In this edition of "Only in California": Kindergarten teacher lets kids know they can have a bussy or a gussy

44  2017-08-23 by Zappert


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Man, if you are in Kindergarden and talking about Gender Identity as a child, your parents are the biggest fuck-ups of all time.

This is why hippies should not be allowed to reproduce.

Actually we need to more credit carefully review the people we trust to refuse to "educate" our children

Wut m8? Can you rephrase that, I'm hungover as fuck. :(

You check the teachers to make sure they're not trash tier.

if parents can't effectively explain the concept of having a dick and puss at the same time then their crotch fruit should be drawn and quartered

Without adblock this website auto plays video. Why do news sites insist on being cancerous?

Because either their web developer or executive in charge of the website is mentally retarded.

web developer is just another name for retarded tbqh.

It was either Facebook or YouTube that discovered if you auto play videos, something like 7% more people are likely to watch it.

Put and ad somewhere in there and you go yourself more money, substantially more depending on traffic.

Why not teach those kids algebra or something

I've been trying - using multiple books - but I just can't seem to find the best book for teaching kids algebra.

I heard some african american nazi wrote great books on that topic.

Strangely, not too meta - lol

Anyone know if there hiring for those right wing death squads we were promised.

THEY only hire people who know the difference between They're, There and Their.

Sounds like they're taking being a Grammar Nazi name a bit to far.

At this point, society should really looking into eugenics and segregation by IQ.

Eugenics is the most absolute form of segregation


This is what is referred to as, "Marching through the institutions" -- apparently this means going so far as obliterating the minds and well-being of kindergarteners.

Finally they're competing with the church!

One day you are getting in trouble because you are coloring outside the lines, the next you are being taught that changing your gender is great.

They spoke about the importance of teaching students about diversity and having healthy dialogues.

Dick or an ideology, shoving something down a kid's throat isn't healthy no matter what it is.

It was so precious to see that he had absolutely no prejudice in his body.

What the hell.

"Banned books" are a dangerous direction to go

Why not have the kids read the Anarchists cookbook while they're at it?

Why not Mein Kampf, so they can understand where all this comes from?

Is that book actually banned?

The face on those parents in the thumbnail lmfao

"white people nonsense" incarnate

Lol teachers do this shit and then strike because they're being underpaid.