Scientists use trannies posting transition timelines on youtube to train face recognition software. Ghazi doesn't understand how scientists are allowed to use super private data from trannies, like the videos they post on youtube for the whole world to see.

123  2017-08-23 by IAintThatGuy


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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How retarded do you have to be to publicly post videos and then think get mad when people watch them.

Apparently about as much as you need to become a tranny in the first place.

How retarded do you have to be to publicly post videos and then think get mad when people watch them.


I very briefly knew a woman who added her manager and franchise owner to Facebook and then started shit talking the place. She didn't understand why her shifts got cut to basically nothing after writing multiple posts about how much she hates it and how stupid the franchise owner was.

Some people think that social media doesn't matter and that they can't get punished for it.

that's why signing up for stuff with your real info is dumb tbh

Or just don't add bosses to Facebook. If you have to then just don't post anything about work. It's not rocket science but some people just don't get it.

Pretty sure FB even let you privacy quarantine specific people anyway...

we already know about your gay boy magazine subscription

no you don't stfu

Some /r/drama mod once banned me for doxxing, because i posted a blog video of a girl who was blogging about her breast reduction, even though she herself put the video up for the whole world to see.

A lot of people are unaware of how the rules work in this regard.

She may have also been a little young, but why exactly that was an issue was never really explained. I think the mods are pedos tbqh. 😪

She was 16/17 or something, but it wasn't pornographic or anything, so i don't see the issue.

Hmm, I'd have to look at it again to get a proper measure.

Well here it is.

And if anyone wants to ban me for this, we even had an admin look at it and he confirmed it wasn't doxxing and nothing illegal about it.

it's just some girl documenting how she feels about her surgery.

If I'm walking around in public, that does not imply consent for people to take my photo or record video of me.

Look at me, I don't understand the law.

It's ghazi... they often confuse their feelings and the law.

Imagine being one of the 4 dead men in Benghazi then a bunch of mentally ill queers use the event as a term to describe their hurt feelings.

Consent is pretty irrelevant when you're walking around a public area and people always forget that. You're recorded dozens to hundreds of times when you go out in public, and as long as it's in a public space there really isn't anything you can do about that.

You can go "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" until people stop filming you (but it's more likely to get more people to film you though).

Those people are my favorite ones on /r/PublicFreakout. Especially when they start screaming at cops to make the other person stop recording.

Consent is [..] irrelevant

Why is this sub full of rapists?

Because you wear revealing clothing. It's your fault really.

That's what the neighborhood rapist said when I was five :(

I guess you're a slow learner then bby

That's what the learning specialist said when I was five :(

It wasn't a very good year.

I could spend each day responding to Facebook posts about this shit (among other things). It follows a common pattern:

$people_I_don't_like are doing $something == ($illegal || $bad) because $feelings

and the response would generally go:

$something is perfectly legal because ($case_law || $SCOTUS || $statute)

and then their response:

$horseshit ++ $rage ++ $nazi_accusations

fuckin libtards man. I'm one of them but sweet baby jesus they're getting as bad as flat earthers these days.

The highly polarised political climate in the US is to be blamed for this.

I blame white people

Why are you using the increment operator?

because i wasn't paying attention and haven't been an actual developer in about a decade? project management man, rots your brain

I feel you. Development also rots the brain.

yeah most of my job is actually partner management these days, so it's kinda like coming here, except without the wacky, family-friendly atmosphere

Who would have guessed drama users weren't ALL neets

I've even had SEX before!

with a GIRL!!!!1111

(and not a single feminine penis in sight!)

It's concatenation in some languages.

In Haskell, it's the list concatenation operator.

But do people actually use Haskell or just blog about it.

Blog about Haskell, code in COBOL.

COBOL but with lambdas

In a lot of european countries it is actually illegal to take a picture of someone in public without their consent

You got that backwards dumbass. It's totally legal in public spaces.

It is absolutely illegal to take a picture of someone without their consent in France for example. Just Google "droit à l'image".

Okay, that just tells me you can oppose to have your picture USED and SPREAD, not that it's illegal to take them. Also gives the family of a recently deceased person the right to oppose usage and you have to make minors unidentifiable.

I work for a company that does facial recognition software for security cameras. Not only are you being videoed out in public, you're being tracked, counted, and in commercial areas your age/gender/mood are all being estimated for demographic estimates. This isn't even a secret anymore, techs been around for a couple years.


If I'm walking around in public, that does not imply consent for people to take my photo or record video of me.

Yes it does you absolute fucking moron. Although given the caliber of 'people' that hang out on Ghazi, I doubt anyone would want to take your picture anyway.

And it's not just in the USA. Even in France (and most of Europe) where we have stronger laws protecting privacy than in the USA, their use of those videos (and pictures of people taken in the streets) is totally legit.

The only limitation would be, if those pictures were to be published in something for profit, they might have to blur people's faces, or get them to waive their rights.

There's no one above a 1 in that picture

idk if its cheerleader effect but green pants is a solid 2 imo

Wonder if she applies that standard to the Charlottesville nazis too.

What the fuck is wrong with South Korea. Chemical castration for pictures in public?

Not a single video game in sight.

Facial recognition software doesn't include trans population sample:


Facial recognition software includes trans population sample:


There's no winning.

Everything is evidence of oppression.

It must be evidence for oppression, because everything is oppressive. And everything is oppressive because that's what the evidence tells them.


Exactly this. If they didn't do this then trans people would be excluded, in their make believe world they think trans people should be paid in order to have good things done for them. Just the most asinine level of entitlement.

The only winning move is to post bussy


It's not murky at all. If you upload a publicly visible video to a privately owned site without fully understanding the user agreement or what fair use is, that's your problem and not theirs.

But what if I feel the law should be different? Surely a court would take it into consideration.

Ah yes the "I know I drank 6 beers and blew a 0.15 officer but I don't feel drunk so I shouldn't get a DUI" defense.

Hasn't worked yet but there's a first time for everything.

"Sorry officer but It felt like she was enjoying it. Checkmate pig !"

Fair Use/Fair Dealing isn't what you think it is, and barring a specific agreement in the EULA for people unaffiliated with the service to whqtever they want with your copyrighted material (which I'm reasonably sure doesn't exist), the EULA doesnt matter either.

You literally give up your right to those photos/videos when you upload them. If YouTube is cool with it then too fucking bad for you.

You literally don't. I actually bothered to go check - you licence it to them, and that licence confers certain sublicencing rights. Content creators explicitly still own their content.

What that means is that if and only if Youtube or the content creator explicitly provided a licence to the authors of the paper, which I assume is not the case, they had legal permission to use the content. Since they almost certainly did not have that permission, were they to find themselves in court they would need to use the affirmative defense of Fair Use, and then it is up to the judge to decide, based on arguments presented, whether or not it applies.

TFW you're an experiment.

Trannies complaining about weird science experiments...

Great, now I have "You're Pretty When I'm Drunk" stuck in my head.

Hero scientists trying to protect straight men from rape-by-deception

Thank you, Science!

Yes. Trannies usually make jokes like "well why don't you DNA test every partner then?" when you tell them you don't want to have sex with trannies, and trannies should disclose.

Now I hope in a few months I'll have an app where I point my camera at a potential partner (pretending to take a picture) and it tells me if it's a tranny.

Strictly speaking, those videos are copyrighted material, so there's some questions to be asked regarding the legal status of this practice.

Why am I not surprised that Ghazi doesn't understand copyright law?

They tried opening a lawbook, but it all sounded like mansplaining.


They opened a lawbook.

I think you're giving them a bit too much credit, my guy.

The lawbook was a pamphlet in the therapist's office.

I don't need a machine to tell me that /u/ellenok has a man face.

/u/ellenok needs to take at least 3 times as much hormones if xhe wants to pass

I heard the hormones kick in faster if you smoke them.

If everyone is against you, you'd better keep yourself safe.

If you are a Scientist, and you work for a University, or other reputable institution, any study you do that includes personal data, even data that is publicly available, must be evaluated by IRB. You must, generally, show IRB how you plan to protect that data and what you plan to do with it. Where you will store it and by what means it will be protected. I know for a fact this includes data gathered from Youtube, Tumblr, Reddit, etc.

However, if you work a disreputable organization, which includes Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc. You will routinely violate basic research guidelines... because you can...

So while, 'walking around in public,' allows other people to take your picture, it does not allow reputable scientists to create data from it, any scientist that does this without approval could, at some point, be subject to professional sanction...

IRL this means nothing. Private companies are regularly violating research norms including this one. Lots of data gathering is done by untrained 'computer scientists' who think they can do whatever they want with everything on the web.

So while, 'walking around in public,' allows other people to take your picture, it does not allow reputable scientists to create data from it,

... without approval from the IRB. And I believe that there are categories of public information which do not require consent or participation. Published video and images might qualify for that, as long as PII is scrubbed from it.

Consent and participation aren't necessary, but pictures of people's faces are definitely personal information, by my interpretation.

Videos I post on Youtube belong to me. At the very least this kind of thing should be grounds for a copyright suit.


Youtube TOS section 6C

For clarity, you retain all of your ownership rights in your Content. However, by submitting Content to YouTube, you hereby grant YouTube a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, sublicenseable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works of, display, publish, adapt, make available online or electronically transmit, and perform the Content in connection with the Service and YouTube's (and its successors' and affiliates') business, including without limitation for promoting and redistributing part or all of the Service (and derivative works thereof) in any media formats and through any media channels. You also hereby grant each user of the Service a non-exclusive license to access your Content through the Service, and to use, reproduce, distribute, display, publish, make available online or electronically transmit, and perform such Content as permitted through the functionality of the Service and under these Terms of Service.

dont be such a fuckin idiot

That's ableist. /u/LilyPeet can't read, so as far as he/she/it is concerned, every rule should be modified to adapt to what he/she/it thinks.


Fuck facial recognition

Hey someone on Ghazi said something not stupid!

fuck collection of data on people without their express consent

They consented when they publicly shared the video

fuck the person/people who specifically targeted trans people with facial recognition.

Lol this isn't targeting trans people, it's targeting people who make changes to their face. Trans people just tend to put up some nice before, during and afters which makes their videos great training data.

Facial recognition software is already a massive enabler of mass surveillance, but this can specifically be used to gather information on trans people when we're already targeted enough

Oh fuck off, facial recognition is bad for everyone it's not magically worse for trans people

Training a machine to automatically detect trans people is fucking disgusting.

I'm 99% sure they didn't (Or i missed it)


Experiments require informed consent

Well good thing this is neither an experiment and that everyone consented.

Unfortunately, this probably showed up on a EULA that waives that away.

Yea the part that lets youtube show the public videos you uploaded for the public.


If I'm walking around in public, that does not imply consent for people to take my photo or record video of me

The laws in all of Canada, All of America (Minus the few states that allow certain places to ban it) and much of the EU disagree with you. So you're wrong and don't understand what legal consent is.

Businesses that have security cameras are required by law to make it known that they have them

1) Not in all countries

2) Can you point out that law?

The internet is no different.

You're right. Things posted in public can be used by the public as they see fit (Operating inside the law of course.)

The internet is no different.

Yea, but you have consented for them to viewed and downloaded by the public

At the very least this kind of thing should be grounds for a copyright suit.

Lel how has you copyright been violated?

Training a machine to automatically detect trans people is fucking disgusting. I'm 99% sure they didn't (Or i missed it)

Yup that's nowhere in the article. It's all about an AI that can identify the same person despite hormonal changes, disguises, and so on.

I'm not saying a tranny detector couldn't be built, but it's not the point of their work. And it's not a direct application of it either. The only way to "detect" trans people with such an AI (if it was perfect) would be to match "girl" and "boy" mode pictures of the same individual.

Meaning they'd both have to be floating around. Also it's face recognition on the world wide web : there has a to be a way bigger error probability than doing it on training sets to prove a point in an academic setting.

After I die, I want to reincarnate as a Zyklon B elemental.

That's a noble goal.

YouTube and Facebook has made a generation of retards that don't understand what privacy means

The wonders of being killed by what comforts you.

At the very least this kind of thing should be grounds for a copyright suit.

You can't copyright your genes that's already public domain.

Panorama laws are pretty much de facto and while there is a lot of bad, there's a lot of good too.

I get it. This is creepy. But its not illegal. Instead of complaining make a phone call about it and tell your representatives.

This will be a great tool to find the Discord rooms they ERP in.

That subreddit makes a SHIT TON MORE SENSE when you realize it is just a crab bucket of un-passable trannies that can't get laid.

They shouldn't fear AI, they should fear people who aren't blind and retarded.

Holy hell that is some ignorant paranoia. They actually think this is all about inventing a transperson-detecting-algorithm.

Don't you know that in 2017 everything is about them?

If I'm walking around in public, that does not imply consent for people to take my photo or record video of me.

It does tho


It's like those walls of text people used to post on their facebook walls to "legally" protect themselves from having their data exploited. Except there's a voice screaming it in /u/LilyPeet's head. It has as much legal value though.


Can we stop with this? I don't care how public it was, using that shit to collect data on a person, especially when it's likely that your government is likely to be hostile to that person, is wrong. Especially when it's likely they were just voicing their opinions on a subject.

This is authoritarian.

Right. When scientists look at publicly posted information and do science with it, that somehow connects to what the government thinks of the person who freely posted that information, and proves that said government intends to control every aspect of everyone's life.

Because reasons.

You mean youtube isn't a super secure private video storage service? BRB gotta scrub my video diary of any admission of a felony.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. It's just the same bullshit "Waa, I don't want the internet to have this thing I put on the internet!" You realize everyone can access the internet, right?

You realize everyone can access the internet, right?

Ghazi didn't until now, apparently.