/r/whedon try to find a way to put a positive spin on revelations that their messiah is a piece of shit.

102  2017-08-21 by IAintThatGuy


Cool story, bro


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This is just like the time that Patton Oswalt murdered his wife and the horrific, disgusting denizens of /r/OpieAndAnthony flocked to defend him.

murdered his wife just so he could fuck an old used up natty gann

Better than fucking trannies I suppose

u/Domyfranky I hate to break it to you but any man who is a vocal feminist is strictly using it to get laid.

Or is gay.

OP is really bending over backwards to defend that one.

Feminists always seem to defend their own rapists

They like it rough.

Joss Whedon: Unironically a serial rapist

He gave her complex PTSD! Worse than the normal PTSD people in wars get.

Lol go to that sub and watch all those feminists defend an ally rapist ☻

Feminists proving themselves a collectivist cult where only popularity matters? Nah it can't be.

Always funny how a unpopular person with wrong think is literally hitler and will destroy us all. It the popular person with wrong acts has "reasons"

Him cheating was the most sex positive, feminist thing possible. Who is she to try to set limits on his sexuality? Thats just all part of the patriarchy.

Isn't this what people literally said about Zoe Quinn cheating on her mouthbreather of a boyfriend? They were perfect for each other in terms of retardness btw

Why is this stickied?

Because I can?

You can delete your account too.

Nah brah.

You'd get more exercise if you did.

already ran and then lifted today actually.

Cool story bro.

245x10 on the bench today. Feels good

Who are you trying to impress?

Mostly myself.

You've impressed me. Please send used trainer shorts and/or briefs to me. DO NOT WASH THE GARMENTS. i cannot stress this enough- DO NOT WASH THE GARMENTS.

You gotta order those on ebay. This isn't a charity.

because he wants to use /r/Drama as his personal agendaposting subreddit.

Can I be modded too?

Honestly just the fact that he pisses you off so much makes me like him. All hail /u/annarchist

i still can criticize someone that i've a positive relationship towards. anyway, modding /r/MensRights is just like modding /r/ShitRedditSays, if you do it, you care about gender politics way too much.

I agree, I don't like his views either, but he pisses you guys off so much it and it makes this place more entertaining.

You're talking to the wrong person; the mod drama ship sailed about a month ago.

I'm aware, but you're still bitching about him till now

Nah, I'm just calling him retarded. It's like when I call /u/riemann1413 retarded. It's an act of love, not hate.

/r/MensRights pls go

In the 50's women were "in the kitchen" because men made enough money to care for his family! Oh and Men cared for their families, Men were proud to be men! Kids were raised at home, and not in daycare!, People were proud of what they had because they earned it! They were proud of their country, their families and their accomplishments! The economy tanked and people this it's ok! It's getting better but won't be back to great until we get back to the free market. https://mises.org/library/american-economy-not-free-market-economy

There is so much information that you could read about how America use to be, if you wanted to, but then you would have to care a little but about this country and I just don't see that happening. Have a wonderful day and MAGA!!!!

C'mon guys, all the personal and professional relationships the guy has had with women over the last 15 years have nothing to do with whether or not he's feminist.

I'm just waiting for accusations of rape or spousal abuse. Because with a guy like that, you know he's overcompensating for something with all that feminism.

Well at least you have something to look forward to in life... I guess. Good luck!

Shouldn't be too hard. Those same people claimed it was a hate-crime to point out that some ugly gamer chick cheated on her boyfriend. I don't see how they can condemn a man for cheating on her boyfriend and maintain any kind of intellectual consistency.

maintain any kind of intellectual consistency.

Do they even try to do that? Ever?

Can we stop with the "they" bullshit? This isn't directed just at you. It's both sides of just about every disagreement on the Internet. "They" is always a group of individuals that have very different histories and perspectives.

In that case, we know who we're talking about specifically.

OK then. Out of curiosity, who is it?

/r/GamerGhazi among others (mostly people who are still mad at "GamerGate" and try to prove it's the root of all modern evil)

Yeah, that's what I figured. Exactly the sort of bullshit "they" I was talking about.

Everyone who disagrees with me on issue X must be a fucking Y. Grow the fuck up.

I meant the people who unironically write press articles about how gamergate gave us Trump, Charlotesville... and so on. They get featured often on /r/drama, so that in context we know who "they" mean.

Look, I'm super sorry things transpired about Whedon at a time where you seem to be PMSing, it must suck, but you're missing a lot of context on the discussion on this sub.

Nah, it's even clearer now.

Don't worry it'll get better.

What will?

Your emotional distress over the Whedon situation. Don't worry, even if you don't have much going on in your life, it won't affect you that much in the long run sweetie.

See, there you go throwing people in groups and thinking you know what you are talking about. I didn't say a thing about Whedon, and I frankly don't care that much.

The thing that would be getting my panties in a bunch, if I wore them, would be exactly what I posted. I don't give a shit if it is the MRAs vs the feminists, the atheists vs Christians, Muslims vs White Supremacists, or whatever. I'm sick to death of the way the word "they" is fucking our society left and right.

I didn't say a thing about Whedon, and I frankly don't care that much.

You posted in /r/whedon defending him. Then came to /r/drama to continue. Please continue to elaborate on how much you don't care.


I don't, and that is pretty much what my post said. How exactly was I defending him. I said that I don't see a connection between cheating and feminism, but that abuse of a power imbalance is another matter. That's not a defense.

You see, I was interested in what people had to say on the matter, and I expressed my point of view. But you aren't the sort to understand nuance are you? Everyone has to either be a Whedon worshiping feminist hypocrite, or ... whatever you think your group is.

You're the one coming to /r/drama trying to score points trying to prove god know what.

You don't have to read between the lines to see what I am trying to prove. This tribalism bullshit needs to stop.

Yeah but a really creative piece of shit

No questions there. It's just that his fandom is kind of cultish so you know it's going to be good when daddy is revealed to be worse that Trump in his private life.

Looking at r/whedon, I would have to say you are wrong. It's possible to separate the man from his work. I'm a fan of his work, and see no reason to defend his actions.

Private life apart,i think its a little unfair to say he's a 'fake feminist' only cause he cheated his wife. Feminist people are human too,they make mistakes like all the human beings in the planet. Was he a terrible husband with his wife? It seems so,but his work remains full of feminist values,and thats what we should judge. I dont care if he slept with Eliza Dushku or Amy Acker (just two examples,we dont know. But lucky him if thats the case!) I care about his work,which is far from perfect but its surely very important.

6/10 pretty good

If all we know is that he cheated with his actresses, at least his wife can take solace in the fact the he didn't defile his marriage vows with uggos (unless he mostly banged fat secretaries at his office).

Why is there a subreddit dedicated to this guy? What did he do? I don't even know who this is or why he deserves praise at all...


Does it change the fact that the dialogue and stories he writes for women give them motivations beyond their male co-stars whims

Lol. Who the fuck is he talking about?

If you want a higher dose of that kind of discussion you can try this thread on /r/GenderCritical. Nobody likes him over there. They don't even like Firefly.
