Prominent alt-righty is literally an autist, got into Nazism because he couldn't get bussy

40  2017-08-21 by -not_a_mimic-


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Snappy, he was already radicalized many years ago. What you're proposing is too little, too late.

Snappy's a little slow BUT IS TRYING HIS BEST mmmm kay?

Minorities took all the work

No one cares about poor rural white people.

As a kid I got beat up in a all black school everyday

Uh, well, that's sad...

I couldn't make Jew jokes.

I trolled chats while beating my red neck weiner to anime porn.

Oh. Huh.

As a kid I got beat up in a all black school everyday

Wanna bet that this kid woulda been beat up no matter where he'd gone to school?

Maybe. But then he would Eliot Roger a bunch of jocks instead marching around screaming about blacks, lol.

I got beat up by whites, blacks, native, etc in school everyday, at least my experience was diverse :D

Social media was a mistake, a huge mistake.

America was better when the only voters were rich people who debated whether they should care about poor people a little bit or not at all.

How long before the white nationalists start recruiting these guys as suicide bombers and go full ISIS?

Pretty sure the FBI already got in trouble for that. Not even kidding. Let me find the link.

Wasn't there a white nationalist who converted to islam and killed all his roommates not too long ago?

Makes sense. You pretty much just need to change your opinion on Islam and not a whole lot else.

72 virgins in heaven is a way better deal for your average incel than anything the white nationalists are selling.

Not long. If I was a mayopride nut, I'd go recruit in /r/incels/mgtow, etc.

This could be about literally any one of them.

every article about "prominent" and "leading" alt righters is always about some dude no ones ever heard of

why can't he just use his autism for something more productive like obsessively memorizing train schedules or whatever

*The road to Charlottesville, 540 miles away from his home in Paoli, Ind., began decades ago for Matthew Parrott, who at 35 calls himself “the first alt-righter,” referring to a small and decentralized movement of extreme conservatives, many of whom profess white-supremacist and anti-Semitic beliefs and seek a whites-only ethno state.

Parrott had been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome at 15, he said. So his family pooled their money and got him a computer with access to the Internet — a rarity in his neighborhood of mobile homes — which he came to see as his “secret portal in my bedroom.” In chat rooms, he developed a taste for intellectual combat, always taking the contrarian side, obsessing over how to dismantle progressive arguments until, as he puts it, he “ended up self-radicalizing.”*

oh that makes sense

There, he met people who looked like him, people he never would have associated with white nationalism — men wearing suits, not swastikas — and it made him want to be a part of something.

It's like he expects white nationalists to be wearing capes and spandex with swastikas on their chest.

Imagine posting pepe memes irl