McCain, Romney, and Rubio Join Antifa - Breitbart

5  2017-08-22 by DonaldBlythe


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Politicians srsly need to stop using twitter to say these things ffs

I'm not sure how you can look at any sort of footage from recent protests and not realize that Antifa is a problem that is only growing worse. Likewise, I don't understand how you can't admit that the left using violence as a form of protest is a problem.

McCain, Romney, and Rubio are three "never Trumpers" so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they wouldn't agree with him. Their political careers are over so it's not like they have anything to lose.

I guess every other "conservative" politician that refuses to condemn Antifa is afraid of being labeled a racist. That's fine, but your conservative base is going to remember that come election time. I think we're going to see a lot of primary upsets before the 2018 general election...

I guess every other "conservative" politician that refuses to condemn Antifa is afraid of being labeled a racist.

They'll condemn them. Just not right after a schizo neo-Nazi bowls for commies.

because they're not idiots.

I'd argue it's because they don't have spines and are out of touch with their base.

Every single conservative I know (including myself) thought Trump's remarks were spot on and we were disappointed when our senators and congressmen didn't echo what he said.

It's a hill, I just don't think it's a good one to die on.

I think a decent number of GOP Congressmen and Senators are going to already have tough primaries because conservative voters see them as not supportive of President Trump. Why would you want to potentially make the situation worse for yourself?

Let's see, I've asked this sub for PROOF that ANTIFA protesters are paid for by Soros FIVE TIMES NOW.

And FIVE TIMES you've handed me back Bullshit. Last night, it was a picture of the Nazi Uber Van that someone tried to pretend was proof that ANTIFA was driving people in from Texas. Every other time the evidence has been CLEARLY FAKE.

So in case you're wondering why this post is at +2 and near the very top of /r/controversial - it's because we aren't all this ignorant. Yes, many people here love to upvote everything that reinforces their partisan biases - but there's a LOT of truth-seekers here as well. And all we see here is a partisan lie.

By the way, if you're busy attacking anti-fascists, you are effectively fighting for the fascists. Yes, ANTIFA is violent. Yes, they have often recently misdirected their violence towards innocent protesters on the right. Those are accurate criticisms - not this made-up BS designed to discredit a movement with a TON of genuine momentum - which is obvious to anyone living outside a conservative echo chamber.

3 steps closer to the mayocide. Too many seriousposting butthurt-on-the-spectrum-cucked-conservatives commenting.