter in the anti-SJW/gg column is 0, and the count in the "feminist ally" column is not.

Is really this true? I don't care about gamergate but I do know that nutters like Davis Aurini supported it and he is pretty "anti-sjw". I'm not saying everyone within gamergate is like that, but I think you will always find weirdos in communities, especially on the internet. Might want to have a hard look at your own community before making a statement like that.

But I do agree there have be a good few reports of feminist men turning out to be very creepy individuals. It's enough that it would make me hesitate going on a date with a feminist anyway.

It's starting to feel like TYPE OF PERSON who believe 'all TYPE OF PERSON are NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTE' are doing it to justify and hide their own NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTE.

Seems kind of a no-shit conclusion when you break it down, don't you think?

I've always been of the belief that legitimately nice people don't need constant reminders or indoctrination to live by that axiom.

Wait... an ex-lover who outs a partner as a piece of shit in an online rant, to bring the full force of the Internet down on that person.

Where have I seen this before? :thinking:

Wait, so gamerghazi thinks cheating on your partner, lying to them about it, gas lighting them when they bring up their concerns, etc... that's abusive and anti feminist?

And spreading what they did online is a good thing?

cheating on your partner

exploring your feminine sexuality in a patriarchal society*

lying to them about it

protecting your life in the face of toxic masculinity*

gas lighting them when they bring up their concerns

questioning society's views on slut-shaming*


exploring your feminine sexuality in a patriarchal society*

THAT'S what Joss was doing? Oh, well I'm sure Ghazi will be fine with it then.

Oh we're talking about him? Sorry I thought we were talking about Zoe.

Yeah you're right he's just human trash.

His statement: "A spokesperson for Joss Whedon provided the following response, “While this account includes inaccuracies and misrepresentations which can be harmful to their family, Joss is not commenting, out of concern for his children and out of respect for his ex-wife.”"

not commenting except for having his spokesperson tell everybody his ex is a crazy bitch who's totally making all of this shit up



It seems like the only evidence she has is that he cheated on her. I dont see how thats an unfeminist act. Tons of women cheat. And they use bullshit reasons to do it too. And she also claims to have ptsd from being cheated on. Ive cheated on a bunch of women. I dont think any of them got ptsd. I dont think that's evidence i hate women either. I just dont think relationships matter.

Cucking your husband is one of the most woke feminist acts a woman can perform.

Feminists have been defending women's rights to cheat on their husbands forever.

Shocking! A popular man with power and money had lots of affairs? I am at a loss for words.

Such a self righteous ideologue was actually a lying hypocrite all along.


i still have no idea who joss whedon is. i assume some star trek dude because his name sounds weird as fuck

It's easy to say "keep your d in your pants" from the sideline , but artists are often self destructive creatures who dance on the line of self righteous authority leaders.

Not defending his actions in any way. Just saying that we live in an era where the Author's face is as well known as their work. I couldn't help but wonder if JK Rowling's original Baby Daddy had come out with something like this - if it would have been taken with so much "this is probably 100% true" but that's a different convo for a different day.

To some degree I feel bad for their kids. A divorce in private is hard enough on a high school kid. But dirty laundry coming out from Mom that trends on twitter is pretty shitty.

This is why you get her to sign an NDA.

How is infidelity related to related to feminism? Suppose he wrote and said all the same things but he was gay and stepping out on his husband, would that make him a hypocrite?