"I get the impression that you're a liberal SJW" Drama in /r/funny after chunky chick in problem-glasses posts of pic of her gender stereotype breaking "gem"

64  2017-08-22 by FTFallen


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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/u/jockstrapsmell sounds like one of those people who pays to post on an internet forum.

There whole posting history is just arguing and calling people manbabies.

/u/jockstrapsmell if you're going to do that please come do it here.


lel you cant make this up. and this post https://www.reddit.com/r/AskOuija/comments/62r9bh/meta_could_we_as_a_community_quit_it_with_the/ hilarious

What an insufferable cunt.

Analysis is a serious weak-point for me.

Ya don't say...

You're the manbaby.

That's the spirit!

What if, instead of manbabies, they were baby men?

Really makes you think 🤔



I get the impression that you're a manbaby who believes in boogeymen like the fictitious "SJW."

Like, are they fictitious in the same manner as Santa Claus or the Easter Bumny or something? Even if you sympathetic towards social justice beliefs, implying they don't exist makes you sound like a retarded faggot

They went on to say true social justice folks believe in Marxism and left ideologies. Like that's any better. Or different.

As someone who actually cares for social justice, I'll give it a try.

Political "activists" that claim to be radically left-wing but really just want the thrill of feeling like revolutionaries, but are actually perfectly fine with the status quo. They aren't educated in left-wing literature, their belief system is based on rules - not fundamental values -, they are authoritarian and don't give a shit about actual revolution. They are often young, middle class and live a comfortable life, built on actual oppression, but since that's boring find reasons why they are the oppressed class.

If you demonize most of the working class because they aren't ideologically pure enough, without even considering that a right-wing redneck might be victim of a system of opression too - maybe even worse than a black upper middle class woman - chances are you're not a Marxist.

If your biggest concern is poor black people catcalling and grandmas using racial slurs, and that they should be put in their place. If your way to deal with contrarian thought is enforcing rules by arbitrary authority, chances are you're not an anarchist.

If you desperately try to convince people of your preconceived notions, even though the paper you linked literally shows the opposite, chances are you're not a progressive.

If your stupid ass """activism""" alienates most of the population, gives 'the left' a bad rep, doesn't solve any problems, pushes teenagers to the right and ultimately gets people like Trump elected then fuck you, mr SJW.

u/snowayne2, nice mansplaining there. It's good to see that straight white males are still r/gatekeeping the left.

I was so looking forward to arguing with the kid from SRS, but instead, the only one who replied is some retard from /r/drama.

Do you unironically believe in Marxism?

Can I ask you a few questions for a survey I'm doing?

The question "do you believe in Marxism" doesn't make any sense, but don't worry, you will figure out why in college.

Lol, I'm sure I would have if I studied some dumb shit like sociology. Tell me more about Marxism isn't just a collection excuses for being poor?

Guess it's my bad to assume that everyone in college should have some degree of general knowledge.

Yeah thankfully I didn't pay good money to learn outdated ideologies that have been proven to not work

That sentence doesn't make any sense. Marxism is a certain way to analyse things, not an "outdated ideology that has been proven to not work", that makes as much sense to call group theory an outdated ideology.

I thought Marxism is the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis of communism.

Did my free education mislead me?

No, that's true, but what's your point?

Do you believe that these theories are correct in their predictions or prescriptions?

It's like you are a caricature of college commies, smug, and thinking your way is the best and anyone who disagrees isn't as enlightened.

Even as a radical centrist I can't stand the arrogance, and that's what my ideology is based on.

So you think "You're not educated enough to talk about Marxism" is more arrogant than "This entire philosophical framework that countless, very intelligent people dealt with is bullshit because I and some youtube skeptics without degrees say so"?
At least I'm somewhat justified in my arrogance.

Show me an intelligent communist and I'll show you a secret capitalist.

So you don't know what Marxism is either, cool.

Did you basically just go "Not real Marxism." Preemptively? It must be nice to be able to ignore the millions of dead that come with communism and state how much smarter you are for seeing the only good economic system.

Just repeating phrases you've heard once doesn't make you sound smart. I never said "not real marxism", I said you don't know what Marxism is and you keep proving it :>

Having to prove my knowledge of an economic system that completely ignores the basics of a functional economy to a communist on the internet isn't really high on my list of priorities bro.

Marxism is not an economic system and I'm not a communist, but go ahead and display some more of your ignorance.

See that's the problem with technicalities, I'm insulting communists, who reached the conclusion by using Marxism. I'm insulting the whole concept of it because it's broken.

Wow what a great critique of Marxism, yea lets not worry about "technicalities" like what the term even means :>

pls mansplain to me commie. It's not my problem that the proles are to lazy to become as successful as I, the bourgeoisie. It's their fault for saying "finna", pumping gas, and spending too much money on flags.

This LOLCOW has full udders!

Dust you arty last study English? Because that is where you're failing here.

I studied numbers and shit. Engrish is no good for make money

My phone is overheating with that burn.

In his defense that mug is retarded

What's weird is that the OP seems totally normal from other things she's posted.

Former bartender here. The best line I ever heard, and it worked every damn time, was from one of my regulars.

He would walk up to a girl and ask her what she thought of the shirt he was wearing, perhaps pretending that his friend thought that it looked bad or something. So she says "Oh, it looks fine," whatever, and then he would hold out his arm and ask her to feel it.

Then he says, "Well, do you know what it's made of?" Girls says cotton, I don't know, etc. So he gives her a big ol' wink and says...

"Boyfriend material."

That line got that dude laid SO. MANY. TIMES.

I guess she just likes those frames for aesthetic reasons?

Very weird. Confusing, even. In fact, sometimes I wonder if most of the world doesn't even know what SJWs and problem glasses are.

99.9% of all people have no idea about this weirdo gender bs.

>first world problems

I have no idea what SJW stands for or what problem glasses are but would love to know because trying to follow this is hard.

You are better off. Trust me.

an SJW is someone who expresses an interest in social issues

problem glasses are glasses worn by an SJW

Bad bot.

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.92% sure that grungebot5000 is not a bot.

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Is....... is this real?

Please don't solicit seriousposting

Well, this is reddit where people act like they are socially developed. They like to pretend to have the groundwork to judge people based on a few clues, but somehow it always fails and it devolves into retarded stereotypes that only work because everyone is downvoting people who call out the retardation. 1 downvote = 1 right

What employer would get their employee a mug like that?

Also /r/funny not being funny per usual. Still waiting for the joke in that post.

anyone who posts on r/pics should be put down. and op is as edgier as a 14 years old teenager that visits /pol/


You forgot the capital letter.

who posts on r/pics should be put down.

This is r/funny


Do you like not understand the concept of capital letters at all or something?

op is as edgier as a 14 years old teenager that visits /pol/

as edgier as a

Are you missing part of your head?

If you can find the missing part i will be glad, it's been bugging me

Fat chicks in problem glasses are my bread and butter, I'm into this.

Jump on that grenade quick!

She looks fat.

Only SJW if the hair is blue.

Now everyone is going to turn her into an SJW by being dicks about her eye gear.

What the fuck is happening to reddit, SRS is being upvoted...

I want to get off MR BONES WILD RIDE.

Means that Phase I of the mayocide has been completed.

I just hate everyone who comments in funny

Feel free to define the "SJW," because nobody has. It's a thought-terminating cliche.

I love when they mimic the language of their critics and pretend like doing so is somehow insightful.

I love it when people think they came up with common phrases.

Yeah they just randomly came up with 'thought-terminating cliche' completely independently

I mean, they could have picked it up from a half-century old philosophy book but given they're stupid enough to think anyone would buy 'no one can define what an SJW is' I somehow doubt it

You've never encountered "thought-terminating cliche" before the whole identity politics nonsense?

Feel free to define the "SJW," because nobody has. It's a thought-terminating cliche.

An SJW is someone who gets mad when someone uses the word "SJW".

/u/jockstrapsmell if SJWs dont exist, then explain this sub. Do it faggot.

Yeah, sure, /u/kalinkabeek, you totally showed that dude-bro boss what's up. /r/Iamverybadass