Arizona Mother Molested Her Children And Sold Their Naked Pictures For Extra Money

17  2017-08-22 by WhatsupCuzo


This, but unironically.


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>no mayocide quote

You're slipping, snappy

This is why we should have never got rid of firing squads.

>not gas chambers

Why are you so soft on crime?

>not covering them in honey and dropping them in a dune sized ant hill for 20 minutes then suspending them above the hill in the sun and dunking them again once ever 2 hours until dead.

I really gotta study up on my old time punishments, reading your post gave me a justice boner.

Look up the brazen bull.



Scaphism, also known as the boats, was an ancient Persian method of execution designed to inflict torturous death. The name comes from the Greek σκάφη, skáphe, meaning "anything scooped (or hollowed) out". It entailed trapping the victim inside two boats, feeding and covering them with milk and honey, and allowing them to fester and be devoured by vermin.

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They're still legal in Utah, but the condemned person has to choose it.

Firing squads are way more humane than lethal injections or hanging.

It's literally over in a flash.

Not of you knee cap em with a .22 and finish them off with a roll of quarters in a sock.

You'd need a bigger caliber than .22. I could probably still walk after getting hit with that pea-shot

Browning .50 cal

Ok well my leg is now gone from the hip. Thanks bud

Head Executioner: "Well we're the firing squad, but we like to see our target to show we're not such bad guys, we like to have a laugh! Now is there anywhere you'd like us to aim?"

Blackadder: "How about three or four inches above my head?"

u/whatsupcuzo how big is your dong? Follow up question: on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being very and 10 being extremely, how much do you like bussy?

I too would like to know the answer to this question

Not raping your children to give them better christmas presents

how come no pedophiles are black? 👄