TERF gets an infection from buttstuff, blames all men

88  2017-08-23 by ANTIFA_IS_MY_BITCH


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Fucking lol.



TFW no lesbian seperatism

TFW you want to be a political lesbian but you don't like the taste of tuna

Lesbos is already it's own country tho....

An Islamic country, ironically.

Haraami in the harem

While this isn't my exact circumstance, I have no doubt sex with my husband played a role and am bitter about it.

This sums up radical second wavers perfectly

My husband is a dirty boy but FUCK ALL MEN ARGLBLARGL

I looked into this and it seems the infection can be passed via anal or oral sex, but the husband would already have to be infected, and I'm assuming they eat together, which means she'd probably be infected too.

This is a really weird rant. I feel terrible for the clown that married this woman.

Could be. I don't care what males do to each other when they have sex, that's not my business. But sodomy on women is a form of abuse.

Yeah, these people are just too far gone to be reasoned with. It's a straight up victim cult.

I prefer cults of personality

Meh, cults of personality are boring. The Donald is already burning out.

We need a real personality cult, like Hitler.

Be careful what you wish for

Why? I'm a white guy, in good health. A hitler wouldn't really be a threat to me.

Isn't your wife and Iranian? They'll be the first to go with a proper nationalist demagogue

What makes you think I have a wife?

thought you were the persian wife guy. maybe it was someone else

you could ask the white guys in good health who fought on the Russian front

I think it's really interesting to think of Trumpism more as a cargo cult, actually. Haven't seen folks talking about it that way, but I think it fits.

This has to be a new snappy quote

She is a hormonal pregnant woman with a UTI. She is just pissed and looking for someone or something to blame for being miserable at the moment and her emotions are all over the shop.

I came to paste exact same quote.

I'd go out and argue that misdirected anger is probably the number one cause of mental health issue.

Misdirected in a sense where a person only looks for an outlet for anger (husband) rather than confronting an actual cause of anger.

If feminism is to be useful for anything it's to teach girls to deal with problems directly.

Feminism just teaches women to "rant" or "vent" at the nearest target which is just useless whimpering 99% of the time.

People like /u/Dahna_Mahna sound just like uber religious degenerates projecting their own failures and misconceptions about reality onto society.

Even worse, this TERFtard is preggo. Thus polluting society with more of their genetic stupidity.

Some idiot married her......


Fucking dolt....he brought this on himself.

Translation: If sex with my clean feminist husband was better, I wouldn't have had to get sodomized by a hobo and get e.coli.

Now she has someone to blame when the kid comes out all fucked.

It was actually dad's dirty dingus and not the fact that the mom is a lunatic.

my husband refuses to wash his penis and gave me an infection. Instead of blaming myself for being a disgusting hobgoblin with an even more disgusting significant other, how can I blame this on the male populace?

/u/Dahna_Mahna have you even considered bathing in your home?

Bathing is for privileged whites

I bet a million dollars OP is obese.

This is even better. She wasn't even having anal, but she's blaming it on men and anal anyway.

Edited to add: since there seems to be misconceptions going on - I wasn't having anal sex nor does my husband pressure me into any kind/frequency of sex. I'm more susceptible to all infections due to pregnancy; UTIs are common even after vaginal sex as the penis is highly effective at moving bacteria. My contention is with the promotion of anal sex and it's increased likelihood of causing infections like these, especially in women.

Translation: I'm such a fucking victim that I'm going to blame my illness on completely unrelated things because I'm not actually oppressed in my day-to-day life.

She wasn't even having anal


So then the thread should be named Feminine hygiene and women's health: A PSA about washing your pussy and not marrying a dirty slob.

washing your pussy

They have to be washed?

Score one for bussy

Let's see what happens when one doesn't wipe, wash or otherwise clean their asshole.

You first.

>Anno Domini 2017 >he doesn't steam clean bussy

Also wipe front to back

Something is wrong with this world if /r/Drama is teaching feminists about basic female hygiene.


The most depressing thing on Reddit is that somehow this sub has the best life advice.

If you need life advice from here, you need to keep yourself safe.

teaching feminists about basic female hygiene.

Why is this surprising? It's like teaching incels about soap.

I just stretch my dick and wipe my ass with it

Oooh you should fuck someone after and give them a life-threatening infection for the lulz

Just splash clean water on it though. It doesn't need soap or anything.

You do have PH neutral soaps which my gf recommends. Don't overdo it anyways though.

That was fucking retarded.

The bitch didn't get sick from buttstuff, but felt the need to bitch about the dangers of men fucking women in the ass anyway.

r/Dahna_Mahna, you know women can give men all kinds of shit from having sex, right? Yeast infections, UTIs, any number of STDs. Clam your saggy tits.

how little we prepare girls and women for this likely inevitability, while ever steadily pressuring them into sex acts where it becomes a near certainty.

/u/Dahna_Mahna If this is how you feel you're either not mature enough to have sex or not mature enough to say no. How old are you?

You can't come crying like a little girl and blame the big stupid men after every mistake you've made. Did you not know the risks of anal sex prior to making a decision? Did you let him wander from hole to hole without washing in between? When will you start taking responsibility for your own actions?

Strong and empowered women my ass. You're a joke sweetie. Sorry about the infection though, those things can be a pain in the ass (xDD)

this should be required listening imho

also can someone explain the logic of /u/Dahna_Mahna giving herself e-coli from wiping her butt the wrong way, and it being men's fault somehow

I wasn't having anal sex

But fuck anal sex and fuck men who like it?

Also fuck gays who have anal, they have it so easy compared to us women


Like, at this point I'm convinced all feminists must be meth addicts, or all have syphilis rotting their brains.

fuck gays who have anal



Why the fuck does your entire identity revolve around what Antifa does? That'd be heartbreakingly sad on any other sub

Waiting for my butthurt anarkiddy stalker to arrive ♥️

That'd be heartbreakingly sad on any other sub

So a perfectly average Wednesday for r/drama

she did ass to mouth i guarantee it

Only the nastiest do it

that's what happens when you shove your dick in pussy immediately after anal

LPT: Don't shove it in the frontpussy after it's been in the shitpussy.

That would have been a more precise and less cunty way of writing that post.

What can I say, I'm a walking clickbait 😚

"I'm just a girl. The men I choose to fuck are to blame."

...I wasn't having anal sex...


Well if you don't douche before buttsex your husband's dick will get in your shit and ta da, you have e. coli.

I mean how fucking stupid can you be?

The men who tell us how sexy and hot it is, while putting our lives at risk. (While this isn't my exact circumstance, I have no doubt sex with my husband played a role and am bitter about it.)

So you're letting your husband's filthy dick speak for all men, and you're deciding for all women an opinion on anal sex because of your poor choices and experiences?

Women and girls should never be asked to suffer potential deadly infection for a man's pleasure.

You're right. I heard birth control has come a long way. You should into that in that in the future.

/u/dahna_mahna you should there a lot of women outside that crave and enjoy anal sex. They also subscribe to good hygiene.

Seems to me the problem can be fixed by showering and wiping your ass.

/u/Dahna_Mahna don't do it like in porn, never let your men go back to your vagina after being in your ass (unless they thoroughly clean themselves with soap).

You're literally so brave for having ass sex, you deserve a medal


i'm guessing she expected loads of other chicks to pop up and complain that they got some kind of infection because they let a guy give it to them in the dumper.

Why are all those women bitching about stuff guys make them do during sex when none of those hams ever get laid? Is that a roleplay sub?

Hey /u/Dahna_Mahna - quick reminder that awful, bigoted TERFs deserve every disease they get. Here's hoping that infection continues to fester!

I'm not positive, but i think they are referring to the teen vogue article, promoting anal sex.

Wait what the fuck? Why is Teen Vogue writing articles promoting anal sex?

It wasn't really promoting, more like how to do it safely if prefer bussy to gussy

and in today's episode of 'i have a hammer so every problem is a nail'...

shit guys, about to get banned from there, I commented without thinking.

What the fuck is a TERF lol

Just when you think people can't get any more ridiculous, people like /u/dahna_mahna shows up and reminds me this is reddit.

looks up TERF definition

That explains a lot actually

Thank you /u/Dahna_Mahna for proving that gussy is diseased and gross.

Bussy is objectivley best