Incel falls of his bike, because some rude roastie wouldn't yield the path, despite him ringing his bike bell.

106  2017-08-24 by SethRichOrDieTryin


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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/u/uglyfreakcel, any normie probably would have called you a freak as well. You can pass around, nothing obligates her (or anyone else for that matter) to get out of your way. Honestly, you just sound like the typical entitled millenial spoiled brat.

additionally she was listening to music and probably couldn't hear his pathetic bell ringing even if she wanted to. bike cucked by the earphone industry :/

Title game a+, original post F.

I wish I could've seen this live, some scrawny angry little man ringing his bell and eventually crashing his huffy in a rage of impotence and inadequacy. Poor incels.

What kind of freak has a little bell on his bike anyway.

Pee-wee Herman

An incel, I guess. I wouldn't past them to have one of those old bike horns.

Australians where its required by law

Why, so they can track whatever ate you by the dinging noise after?

God this is a retarded circlejerk. The only thing in Australia that can actually eat you is a crocodile. Unless you're in Europe where the savages killed off all the large predators hundreds of years ago then you have way more to worry about in the Americas.

Not unless you're stupid. So I guess it's exactly like Australia.

you have way more to worry about in the Americas

Yea that's why we have rooten-tootem shootems.

we have multiple ways to put racks on Bikes.

The Deadliest Animal in "The Americas" is the Bee btw

That's the animal you think Americans are afraid of, a bug.

I'm American you dipshit.

"America's" refers to all of North and South America.

I figured you were an American when you know so little about other countries you don't know Australia has Sharks.

I was making fun of your highfalutin speak.

But tell me more how afraid you are of Bees instead of Crocodiles, Horses and Sharks lolol.

We have sharks too.

I'm not allergic to bees like some weak loser.

There are sharks but the sharks aren't really in Australia, they're in the ocean. That shouldn't count. You could get eaten by a shark anywhere.

Seriously overseas animals are scarier than Australian animals. You could get eaten by a tiger in Asia or Russia, you could get eaten by an anaconda in South America, you could get eaten by a bear in North America. It's pretty chill here in Oz.

Big words for a country whos deadliest animal is the Horse.

e think about how many more horses are in America then Aus.

eaten by a bear

Only if you are trying to start a forest fire

I steer clear of crocodiles, alligators, and sharks. But those bees are drawn to the sweet boozy smell that constantly emanates from my pores.

Cute Huntsman spider

Heteropoda maxima is pretty amazing, 1ft across. Same Family as the Bird Eating Goliath

Tailess Whip Scorpions are neat too

Damn, you are dumb. How the fuck do you even tie your shoelaces?

That's a huntsman spider bro I'm sure you thought you were being clever with your debunked "most venomous spider in whole foods" story spread by people who don't know anything about spiders.

No, it's a Brazilian Wandering spider, indigenous to the the "americas".

Also, Heteropoda" and *Theraphosidae are not the same families.

it's a Brazilian Wandering spider,

It's the one they used for the whole foods thing, is it not the spider in the whole foods that was misidentified

the the

nice stutter retard.

Sparassidae and Theraphosidae are not the same families

lol fuck you're retarded I was talking about Heteropoda Maxima just KYS.

Who knew talking about spiders would bring out the autists.

Alright, get yourself strapped in, because I'm about to tell you what's up.

It's the one they used for the whole foods thing, is it not the spider in the whole foods that was misidentified

Your response doesn't matter, the picture is still one of a Brazilian Wandering Spider. Regardless of where it came from, it is unquestionably a picture of the species.

nice stutter retard.

Oh, so it's it's gonna be like that now.

lol fuck you're retarded I was talking about Heteropoda Maxima just KYS.

Amongst the people who study and classify these things as a lifetime pursuit, hobby and job, Sparassidae is the family above the Heteropada genus.

They are both also pretty harmless to humans, mind you.

This is a fact. As an Australian who goes camping regularly, I'd be way more worried about camping in the northern United States. The weather there can kill you, and bears are much more capable than crocodiles.

Crocodiles are basically just oversized mobile mousetraps. You can make them fuck off by getting a branch to whack them with, and then you just jump up and down to make a lot of noise. They can't climb trees or chase you down, and they don't hold grudges. Bears can be really mean.

Bears are scary but easily spooked for the most part. It's the moose you should fear.

Also Canada. It's like a 75$ fine too.

Does this also apply to the guys in lycra bodysuits on $2,000 bikes? It would ruin the Tour de France larp.


you poor?

Can't spell Schwinn without win.

lol you softcock as if you dont ignore that shit

That's somehow the least surprising fact I've ever learned

Plot twist: he's actually 5 years old

Tbh most people in cities have a bell or ride with a whistle in their mouth (usually delivery guys). Way easier than calling out a warning whenever you're passing a pedestrian/roastie/clueless Chad on a CitiBike.

Personally, I don't. I just blow by without warning, but that's because I ride like a cunt. Each his own.

Comes in really handy when commuting through Amsterdam, especially in tourist season. I've got a big two tone bell that is annoyingly out of tune.

Fuck, I want to see an incel sitcom or cartoon. Like a male Watamote but angrier.

We already have Always Sunny.

I get he feeling it's a troll, but this is reddit, anything is possible these days

You surely understand how incredibly fucking stupid that point you just tried to make is?

You should feel ashamed for exposing everyone else to it. Palestine is not recognized - that doesn't mean it somehow doesn't deserve consideration or suddenly stop being a thing that exists.

Or were you the type that pointed to a map in 1775 and said "Point of these, United States? I'll wait."

Here's something to think about:

If you stand on a side of a particular issue, do two things:

Make a good argument

Don't be stupid

It is possible in almost all cases to do this on either side.... What you have done is make a poor argument, and through your obvious stupidity in attempting to make it, actually do more harm to your cause through association than if you had just not opened your mouth - or better, if you'd put in some effort to make a point that wasn't patently disingenuous. Stating "X exists in current state, therefore, x is current state" is absolutely useless. Particularly when national legitimacy is hotly political and largely a popularity contest.

Use the facts, because at least someone has to prove you wrong. When you just use shitty disingenuous logic that is circular or means nothing by standing on its own, you don't even force that level of effort.

💪😘 You're adorably out of touch.

It sounds like /u/uglyfreakcel's bike handling skills are as strong as his social skills.

i can't believe they actually talk like this

to be fair 'bike-cucked' is hilarious

This has got to be a joke tbh

despite him ringing his bike bell

idk why but this part is particularly funny

It would have been funnier if it had been "ringing his little bike bell".

No it wouldn't, that would take the humorous nuance out of it. It's good how it is.

It's the image if his pasty Harry Potter face frowning as he furiously rings his little bike bell.

This whole thing should be turned into an MS paint comic.

I've got you covered, bro.

Can someone ping the "hearing impaired (definitely not deaf)" lady to see if it was her?

That would be a great crossover episode

Fuck, I want to see an incel sitcom or cartoon. Like a male Watamote but angrier.

I think I overheard her quietly say "freak" under her breath at me.


if she actually said freak thats brutal

Nothing hurts more than the truth, eh u/Dreitencel?

wow ur so edgy and cool bro, calling out them damn incels, i bet all the roasties wanna fuck you now

*mumbles under breath* wtf freak

stares at /u/Dreitencel

better than being bike-cucked

Now? No, they wanted to fuck him for a while, which is why he isn't an incel and you are

it's dank af that /r/incels bans the word "entitled" and uses that copypasta to justify it though

its not banned u moron

they removed someone's comment for saying the word

lol, what a roastie



Checks out

Couldn't he just, you know, fucking brake?

Mental illness is pretty powerful.


Honestly you're a fucking faggot dude. If you're riding so fast that you literally don't have time to avoid a collision without fucking yourself up, you were going to fast. Your little bike bell isn't an excuse to ride like a fucking idiot.

Can someone explain to me why that sub still exists? From what I've seen most of the incels seem to be normalish looking (they seem to think mediocre looks = Quasimodo) and middle class so if their sole focus in life is just getting laid then the "worst case scenario" for most of them is that they'll have to save enough cash over a month or so to hire an at least 7/10 non-streetwalker prostitute. Do they just want to feel sorry for themselves because I bet this issue is more than solvable for at least 80% of them if they actually bothered?

I've seen pics of multiple people there. They're average looking blokes who can't get laid due to having horrible social skills so they just want attention and sympathy from others that think like them. A bunch of cry baby manchilds.

It's actually a good example of the problem with sites like reddit. People spend all their time only talking online to the very few unhinged people like them and they think it's somewhat normal. If it wasn't for the Internet, these guys would probably just learn the bare minimum of social skills they need to fix their problem. Or kill themselves, but either way it all works out.

For reference, r/IncelsGoneWild lmao

average skinnyfat male human body


not fat enough needs more force feeding

So most /r/incels members are closet homosexuals, because that's what those pics would lead me to believe?

Hell yeah, the comments and shit are all very homoerotic

Well hold on let's be fair, for some of them it's not just that they have horrible social skills, it's also because some of them are straight up psychopath aspiring school shooters

loser bike riders need their own lane, LMAO

I'm a little confused as to why he didn't just stop.

He was being a spaz and was going too fast, expecting the thot to just make way for him, so he broke too hard and fell over.

Sure, but if he had time to react and ring his bell repeatedly you'd expect him to have time to brake. Shit is basic.

He did break though, he just didn't have enough distance to slow down to a speed where he wouldn't fall off from the sudden stop.