Men are ruining American cities

27  2017-08-24 by BigBrainsonBradley


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Implying they haven't ruined it already

They also built em

Read the article, shitlord. And (for more fun) the first blog linked.

The drama is mostly in the comments, but sadly it'll give you hope for society instead of freak you out like reddit does. Since Curbed is basically an urbanophiles website, it skews left. But, thank god for our future but unfortunately from a lolcow perspective, normal left and not reddit left.

I'm happy to bring to you this retarded article that provides an exception to the rule, though.

U mad bro?

I'm...I'm not sure that really makes sense in this context.



The drama is mostly in the comments, but sadly it'll give you hope for society instead of freak you out like reddit does. Since Curbed is basically an urbanophile's website, it skews left. But, thank god for our future but unfortunately from a lolcow perspective, normal left and not reddit left.

it really does not seem as if the comments are coming organically from readers who disagreed with the substance of the article. it absolutely reads like dumbasses directed there by a breitbart "LIB PROFESSOR DEMANDS WHITE MALES BE ROUNDED UP AND DEPORTED FROM CITIES" type article.

Are you okay? You seem quite sad. Did you get enough sleep last night?

answer the question. on which dumbass conservative outrage bait blog did you find this article

I'm not conservative, you retard. I literally just linked you to the forum that I found it in.


/u/EvanHarper please respond


I've met people from that forum irl, if I know you I'm deleting my account.

Nah, I've never met anyone. Just lurk, mostly.

This sorta came out of nowhere, didn't it?

lol yes

/u/EvanHarper did you eat breakfast this morning? What made you think /y/BigBrainsonBradly was a conservatard?

haha gottem

they also ruined them immediately, idk what this bitch's on about

It's ironic they use SF for this, as right across the water the gentrification of Oakland that is pushing out minorities and poor people has been largely started by lesbians fleeing the increasing rents in SF, so in the case of Oakland women are doing exactly what this article bitches about men doing right next door.

gentrification of Oakland that is pushing out minorities and poor people

I'll just leave this here.


promoting more middle class isolating bullshit

This re-elects the Trump

Article literally states the problem is much worse in SF/Oakland, and I don't give a fuck what some east coast "blogger" says I have witnessed it myself, but anecdotally AND in the case of one of my previous clients the constant stream of students moving to another school because their poor family couldn't afford Oakland any longer and had to move to Stockton.

But please do continue to post your east coast blogger's opinion based clickbait when confronted with the reality of gentrification from actual witnesses on the west coast, really adds to the discussion..

"Your east coast blogger* doesn't have anything on my anecdotal evidence!"

  • *Princeton graduate from Los Angeles, published author featured in NYT, WSJ and academic journals

Let us know how that willful ignorance serves you in life.

Uhh.. Trump graduated Wharton school of business, one of the most prestigious business schools in the world, having a degree these days obviously doesn't mean someone is a towering intellectual as you seem to allude, but keep trying!

My anecdotal evidence is backed up by a bunch of articles on the subject. This one and so does this one and I could find more, but I don't really need to, because I've already read at least 5 similar stories by various LOCAL publications that typically are FAR more informed than some NY writer on local matters.

If this is willful ignorance, it has served me well.

Does someone really have to explain how poorly reasoned your "argument" here is?

Uhh.. Trump graduated Wharton school of business, one of the most prestigious business schools in the world, having a degree these days obviously doesn't mean someone is a towering intellectual as you seem to allude, but keep trying!

Translation: "Trump graduated with daddy's money -- therefore, any academic pedigree is meaningless insofar as it conveniently suits any particular evidence-free argument I'm making at the time."

Spoiler Alert: There's a reason why what I said didn't end with "Princeton graduate," and there's another reason why you ignored it -- his work has been published across the political divide, and in academia.

Has Trump? No? What's that? Your intellectual dishonesty is showing? Oh.

My anecdotal evidence is backed up by a bunch of articles on the subject. This one agrees and so does this one and I could find more, but I don't really need to, because I've already read at least 5 similar stories by various LOCAL publications that typically are FAR more informed than some NY writer on local matters.

Translation: "My ability to Google articles that fit my preconceived notions that I've already admitted are based on anecdotal evidence is somehow impressive, even as I simultaneously demonstrate that I didn't read (or understand) your article, despite having spent multiple posts talking about it."

The sheer lack of self-awareness it took to dismiss the Slate article while posting those two -- which fall far more clearly into the "blogging" category -- is as comical as it was predictable.

If this is willful ignorance, it has served me well.

Yeah...... A cursory glance at your posting history shows that it really hasn't. Amount of surprise that you've uncritically internalized Black grievance politics: Zero.

However, 60% of San Francisco's same-sex couples are men. Meanwhile, Oakland is on the up-and-up when it comes to lady-queerness. The Gay & Lesbian Atlas, using numbers from the 2000 Census, determined Oakland had the highest concentration of lesbian couples in the entire country.

Technically, Oakland is just outside of San Francisco. Still, it definitely offers its own vibe. Oakland tends to be more affordable than San Francisco, making it a popular destination for students, families, and singles. According to to the 2000 U.S. Census, this city had the third-highest concentration of gay and lesbian residents in the country. Plus, Oakland had the biggest proportion of female same-sex couples at 1 in every 41 couples.

Another story that agrees, and hey this ACTUAL NY TIMES ARTICLE FROM LAST YEAR AGREES.

Now, to go ahead and be the HUGE DICK you're being in this conversation-

Translation: I'm fucking right, with FAR more sources to back me up than your "one writer that graduated Princeton!" so put that in your pipe and smoke it, and maybe try not to be such a huge dick in the next conversation huh? Do you really need me to cite examples of "published" morons that also have degrees from major universities? Did you know that batshit insane Ann Coulter has a law degree and is published in MANY forms of media? Does that make her legitimate? Fuck no, just like your reasoning, a degree and having some of your words printed really don't mean shit in this day and age.

Oh and good job attacking my lack of racism in my post history, I bet it took you quite a while to find something in my history you could disagree with, glad you settled on race, ass.

All you've done is demonstrate that you didn't actually read the article -- you know, the one you immediately rejected based on your two-second """"analysis""" before committing, then doubling and quadrupling down on fallacious reasoning?

Those articles don't "disprove" the one I linked -- you're making a non-sequitur. Kudos on the mind-boggling self-righteousness and indignation, though.

And no, it took a similar two seconds to see your retarded post history (replete with you getting called out for said retarded posts), not "quite a while." You've internalized Black grievance to the point where you're making demonstrably incorrect, patently racist claims with zero self-awareness.

Seek psychiatric care.


Sorry for serious posting but from the comments:

They want to get away with charging exorbitant rents for substandard housing and create a demand since they oppose any new housing!

This is hilariously accurate and while you can't blame older, land owning San Franciscans for wanting their cake and eating it too, you can blame them for being the same fucking people that cry about how San Fransisco is full of yuppies and shit now. Maybe stop being a fucking NIMBY about everything, you faggots?

Sorry, OP, but I did initially come to reddit to lurk on /r/urbanplanning so posted like you wanted it.

Insert lolable comment about how that dumb fucker actually put "mansplaining" in her title.

If only they would build some freaking high-rise high-density apartments. Like literally they just need more housing stock. This and that stupid pro- or anti-gentrification debate gobbledygook isn't going to solve the problem.

No hate, I'm a city nerd too. But that sub is dead.

The thing is these same people wouldn't want to live in one of these non gentrified neighborhoods.

Sometimes I have to dress like a poor person to go into the poor neighborhoods before I go back to my 10 million dollar house.

Gentrification is inevitable during development. Especially in urban centers with low amounts of surrounding towns.

What will we do now that the slums won't exist forever?

I know I certainly don't give a shit.

Everyone likes their scruffy, rough-around-the-edges neighborhood that's "stayed true to its roots" until the second or third time their car is broken into. Then they stop justifying it to themselves and are more honest: "Yes, I do unironically like that hole in the wall on the corner to go to when I'm hungry and drunk, but I'm living here mostly because it's the best place I can afford that isn't in some boring ass suburbs."

I live in a nice $350,000ish place in a yuppie neighborhood and I like it, but the reason my kitchen isn't brand new and I don't have a garage and my air conditioning unit sucks and needs to be replaced isn't because I like the charm of it all, it's because I can't fucking afford it and live here at the same time. Let's be honest.

men started ruining american cities over 300 years ago

Imagine hating one gender this much.

Gentrification is good gets all the poor and the darkies out of the cities and reclaim them for the American people

i was gonna write a seriouspost about the conceptual vagueness underlying gentrification discourse but I got sidetracked by finding out about "Lisa Schweitzer, an associate professor of urban planning at the University of Southern California’s Sol Price School of Public Policy." holy hell you psycho narcissist. the reason why Smartest Boy Urbanists suddenly have to have to check their phones when you speak up at the urbanism conference isn't that they're sexist mansplainers, it's that you're a dumb boring toxic troll who nobody wants to hear from. dear god. it would be absolutely a mistake to diversify an all-Smartest Boy Urbanist panel discussion by replacing somebody with you, because you are below replacement level as both a pundit and a human being.

Not going to make me feel bad for trying to find affordablr housing, like what the fuck. I got a job in the city where the fuck do you think I'm going to live?