Ugly girl goes on /r/roastme, conspicuously brings up being raped, gets into it with yours truly when I give her what she asked for.

0  2017-08-20 by OniTan


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The fact that you're calling me ugly for no reason in the post title really shows who's trying to start the drama here.

Because I saw a picture of you and I have functioning eyes.

Maybe you have some good features. How big are your tits?

pretty small sorry :P

Big ass? You're pretty chubby, you gotta have that at least.

ye boi

Nice. So, focus on wearing tight yoga pants and guys will look at that instead of your face. Problem solved!

Is there any reason in particular you're asking a legal child how big their tits and ass are. Is this the first time you've asked a legal child things like this or is it a bit of a habit with you.

What the fuck is a legal child? Are you retarded? Kill yourself

This is r drama. You don't answer seriously here. You tell people like the guy who posted this to sticky himself to a noose.

I've never really been on the subreddit before sorry!

it's really simple!

  1. be mean

  2. hate trans people

  3. agendapost while complaining about agendaposting

  4. force unfunny shit memes

oh btw, post bussy.

It sounds... lovely.

I mean no offense but you DID post on roastme I dunno if you've got the high ground here

Well it's okay if being mean isn't serious, and also said person asks you to be mean.

it's not usually serious here either, OP is just one of those dipshits that didn't get the memo

I've met a few like him and I'm not going to lie they always post here, or incels

Sorry, not incel. Just fucked a chubby white girl today.

I feel sorry for her, if she exists.

Why? She took 10 guys loads (I shot 2 in her) then her pussy got sore.

Only one that's being serious here is you tbh

there's a really really fine line between "absolutely hilarious" and "trying way way way too hard" and OP crossed that line ages ago

I find it uncomfortable and rapey when circlebroke2/bp mods try to tell me where my moral barometer should be.

I haven't touched either of those subs in like a month but Not An Argument.

how tf are you a mod in so many shit tier sj jew subs?

it's like a pokedex for autism related disorders

I was hating white people before it was cool

Giving a shit about mayos is letting them win

Just don't invite them to Mars and we'll be okay

Well it's okay if being mean isn't serious

It's rarely serious here, and I think people are enjoying you throwing shit back.

I usually upvote anyone who comes here off of a ping and makes a good faith attempt at banter.

Some of them probably are serious, though. There's always a few.

No offense but that sounds gay as hell.

Just call him a nigger paki furry who consumes nothing but trucker jizz and Marlboro lights, imo

I will unironically dat boy on a tranny grave

Hey some of us oldfags love trans people, we even formed /r/dickgirls to show our love!

This right here.... This should be the new sidebar

Is 16 legal to fuck where you live?

Yes but not with you, I'd rather kill myself.

I'd give you a solid dicking you wouldn't forget

Yeah sure you keep telling yourself that.

Yeah but disappointment isn't a great memory.

A memory is a memory though

Why just kill yourself when you can track both u/OniTan & u/DeepDickedHillybilly down and commit murder-suicide?

Come at me, bro.

Is your cunt as bushy as your eyebrows?

Read sidebar

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

fuck yourself

Answer the question. Shaved or unshaved?

Why the fuck do you want to know

Bitch, you're OK talking about the size of your tits and ass but pussy hairiness is where you draw the line?

The first two are pieces of information anybody could find out just by looking at me, the third is not.

I'm gonna say full bush. If your hair looks like that no way your cunt is better maintained.

That cunt is full bush, maybe a few trimmed hairs.

You're way fucking worse than OP here fuck you I hope you die.

Maybe I was a little hasty, that cunt clearly is completely unshaven.

What's with the random v in your name

Search for what kvetch stands for in google. It's not vagina btw

I have a suspicion that you're just an alt of /u/John_Ketch

Who is feeding you this false information lol? There's no way you would even hint at that if this was your first time here

I've had run ins with him and I do not like him at all. Out of everybody's username on the site his is probably one of the few I know.

What did these run ins include? How did Ketch abuse you?

haha I like how the first thing you say ask is how he abused me. He just sent me some really bad pms and threatened to dox me haha.

What did those PM say? You can tell me, I hate Ketch even more than you do

You gotta prove to me you're not him first.

How do I do that? Ketch is a vile monster, even implying I'm like him makes me sick. He's a cyber bully puppy killer ffa

This pussy thing really sets you off, doesn't it? Actually, since you're a dyke you must have had girls eat you out. I may change my answer to trimmed.

since you're a dyke

wtf makes you think that

I've went through all my life and it's always been girls that have been interested in me more than the guys - even before they came out in some cases. There was this girl who used to chase me around and try to kiss me, she came out not too much later. So anyway the point I'm making, no guy wants this, but every girl does apparently.

Ahh so you're stalking my comment history are you. Well I'm bisexual and I have a girlfriend.

You spent the whole roastme thread trying to get sympathy by complaining that you have no friends and no one likes you, yet you failed to mention you have a girlfriend.

Are you Jealous that I have a girlfriend and you dont?

Are you Jealous that I have a girlfriend and you dont?

Are you Jealous that I have a girlfriend and you dont?

What does she look like?

She's pretty. She looks very masculine and she's really tall(5'10) compared to me haha

Big tits and ass? Shaved or unshaved?

I hope you die in the most painful way possible.

Broken pelvis after a 3 way with you and your gf?

No thanks

K. Want to have like 6 drinks? (Rimshot)

> Thinking that 6 drinks is enough to get me drunk

> Thinking that being drunk is enough to get me to find you attractive

Sorry, I should have factored in you weight. 12 drinks.

I hear you find everyone attractive when you're sleeping.

Because this conversation is the closest he's ever going to get to having any kind of sexual activity with a woman.

Now you're getting into the spirit! Great job!

You are one sad human being.

You're gonna white knight that thing? 😳

But is it really white knighting if the 16-year old girl is the one successfully bullying the guy?

I'd wager he has gone after her because he has a long history of being bullied by teenage girls and thought this one would be an easy home run. Like hey, it's online, you don't even have to stand there going red and wanting to cry because you're behind a screen, what could go wrong.

Not today /u/OniTan ... your streak of being shit on the shoe of teenage girls continues, your day has not yet come.


It's hard to write any more than that when you're crytyping am I right or am I right bud.

I'm typing one handed, here.

That's to be expected when an incel is having a cryfap.

Or holding a revolver to his head.

can you not do shit that'll get the sub in trouble. it'd also be nice to have a hint of basic human decency...


it'd also be nice to have a hint of basic human decency...

Normies? In MY vagine?

it'd also be nice to have a hint of basic human decency...

New here?

posting your own argument

Hyperloop yourself to a ceiling fan

A couple things to remember:

You are encouraged to post drama you are involved in.

Right there on the side bar, family

Doesn't make it less fucking retarded especially when you talk about yourself in the title.

You seem a little too sensitive for this subreddit, friendo, perhaps you'd feel better in a safer space like r/subredditdrama

You seem a little too retarded for this subreddit, which is saying something, perhaps society would feel better if you jumped off a bridge.

Nice meme

Do you often react with this sort of violent aggression towards people trying to help you, chum?

Maybe you need to spend a little less time on the internet and more time keeping yourself safe.

munch on my hot ass

no one asked you to defend them, so i suggested you take a breather

The unwritten implication there is to post drama you're involved in when it's actually funny and not just kinda embarrassing

Take a 9mm selfie, OP

Too much bullet for too little brain matter.

Too little butterfly wings.

Is this a vampire world?

not how i would spend a sunday


this isnt pol....go fuck yourself

Why do normies accept that a 10/10 guy can get women no matter what, but they refuse to accept the opposite?

Notice how any time an incel makes a fake dating profile with a more attractive pic, all of a sudden his personality no longer repulses women. In fact, women flood his inbox.

Normans explain this by saying a guy who's attractive can be a criminal and still get laid. Okay. Then why is it so crazy to think the exact opposite is also true? If a guy is so ugly, no matter what he does, he's rejected left and right, and his only chance is to be a betabux. We're talking super ugly here, like 1/10, 2/10 territory, not your random bald guy or 5'7 guy you see with a wife (who probably gives him starfish sex anyway).

If a male model can be a child rapist and still easily get women, why is it not possible that a subhuman male receives the opposite treatment?

I've been smoking, meditating, incense burning, music playing. I've been thinking about women. You are all so beautiful and peaceful. Your bodies and curves are not only sexually beautiful but spiritually. I want to thank all women who smile and bring joy and peace to us. I'm in love with women and you all have my love. Thanks to all you beautiful, sexy goddesses that bring me peace. Your motherly instincts, soft skin, warm embrace. You are all beautiful and you all have my respect and kindest love. :)

Is it a coincidence that most successful people are NOT incels?

People who are very successful in their fields are often married or have girlfriends. Wether their field is music, sports or sciences, top tier professionals have healthy sex lives.

Why is that? Because sex is a primary need. Many normies say that it is not because you won't die if you don't fuck(which is true) but still there are other consequences. The psychological problems caused by the lack of intimacy and sexual validation will eat you up from the inside and reduce your quality of life.

Imagine yourself as a building. Food, water, social and sex life are its framework. Without those, no matter how hard you try, your building will always crumble since it lacks support. The components for the framework are not all equally important (water is more important than food and food is more important than sex) but you need all of them in order to achieve a stable structure that can be developed further upon.

The whole "focus on your goals, become successful and women will come" just doesn't work for us. You might be able to achieve some breakthrough but you will always be outclassed by a sexually active human because he is able to reach his maximun potential since he isn't held back by his needs.


You've been invited to moderate /r/AngloSaxon

/u/OniTan this is bad, even for you.

OP, stop posting bullshit. We don't need another radical legbeard running around, apologize to her before she turns into one.

Now on to you, young lady. Don't listen to OP, he's just mad that nobody asked him on a date when he was 16, even, as he puts it - "ugly girls" Don't let actions like these become a catalyst for legbeardiness.

Which reminds me. Incels are gonna be so mad. /u/jdm1891 got laid without even trying.

Just as a heads up, having spent a pretty decent amount of time online, your consistently dogged hounding of a 16yo goes down as one of the most pathetic displays I've seen online. You are seriously desperately sad lmao.

You know how you posted this to a sub that lives for drama and fights, and you got downvoted and called a loser who should kill yourself - that's an unfiltered opinion on how you are acting towards a kid. Maybe like, take heed.

Shouldn't you be running over Israelis?

No I don't believe in that actually and from trawling through my comments you will never find that said.

We're actually dealing with the issue of you going out of your way to really vindictively harass a child. Do you do this irl? The degree of venom in your comments makes me think you're the sort to follow a 16yo around a mall. How old are you to be effectively stalking someone that's legally a child? Seeing as you've made a point of posting a child outside of the roast they agreed to to get even more hate, we can assume.

You sound like you've got a screw loose if with zero comedic zest involved you think taunting a kid when they say they were raped is a 'roast'. And then posting it to another sub hoping other people jump on them too. Looking for back-up against a child? Just seems like you want to attack underage girls imo.

Call the cyber police then tip your fedora. M'lady will surely bang you now.

I don't want to fuck children, that's what divides me, calling you a freak, and you, pursuing a child online trying to emotionally break them down.

The fact you'd even bring into this sleeping with a 16yo like it's normal says more about your wants and desires - and frustrations - than it zings me. That wouldn't leave most people's mouths yet it leaves yours, only because to you that'd be a rational thought process.

You're not very good at this, are you. Do you think on some level you posted that shit to her roast in order to get roasted yourself. If you're getting off to this tell me now so I can stop replying, I'm not aiding your hate-wank.

Ask her if you can lick her friend's cum out of her pussy, cuck.

I see you've reverted to a sort of primordial 4chan. Do you think these sorts of comments are 'visceral' and will make anyone baulk. I don't care, it's a meaningless image that will never happen.

You know what isn't a meaningless image that will happen? Your parents will die fully and totally disappointed in the time and money wasted bringing you into this world. Apologies if either or both are already dead - augment that to they did die fully and totally disappointed in you.

Who is the cuck here? You want to pursue children irl but can't because ultimately regardless of illegality or immorality you're a coward, so you take opportunities like this to ask legal children whether they have tits or an ass or what their pubic hair is like, under the pretence that you're just edgelording dude, just being dark.

Nobody thinks you're dark or edgy, you're just a paedophilic slob. Nobody is commenting out of anger it's just pity. Honestly? I'm disappointed that with all the vitriol reserved for a child, when adults called you out as a loser you reverted to messages like this or worthless 'K' replies. Honestly, I hoped you'd put up a fight. Like you're really fucked if even online you can only muster courage against a child, when an adult says not 'you can't', but 'this is sad', you shut down. Who is a coward online lmao, what is that. Can we get an AMA on why you can only talk back to kids online and crytype and regurgitate 4channery against adults.

Write a few more novel length comments, please.

Everything I said is true and you don't have a single thing to say to it. Cry more.

Needs 6 more paragraphs nobody but you will ever read.

1) They've been upvoted, you're forgetting this sub likes drama and I'm roasting you while you cry over the normies not liking your paedophilic mating ritual - that's drama.

2) Don't be sore about it, this is technically the most attention anyone has shown you in years. I'm practically your step-dad at this point. 'Move out you fucking loser you're ruining your mom's life!!' lol

They've been upvoted


I'm roasting you

LMAO at you actually believing this.

LMAO you roasted yourself dude, this is spergy on another level

Lol @ him for thinking you're an adult, tbh

Your constant long-winded white-knighting of a 16 year old desperately hoping she gives it up to her most goodly gentlesir defender is way more pathetic than anything u/oni-tan has posted, and that's saying something, you ridiculous babyfucker.

There's no hyphen in my name.

You're right, the person who spends his sunday spiting a child is better then the guy saying it is retarded.

Why are you saying that like you're being sarcastic?

Go to /r/subredditdrama immediately and think about what you posted here.

You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. This is disgusting. Keep yourself safe.

This is fucked up, Oni.

Yeah, I like my drama with a extra side of fucked up

This was bad, even for us.

I like drama like this, we're living on the edge. It starts some actual drama and fighting unlike when 90% of us are agreeing and circlejerking.

tbh i gotta even the numbers so i'm gonna bat for /u/onitan



idk bother /u/comedicsans or something

Jeez, if you hadn't pinged me I wouldn't have noticed this shitshow. What kind of degenerate fuck-up is /u/Onitan? Lmao.

The only interesting mod is /u/snallygaster tbqh.

Is that because you think she's a 16-year-old girl?

She said she's in her 20's. I still think she's cute tho, even if that is a little old for me.

/u/snallygaster has to be in her forties, no 20 year old actually gives a shit about usenet tbh


(Onitan winks)

OwO what's this?

Some really creepy flirting going on ITT. Loving it.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)


Are you really that devoid of empathy? This is a 16 year old girl. A child. Yeah poke fun at her, don't try and use trauma as a weapon. You can log off and think "probably shouldn't have said that but whatever" but what you've done has probably genuinely upset another human more than you might ever actually understand. Change who you are, because the kind of person who can say something like that isn't worthy of love or affection, and deserves to be alone.

My balls are devoid of cum.

hehe xd, senpai can you roast me btw

You look like a fat Hank Hill.

Do you still have to sit down to piss, or did you get a fake dick?

I can't see my dick so I miss some times

Are you really that devoid of empathy? 

He posted on r/drama


nigga what is that?

The only drama here is the drama that ruined your childhood and turned you into a creepy little MGTOW nihilist, positively brimming with the hot cum of feral pigs and unable to keep a meal down thanks to the perforations in your gut from relentlessly stretching your fetid hole with a homemade dildo with a green frog painted on it.

And what in the the fuck are you posting this shit for anyway? Does your 1999-level trolling need to be publicly acknowledged before the voices in your head stop calling you a ham-flavoured cunt?

Stick to the forums and boards which turned you into this parent's nightmare of a useless wanker. Believe it or not, r/RoastMe is supposed to be a good-spirited sub where the roasts are intended to be funny, it's not a place to disseminate anti-Semitic conspiracy theories or MRA rape denialism or any of your other favourite topics of discussion. Ya absolute fuckin' cunt.

The only drama here is the drama that ruined your childhood and turned you into a creepy little autistic manchild, positively brimming with the hot sperg of feral pigs and unable to keep a meal down thanks to the perforations in your gut from relentlessly stretching your fetid hole with a homemade dildo with a green frog painted on it.

And what in the the fuck are you posting this shit for anyway? Does your 1992-level trolling need to be publicly acknowledged before the voices in your head stop calling you a ham-flavoured gussy?

Stick to the forums and boards which turned you into this parent's nightmare of a useless wanker. Believe it or not, r/drama is supposed to be a good-spirited sub where the bussy is intended to be posted, it's not a place to disseminate anti-bussy conspiracy theories or ableism or any of your other favourite topics of discussion. Post bussy.

Hey guys, I'm a mod from Roastme.

The comment chain has been nuked, as it was getting overtly hostile and out of hand.

Please report any additional overtly comments you see browsing that thread.