High-functioning crack babies of /r/Conservative want to give the Nazis a pass, toss the abortionists in ovens for a change

33  2017-08-21 by -not_a_mimic-


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That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works. We fight Nazis like it's WWII all over again.

Except without, you know, the massive genocide.

Thank you Mr Skeltal

Doot doot 🎺🎺

Apparently i'm banned from that sub? Now where do I go to converse with closeted pedophiles?

/r/dra--wait, you said closeted

I prefer older bussy tbh, more time to develop that funk flavor.


That sub used to browse Reddit and ban people for mocking conservatives in various political subs.

They also banned anyone that used the term "southern strategy" at one point.

It's just a giant echo chamber of retards.

They also banned anyone that used the term "southern strategy" at one point.

I got banned for that. My post was actually questioning the validity of the concept, but still, close enough. Most of the folks on there aren't really conservative though, they're either poorly masked liberals or Trump supporters. Very few Buckley/Goldwater types.

What does "Southern strategy" even mean?

There was a shift in American politics when the Republican party decided to pander to southern racists in an effort to win more elections.

In the past the republican party had been the more anti-racist party. But over time this shifted into what we see today, republicans have no valid defense for the racist bullshit they do so they often claim to be "the party of Lincoln" and talk about how they "freed the slaves" and then declare that Democrats are the REAL racists because of what happened in the early 1900s.

Well, the southern strategy, something the GOP has openly admitted to kind of throws a monkey wrench in that argument, so internet conservatives deny it at all costs.

How ironic that you're also in this chamber of retards

He said "closeted"

Does keeping your heroin-addicted prostitots in the closet between customers count?

So just regular /r/anarchism then.

Yeah, basically.

/r/Conservative once again proving that personal responsibility and individual freedoms don't overpower the will of Christ Jesus, Our Lord.

I think they should meet in the middle and just abort/euthanize Nazis. Or begin the Mayocide -- either will work.

I think you mean complete the mayocide.

We don't even have the camps put up yet. It hasn't even started.

I see you're not in on it just yet. Let me explain: we have been working towards white genocide by promoting mass immigration, racial integration, miscegenation, low fertility rates and abortion in predominantly white countries to deliberately turn them minority-white and hence cause white people to become extinct through forced assimilation.

and abortion in predominantly white countries

Now wait a second, in the US black women get 35.6% of abortions (closely following 37.3% white) despite being 11% of the population.


Margaret Sanger bless
You've done more for the White Race than almost anyone will ever realize

To make an omelette you gotta break a few eggs. Most of the plan is working.

Are you the sort of "alt-right" that sincerely believes in "white genocide" that feminists were spooking us with all this time? LMAO.

Perish the thought. I'm solidly alt-center.

Post a reaction video of you watching interracial porn. It's the only way to be sure.

Can it be gay interracial porn? Women are kinds gross tbqhwy.

Can it be gay interracial porn?

Nay, must.

we call that south park neutral.

You can lead a mayo to water, but you can't make it drown itself.

But nazis don't exist buddy

/u/HillarysJailCage, that's exactly what a Nazi would say.

Mein gott- I mean Shit, you found me out.

Nazis were on the crystal meth. Fall in line, genosse.

Did they? TIL. Problem is I don't consider myself a nazi or a very big fan of the meth. Also what is this place? Is it political discussion or like a meme sub?

It's more political discussion than were you came from

Really? Talking about white genocide and not blurring out usernames is?

When you come back to check your karma don't forget to neck yourself

Did you actually just make this guy An'Hero?

Well done, you've done society a great favor.

Dude deleted his account.

Not a Nazi, but deletes account. Just to keep himself safe.

Maybe he just went to buy some Tiki torches.

neck yo'self fo' you wreck yo'self

So was fucking everyone at the time. Doctors prescribed it for patients when they lacked "pep". Lazy housewives got to pop uppers left and right.


God, this fucking loser already deletes?

Throw them both in ovens, why don't you. Get u/chabanais in there too.

Oh god, 16 year old Young Republicans are the most insufferable pseudo-intellectual cocksheaths on the planet.

Using homophobic insults against republicans while agenda posting in /r/drama

I don't think you could possibly be more of a faggot.

homophobic insults


That's more like it. That seriousposting faggotry is gross.

But abortion drama is some of the best out there

I wish he would post here tbh

Ever since he got his fake ID taken he stopped coming around.

i haven't seen that dude in awhile

No, murder is what's wrong with eugenics.

Sounds to me like u/IronPathologist is a supporter of forced sterilization.

I support youth in Asia.


Why are you against free trade?

Only for people dumb enough to think murder isn't what's wrong with eugenics. These nazis shouldn't be breeding

pretty sad that not wanting to support literal baby killing can be a source of controversy.

literal baby killing

None of those words means what you think they mean

'muh bundle of cells'

"muh accurate description of what an embryo is"

what do you think you're made of retard

The subjective experience that is /u/-not_a_mimic-? That's a deep philosophical question that we may never truly be able to answer. I'd say probably a combination of neuronal connections and magic. I also personally lean towards some sort of panpsychism as an explanation for consciousness, but that's literally impossible to scientifically test.

What do u think a mushroom is made of

A whole lot more cells than a zygote

you're retarded

Well, yes. The same people who disagree with that also believe that the Earth is 6,000 years old and that anthropogenic climate change is a Chinese conspiracy, so I think it's fairly safe to disregard anything they have to say.

This, but unironically

only left-leaning atheists can be right about anything

exactly, glad you see it our way


yes, don't know what's confusing about this concept

Babies suck. Have you ever had to spend time with one? They're unreliable as fuck. Gas all babies, tbh.

Pretty much why my wife and I had ours.

That and mayocide.


I hope one of you is black or azn

half of all Asian people are white.

I saw a video once of a dude who sat in a hot car without the air on for a half hour to prove babies are quitters and cowards. That dude was alright

Seriously, as soon as you apply any kind of reasonable standard to babies they fall short. It's incredible.

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You should have been aborted tbh


So don't get pregnant.

Maybe you didn't pay attention in biology class, but that's what abortion is there for.

Lol. Wait. You think abortions occur prior to pregnancy?

LOL. You think pregnant women who get abortions are still pregnant?

No. I think they GOT pregnant. Do... Do you even read?

Do you? You said women who cannot care for a child should not get pregnant. If they're already pregnant there's no way to become unpregnant other than abortion. Unless you have a time machine?

If they're already pregnant there's no way to become unpregnant other than abortion.

Okay, so when I say "don't get pregnant". And you say "learn biology. That's what abortion is for." What you really mean to say is "that isn't what abortion is for. That's what you get if you're already pregnant". Look. English is hard. Don't sweat it.

What you people don't seem to understand is that sex, even the depraved straight stuff that leads to pregnancy, is fun. You should try it some time!

Very hard. I'll go immediately inform all women who have an unwanted pregnancy that IronPathologist says all they have to do is retroactively not get pregnant. Surely the fetuses will just disappear.

I'll go immediately inform all women who have an unwanted pregnancy that IronPathologist says all they have to do is retroactively not get pregnant

Oh no, I'm not suggesting anything retroactive. Should we go back to learning English?

Then what are they to do?

Get them to a nunnery, apparently. Or become lesbians, but /u/IronPathologist is a mod of /r/TedCruzForPresident so that can't be it.

Geez. This again. You think that once a woman becomes pregnant, becoming a lesbian or going to a nunnery is going to make her not pregnant? Or is this a suggestion regardless of the status of an a priori pregnancy. There must be some sort of time travel paradox here, or else a general misunderstanding of the English language. Shall we go back to verb tenses, or shall we discuss the odd stereotypes involving sexual and monastic lifestyles you've seemingly attached to someone of my political leanings?

u r being willfully obtoos

Heed my proactive, and not retroactive advice in the future? "Don't get pregnant".

Let's dissect this, because you've managed to misunderstand it in a number of ways, and I'm worried you still don't grasp the linguistic concepts involved.

The sentence is in the imperative mood, which means the subject is embedded in the second person (the reader). It is also tenseless in English, which means I can't can't ask you to do something that has already transpired (this is where i think you're getting confused). When I ask the reader not to do something, it implies a future tense, by nature of the request not being able go be retroactively acted upon.

So, when I say something like "use protection" or "don't punch kangaroos" or "watch out for linguistic failures", I am, in fact, implying that this advice be heeded in the future, due to the nature of time going in one direction.

Now, if you've come to enlighten me about some sort of biological concept in which "Don't get pregnant" can be retroactive advice that can be acted upon (time travelling fetuses, or some sort of biological transfer of information to the past), I would gladly like to hear your take on that. And if not, if this is merely you just misunderstanding the English language and imperative mood, I hope I've been of help.

Note that Ironpathologist is dancing around answering the question of what these women who are already pregnant should do because his answer is horrible. Typical cuckservative.

Look, I get that you think it's fun to use Alt-Reich words like that in some vain attempt at insult (maybe you don't understand exactly the kind of garbage those people are) but I've been nothing but civil. If you're not going to enlighten me about your initial point "me needing to understand biology" or something when I say "don't get pregnant", I'm really not sure why I'm here.

This is why most incels are right wingers kids. They put this retardation on display then wonder why no one wants to fuck them

Ooh edgy. It has a little bit of everything: name calling, retardation, sex... marvelous comment. Here's the part where you prove how retarded I am by explaining how abortion prevents pregnancy and doesn't just end existing ones.

High functioning?

I like that one guy straight up says "Nazis don't exist".

What videos did he watch because I saw a looot of swastika flags and armbands

Can you abort a subreddit?