Can one drama user fan the flames of male hate (even male feminist hate) on trollxchromosomes and cause further political infighting? The answer is obvious yes. Does he really have nothing better to do with his time? The answer is obvious no.

28  2017-08-23 by TryTryAgainAgainOkay


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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And Angel is better than Buffy.

Early Buffy was better

I actually have a friend who worked with him (not in a film/tv capacity) years ago and did hook up with him. This was over 10 years ago and we're around the same age (31). The thing is they're still friends and she's a badass, bisexual feminist punk. She's very much not the type to maintain a relationship with someone who manipulated or took advantage of her. I'm not trying to say he never did that with anyone else, but this was a strong, young girl who wanted exactly what he apparently did.

Lol. Sometimes she even lets him watch.

where's one of those memes that go, "when you subconsciously dislike someone for no reason and then they go and reveal themselves to be a true asshole" or something? that's how i feel about joss.

lmao /u/sadcatpanda i have that feeling whenever i meet a black person.

That tweet is garbage. If Patton Oswalt really knows the hearts of other people, then his wife wouldn't be dead.

I thought the tweet was funny because Patton Oswalt is the next 'feminist ally' who turns out to be a creep, probably killed his wife too.

/r/opieandanthony has been trying to tell the people about Patton being a murderer but the main stream media isn't listening!

Him gaslighting his wife is damning, and makes him an abuser. It also speaks to how much he sees women as less than people.


Where did the wife say Joss made her doubt her own reality, sanity and memories?

Not telling your wife you're cheating on her isn't gaslighting. Do you post on /r/drama? Cause that's a stupidly dramatic way of thinking.

I want to gas anyone who unironically accuses people of gaslighting

And concern trolling. I don't even know what that means. If you're into the same things but have a slightly different outlook you're a troll now?

Just fucking read it, I don't owe you an in-depth explanation of anything.

Ask that question over on trollxchromosomes instead, and I might answer you. Here, I don't particularly care to.

It seems to me that you should be confident of your opinion enough that you can express it anywhere, not just in a subreddit where people already agree with you.

What bitch cares about downvotes? If you believe your opinion is the right one why only state in one sub?

See the other reply as to why I don't care for this sub :)

Don't want to be called out for being a stupid cunt. Got it.

Don't want to be called out for being a stupid cunt. Got it.

"Male feminists" are sneaky and creepy and gross. I don't know how anyone can deny Jordan Memerson's teachings at this point.

Why are you guys so bad at naming things? Is the crippling lack of humor caused by the need to adhere to a narrow political viewpoint?

My mom thinks I'm funny 😦

I don't want to read through your post history but I'm now assuming you've thought idiocy like "freeze peach" is funny word play. I'm going to look down on you as if this is true.

I think you may be extremely confused.

No, just uninformed about the strong claim I'm making, it's kind of a past time here.

Jordan Memerson.

There is nothing like the amount of jizz produced when feminists find out that a male feminist did something bad to a woman.

It gives them the vun role of inquisitor and the opportunity to purge the impure from their in-group. Letting out that righteous indignation and male hate all while being sanctimonious about it