/u/Physicsismymistress seriousposts all over this thread that men with penises and mental illnesses are actually their delusions - is backed up by tranny girlfriend /u/worksofmemercy

26  2017-08-23 by John_Kvetch


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Snappy on point.

This is what happens when you fap to trap porn and think you're straight, you turn into /u/physicsismymistress, /u/justcool393 and /u/works_of_memercy

I'm bi ya know.

This is what happens when you try to convince yourself you're bi when really you just like dudes in dresses and are actually just a homo

Idk, I think homos like manly dudes sometimes.

dude, just because you're missing out on the best of both worlds down under doesn't mean you have to be so bitter about it.

lol I'm way more comfortable in my sexuality than a dude who needs to have his men dress up in skirts and speak in high pitches voices because he could never get over when his high school crush baited out he viewed gay porn.

I'm comfortable in my sexuality. For example, I'm perfectly fine telling you that I get off to this and other such things. If I wasn't comfortable, I wouldn't be saying any of this.

Put a trigger warning on that shit, I just got out of therapy for being a cannibal and you just reawoke my latent desires.

Embrace it and become happy

Last time I did that, I ate a nigga alive


I ate a nigga alive

At least you ain't a booty eating necrophiliac.

that spooked me you fuck

join my degenerate ways and become happy

Yeah but that's not gay bi shit. That's just awesome gore porn. Sauce?

Well, my degeneracy part of it. I forgot the source (it's in my saved links) and there was no comments on the reddit post, but /u/Mircy may have an idea.

I don't

Ah, I'd thought since you posted it you may have had one, but it was a while ago now looking at the submission.

FUcking hot

I agree. Want some more?

Yah sure

Shibari bloodplay.

Excellent taste.

I can't wait until granddaddy Pence gives you the shock

...gives you the shock

That sounds pretty hot, to be quite honest. Is there a sign up sheet?

Just queue up outside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave on the day of orange daddy's resignation

How fucking dare you be comfortable with your sexuality

traps can never be gay

A mouth/asshole is a mouth/asshole

Agreed, the Trap Question can be answered very simply:

Fucking a trap or being sucked off by a trap: NOT GAY

Being fucked by a trap or sucking off a trap: HELLA GAY


lul /u/physicsismymistress actually does have a tranny girlfriend he shares his razor with. i love it when first assumptions are right :)

Yeah, well doing something other than ranting about trans people all day usually gets more people than not.

If not laughing at trannies gets me a boyfriend, miss me with that gay shit.

It's not gonna get you anyone. How you've not realized this is pretty stupid.

Yeah, I hope it doesn't get me anyone. Being in a serious committed relationship normally makes you not want that. Virgin won't understand lol

I can't wait for the /r/deadbedrooms post.

I can't wait for your /r/SuicideWatch post

you're too late buddy

It's not gonna get you anyone. How you've not realized this is pretty stupid.


In my /r/Drama? It's more likely than you think!

Who tf is memercy


some drama poweruser or something. I forget who they are, but they've been through a few accounts within the last few years.

Whose alt is Kvetch? I can't keep up with the meta here.

he totally claims he isn't John_Ketch's alt, but he asked for Kvetch to be modded to /r/dickgirls, so make of that what you will.

some drama poweruser or something.

Kms rn.

If having sex with a woman with a penis is NOT gay, I guess that means that all you heterosexuals are more than willing to have sex with a big hairy man with a vagina, because that's straight, right?

It would be absolutely straight, since I would be having sex with a big hair woman with a vagina. While I don't go for hairy, big women, it would be still straight. INB4 "you don't wanna fuck her blah blah blah". I don't want to fuck my overweight co worker who smells like fries, doesn't mean she's not female.