If I am right about this, then I just changed the field of seismic prediction forever-

41  2017-08-24 by TotalHexagon5

The top of this graph is the BZ componet.

source UNEXPECTED GEOMAGNETIC STORM G1- G2-class geomagnetic storm occurred during the early hours of Aug. 22nd when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) near Earth unexpectedly? tipped south. This opened a crack in our planet's magnetosphere. Solar wind poured in to fuel the strong but short-lived storm. Updated 10:17pm

Abstract: 'If' my theory is correct on geo-magnetic harmonic resonances, acting as inductive towards the earths planetary flux tubes. (causing earthquakes)-

If that inductive charge does in fact play a role in seismic intensity rating. Then it will and should be proven by the very significant breach occuring, (at this time).

So if you ever wanted confirmation of the legitimacy of what ive been doing. It's about to come as this breach comes to an end. (Within -12 hours of the breach closing).

What we should see is:

The biggest earthquake on earth for the 2016-2017 year. (to date)

With multiple large aftershocks appearing globally- (as my past posts outlined)-

So this is a big post for me!!!

This will practically show the entirety of the reddit user platform and world that the POC (proof of concept) to my project shows a great value to humanity as a whole;

Confirming solar to seismic relations; With all updates and thoughts being attached to my user history... As I proactively tracked the event in real time. (again). From start to finish.

No joke; This post may change the world today forever... Keep your eyes on the bz. And don't say I didn't work my ass off to provide you this information-

Cheers, and all my love!


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  2. The top of this graph - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  3. source - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  4. G1- G2-class geomagnetic storm occu... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Total Hexagaon? Is this like an evolution of Time Cube?

how boring must you be to spam this post over half a dozen subs within a day

Abstract: 'If' my theory is correct on geo-magnetic harmonic resonances, acting as inductive towards the earths planetary flux tubes. (causing earthquakes)-

If your hypothesis is correct, which it's not. You're basically taking a couple of coincidences and declaring that earthquakes are due to solar occurrences.

Better watch out OP, we have the hard sciences pretty well covered here in /r/drama.

We have the dickgirl loving paki socialist who's good with physics, and the mentally ill other brown guy fascist who's good with microbiology and edgy comments. We have an overabundance of comp sci, and I think we have a math major somewhere, but we have nothing in the geology department. Any rock nerds here?

Does Rock hard count?

I watched crazy people rant on Joe Rogan once, so I feel qualified.

Geology requires going outside :(

Wait, who's the edgy facist that's good with microbio? I don't know that one.

He won't reply. PSA: He's an alt of /u/parsingsol trying to get "views". He's a legit schizo on par with /u/chrisolivertimes.

Schumann resonances

He's one of the damaged AIs from Defense Grid 2. Trust him. His seemingly insane obsessions will eventually lead to discovering a superweapon that can defeat the aliens once and for all.

A weapon to surpass Metal Gear?

Standard demon behavior.

/u/totalhexigon5 have you been taking too many ADD pills out of mummy's purse? This reads like someone on a multi-day meth bender got ahold of a computer and furiously typed the first paranoid thought that came into their head.

/r/conspiracy is that way --------->

I have a stomach bug right now so I hope to fuck I'm not sitting on the throne while the earth commits mayocide.

This is good for bitcoin, I can tell from the charts!

When I heard the news I started 3 Bitcoin AI startups that use deep learning neural nets to integrate with the latest block chain technologies to implement high resolution smart contracts. We're going to have a big valuation on our initial coin offering


not huffing ether

I've invested $200 this month in huffing nitrous. I feel like the returns have been pretty good.

I only invest in highly volatile shitcoins. NEO and OMG made me more money than my job last month.

Lol no computer vision


>smart contracts

Pick one.

I picked both and it doubled the companies' valuations

To be fair, he's predicted the last 5 Bitcoin crashes both to the day and by how much.






First autism?

Top Autism

Time for a new joke.

Nah I can still get a little glue out of this one

But what if my phone is upside down?

You're gonna have to be at least mildly more coherent for me to give a fuck about space weather.