She drew a picture of her dream dress, and her Grandma made it for her.

35  2017-08-24 by alirind1


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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don't lewd the loli

This is pure and beautiful! Reeeeeeeee eeeee eeeee!

What's it doing on Reddit then?

That's super cute.

Thanks for sharing.

K let's not just all start posting whatever we feel like, else this is just gonna become /r/wsgy and we're all gonna be upgarying and talking about gondolas and oh my god let's become /r/wsgy

Thank mr gary


Gondola > any animal real or imaginary

This is very wholesome and I'm glad to see things like it being posted here.

Da faq can't grandma follow simple instructions? The flower was suppose be on the dress not a dog collar. Sorry to say you need to replace the grandma.

This is white supremacy.

awesome drama

Looks at posting history

Spamming foreign show youtube links

Imagine my shock.

I'd be more interested if they dressed her as Samara from The Ring, tbh.

Not a bird

So.. where's drama?

It's in the room to left with your mom and three gentlemen of color.