"Dear everyone on reddit insisting that if you don't like antifa, it's because you're a Nazi," starts a letter on /r/news. lolcow /u/PM_me_Venn_diagrams responds to this letter with posts that may be written in his own semen.

193  2017-08-21 by renewalnotice




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Dear everyone on reddit insisting that if you don't like antifa, it's because you're a Nazi,


...the second something pops up that paints your side in a bad light, you're immediately coming up with excuses and acting like it didn't happen. Pathetic.

That's the tell for a super partisan.

/u/zero_point0: lacking some self-awareness, huh?

/u/pm_me_venn_diagrams, please don't post online without your helmet, it pains me so hard to see mentally ill children run around without their guardian.

and most importantly, please Keep Yourself Safe !

But even more importantly, post your front hole!

It was explained to me that bussy is solely the rear hole?

The tardwranglers are slacking as of late.


Xhe used their tard strength to break free of their wrangler to post on plebbit

There is no fucking evidence

Except the actual stab wound and a million news articles about it /u/pm_me_venn_diagrams.

The left believes every story about Russian Collusion with less evidence presented than this...

Both can be true. I actually wouldn't be surprised if we never get any more evidence of it being an antifa.

But that doesn't mean antifa are peaceful or good people lol

u/PM_me_Venn_diagrams so the Eric "the bike lock bandit" clanton isn't being charged with multiple felonies. I hope you unironically end up under a dodge of peace

/u/PM_me_Venn_Diagrams http://imgur.com/ThyQggq

please explain you little crippled fuck.

What's so special about Oct 31, 2010? Why not go all the way to the end of December? Hell, why stop at 2010 anyway?

you people

This guy is actually insane

What an enraged manlet

"There is no evidence that this retard is a manlet. Stop overreacting" -the pussies at /r/short

Do you have a credible academic source that this retard is a manlet?

Any group that assaults and tries to frighten bystanders should be condemned.

The saying goes that we judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their actions. They are saying that just because they oppose Nazis means they shouldn't be criticised. It's stupid. If you want to stop fascism, maybe don't use the same methods of imitation and violence as the Nazis.

I do agree that one is more of a threat than the other. One wants to destroy a street, the other wants to destroy an entire race or religion of people. However, This 'you are with us or against us' rhetoric is used to silence people pointing out Antifa hypocrisy and I don't have patience for it.

At least, this is my opinion as a bleeding heart hippie libtard. /u/PM_me_Venn_diagrams do I get the bullet too?

One wants to destroy a street, the other wants to destroy an entire race or religion of people

Antifa are communist/anarchist. So at least in principle it's not really too much of a stretch to say they actually want to destroy western society.

In reality though you're correct it does seem more like they're more interested in smashing some shops and kicking some bins.

There is no real ideological requirements. Antifa are made up of lots of different people, many of whom bitterly disagree with each other.

Just because a Maoist and a Amarxho-syndicalist disagree, doesn't mean that they aren't both communists who are dedicated to overthrowing western society.

Because they are.

I'm no scholar of totalitarianism but I'm pretty sure commies love to gulag anarchists. I guess they are compatible though, what with both being massively idiotic ways to run a society.

Throwing all their former allies into the gulag after the revolution actually happens is kind of a communist trademark.

the other wants to destroy an entire religion of people

Let's not bring Jihadzis into this.

Are you going through my post history now? Sad!

lol, no. Do you actually post there? Hahahaha.

You clearly found this comment going through my post history since we are arguing on another page. You seem a bit obsessive fam.

It was posted on /r/drama, you ninny.

Such a bullshitter lmao. I don't believe for a second you just happened to come across this and commented on it without realising it was the person you are arguing with on another page.

This is some next level autism tbh.

This comment that is on the first page of /r/drama.

Seriously, take your medicine.

Do you have a crush on me? Post bussy and we'll see where it goes.

It's always the same exact people reeeing in every thread. Do these people use reddit as some kind of volunteering career?

Reddit is their support group.

Sometimes i don't like the way my life is going, thinking i could do something better with my free time. And then i see people like this guy, making himself a complete retard for defending these other retards that are antifa, screaming at the top of his lungs there are nazties at every corner and everyone who disagrees with him is a fascist.

And suddenly i feel better about myself and continue to waste my free time in here.

look at his karma count in just a year. I hate how much time I waste on Reddit while at work, and then I think about the sheer amount of time this dude must spend on here and I feel slightly better about myself.

/u/pm_me_venn_diagrams, your argument is sound! Your posts are coherent! And yet all of these people, in this thread, all pinging your name, you respond to none of them? Come on,tear them apart dude!


It's two sentences, one of which includes a quote.

Hey, fuck you

boneless wings are nuggets


Same poster is also in the thread about the AntiFA caught trying to blow up a confederate statue trying to convince everyone that the suspect is actually a right winger

haha did he just blatantly try to doxx someone and it turned out to be the wrong guy? Probably needs its own thread, to be honest.

I didn't even think of that, but yeah, technically he just doxxed the wrong person

He even knows it isn't the right guy, hes just so committed to pushing his agenda he'll doxx an innocent person for it