Article signed by Ellen Pao getting praised on TwoX. You know it's going to be retarded, but I didn't expect so many conspiracy theories.

21  2017-08-21 by IAintThatGuy




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But still fuck Chairman Pao

Those one illustrated my point and were near the top. The whole post is a mess.

L-Pow my BAE.

What was that shit where the next Reddit Commandant after Pao tried to claim that Pao was the one advocating for free speech on reddit and that it was we, WE, that had killed any chance of it.

That was some crazy reverse-psychology blame-your-predecessor move right there, wew lad!



From Pao's article:

Back at Kleiner, I continued to have a huge problem with Ajit. Not only was he blocking my work, he had been promoted to a position of even greater responsibility and was giving me negative reviews. I started to lodge formal complaints about him. In response, the firm suggested I transfer to the China office. It wasn’t until the spring of 2011 that I finally told a few colleagues about my harassment by Ajit.

I'm not going to speculate on the legitimacy of her lawsuit, but it's interesting that she thinks she established "harassment" in that first sentence with "blocking my work" and "giving negative reviews". It really does make it seem like an allegation that gets thrown around against anyone you have a work conflict with.

Redditers didn't know who Pao was? Wasn't her appointment front page announcement material when it happened? I seem to remember people being skeptical from the get go because of her bullshit lawsuit against the previous company she worked for.