r/hapas regular tries to reenter the US

35  2017-08-24 by 1171798


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Stolen from jpancirclejerk

On October 5, 2012, Harris arrived at Los Angeles International Airport on a flight originating in Japan. CR 7 at 8. An officer of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection ("CBP") singled Harris out for secondary screening because he appeared to be wearing body armor under a trench coat. CR 37, at 5, ΒΆ 7.

At the secondary screening location, it was discovered that Harris was wearing a ballistic vest with two steel trauma plates, flame-retardant leggings, and knee pads. Harris had two pieces of checked luggage. His luggage was subsequently searched. The following list contains items found in the luggage: a smoke grenade; three leadfilled billy clubs; a collapsible tactical baton, two human-sized bags; a bone saw; a folding saw; a hatchet; an ice pick; a gas mask with a set of extra filters; a fully-body biohazard suit; two pairs of protective boot covers; an oven mitt; a set of cooking tongs, three black full-face ski masks; several pairs of protective eyeware; black tactical gloves; a box of black latex-free examination gloves; thin black fabric gloves, a blindfold; a white S&M style mask with zippers over the eyes and mouth; a set of hearing protection muffs; a large pair of headphones, three camping style hats; an eye patch; a false beard and adhesive; binoculars; knives, several rolls of duct tape; a pair of metal hand cuffs; a set of steel leg irons; numerous plastic flexi-cuffs in multiple sizes, batteries, a small digital video recorder; several blank video recording cassettes; a pair of wire cutters; three pairs of scissor; approximately 50 condoms; an electronic device to repel dogs.

Harris was also in possession of a laptop computer. It was searched. Included on the Computer were Japanese anime and manga graphically depicting the rape, molestation, and sexual torture of children; and a live action movie titled "Girls in Cement." The movie contained graphic footage of the purported kidnapping, repeated gang rape, mutilation, and sexual torture of girls over several weeks, before they are ultimately murdered and their bodies dumped in cement barrels. There were also five publications that dealt with instructing how to kill people, and an explanatory guide to hunting and trapping humans (called "Man-Trapping"). The computer also contained six published guides to defeating alarms, locks and security systems, a how-to guide for explosives and incendiary devices, a guide on revenge; survivalist literature, including how to evade detection by law enforcement, a guide on hiding things and people, and a guide on hand-to-hand fighting, among other things.

Harris had information regarding Rohypnol and other date-rape drugs. Harris had several cover letters seeking employment as an English teacher at various schools in Japan. There was a Word document which included the schedule for schools in Japan (Harris worked as an English teacher at a junior high school in Japan in 2011), which included notations about when children arrived and left school. The Word documents also listed about 24 remote, vacant plots of land in Japan, notations about the proximity of those locations to different junior high and high schools, descriptions of the remoteness and isolation of each vacant lot, information about an hourly "love hotel" in the same area as the school, and information about free graveyard land for Muslims in Japan.

And a news article about him

I'm not saying this guy looks like u/Eurasiantiger, but if u/Eurasiantiger has something he wants to tell us I think we'd all be interested to hear where he was in 2012

how the fuck does he read like 100 guides on how to evade airport security and how to blend in yet brings all that crazy shit with him

The following list contains items found in the luggage: a smoke grenade; three leadfilled billy clubs; a collapsible tactical baton, two human-sized bags; a bone saw; a folding saw; a hatchet; an ice pick; a gas mask with a set of extra filters; a fully-body biohazard suit; two pairs of protective boot covers; an oven mitt; a set of cooking tongs, three black full-face ski masks; several pairs of protective eyeware; black tactical gloves; a box of black latex-free examination gloves; thin black fabric gloves, a blindfold; a white S&M style mask with zippers over the eyes and mouth; a set of hearing protection muffs; a large pair of headphones, three camping style hats; an eye patch; a false beard and adhesive; binoculars; knives, several rolls of duct tape; a pair of metal hand cuffs; a set of steel leg irons; numerous plastic flexi-cuffs in multiple sizes, batteries, a small digital video recorder; several blank video recording cassettes; a pair of wire cutters; three pairs of scissor; approximately 50 condoms; an electronic device to repel dogs.

I fail to see a problem here.

The Aristocrats!

Not a single shuriken. WTF is wrong with this guy? Is he some kind of weirdo?

a live action movie titled "Girls in Cement." The movie contained graphic footage of the purported kidnapping, repeated gang rape, mutilation, and sexual torture of girls over several weeks, before they are ultimately murdered and their bodies dumped in cement barrels.

I can't find this movie or any info on it googling around. Can anyone help? It's for a friend.

JCJ links here try the Japanese name or one of the alternative English ones.

Reminds me of the guinea pig film series

The inflammatory media reports and comments in court about me were very traumatic for me. I knew I was not a terrorist or child molester or any of the other terrible things that were being said about me, and I was totally humiliated by having people believe these things. Attorneys Gunsberg and Rosenstein actively supported the media demonization of me and did nothing on the record or off the record to fight the false allegations made against me. They actually believed it themselves and never disclosed this to me until they forced me into a plea, threatening to literally walk out the prison door if I did not sign the plea agreement and abandon me in prison . . . .

Holy shit - the Jews did this.

wtf i love Jews now

He's not hapa. He's full asian. His mother is from China and had a kid, Yongda, with a chinese man. She then married an American and moved to Boston and Yongda became a naturalized US citizen and took his stepfathers name.

Obituary for his step-father: "He leaves his wife, Aihua Sun Harris, and their son, Yongda,"

ice.gov: "Yongda Huang Harris, 28, a naturalized U.S. citizen of Chinese descent,"