An unstable veteran gives his opinion on a now ex Seattle mod.

9  2017-08-22 by Standard12


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Fuck you snappy, I know that's a dig at me.

Get your fucking life together.

I just can't stop fucking up!

Your dad knew this when he first saw you eat glue...

I'm actually a test tube baby and I was raised by poorly programmed robots.

Oh shit I get a drama thread!

You did set of this u/ramona_the_pest fud off so good job.

This is gonna be the funniest comment in the thread.

Not as as funny as actually believing that you run the official subreddit for Seattle and have it named as seattlewah.

Which is itself not as funny as thinking that 'official' subreddits mean a good goddamned's worth of anything.

/r/seattlewa mods actually think so. How pathetic is that..

Bitch be cray. 0.o

You've never, ever, had to fight for your life in unarmed combat.

I wasn't aware that there was kung fu fighting going down in Iraq.