When did this place became an alt right /u/xNotch worshipping MAGA Chud shithole?

0  2017-08-25 by Deity_Of_Darkness


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Holy dooly


Literally a god, I will not be posting bussy so I can save it all for snappy.

as far as i can tell after the last mod shenanigans the mods just stopped bothering removing obvious agendaposts, which led to more shitheads thinking this is the new t_d for even edgier teens, which led to more agendaposts, which led to more shitheads, etc.

and now it's /r/mde without any of the humour, so it's basically a clone of /r/cringeanarchy


why's it my fault? i've barely even had time to post recently you giant cocke

i just wanted your attention tbh 😍

Notice me senpai ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Didn't know there was a Slavic Die Antwoordt.

You have an...interesting taste in music snally

You have an...interesting taste in music snally

I only listen to trash anymore

this is Art

There's no difference in the types or quality of submissions since the mod drama. Go look through older submissions and you'll see the same things.

It's the classic "4chan was always shit" internet argument. It literally only exists so oldfags can feel superior.

r/cringeanarchy has one of the most retarded and insufferable communities on reddit. An honest safe space for complete retards

I agree it's full of edgy 14 year olds

Take your meds, Billy. You know how antsy it makes you when you don't take them.

I wonder what happened to eepolox. r/anarchism and r/metanarchism have produced some of the most mentally ill human beings on Reddit.

Can you please not use 'mentally ill' to describe neuro-atypical individuals?

I don't care.

I think they prefer 'fucking crazy'.

Some people will blame making /r/all or migration from various subs or certain subscriber number thresholds. I don't know the exact thing that happened, and I don't know if I would agree with your exact description, but /r/Drama honestly does suck a lot more now than it used to. Part of a problem is people hiding behind memes to serious post dumb culture wars shit.

The serious posting seems like an unstoppable virus as I seem to be making one right now.

I'm tired of seeing the "Triggered SJW feminist", "REEE Incels" and the bitching about PK. If T_D was banned, that alone would create high quality drama.

PK sucks, though.

Deity is PKs alt.

I'm not his alt. "Everyone I don't like must be PK's alt".

What ever you say PK

Methinks the alt doth protest too much

Literally every time the prospect of T_D getting banned comes up we collectively jerk about how great the drama would be and we all know you don't like anti-PK posts because you are either literally him in an alt or some kind of sycophant.

The fake econ dude. lol

So which one are you?

My bet is an incel.

The popcorn stand died, SRD kept rolling left, where else would MAGA Chuds go to post meaningless meta bullshit? All the jerk subs are insufferable smug lefties outside T_D and metacanada. At least this sub has mostly tolerable smug lefties, bugger off to SRD if it's too right wing for you.

serious post

What does this mean though? What is the alternative? Writing bussy maymay one-liners and bird posting? What would you prefer instead?

I can't help myself from writing overly long and preachy serious posts sometimes and I feel a little ashamed afterwards, but I don't see how that kind of thing is a huge problem because there's always someone to shut you down wittily if you get too into it.

I've never gotten the feeling that it has turned pro-Trump. I don't think I've ever seen a fully pro-Trump comment. It's more like a counterjerk to the Trump hate all over reddit, which I think is warranted and I hate Trump.

I don't exactly know what alt-right means anymore, but I assume OP is referring to racial slurs and anti-LGBT stuff? I do quite a lot of that too, but as a joke. You can't have a shitposting sub where some topics or people are taboo. Some of the best stuff on here are when the Jews, Blacks, gay people etc. bite back in the comment section.

The thing that happened is the election imo. Pre-Bernie no one cared about politics and political drama was pretty level-headed and boring if i recall correctly. Now everyone cares and the morons are the most zealous which continues to fuel the fire. I can't just not post about some of the kooky stuff Sargon and SJW's say.

I enjoy the really obscure non-political drama the most too, but that's a lot harder to find and would mean way fewer posts.

What does this mean though?

pretending this sub is a place to discuss things seriously with people that care, as opposed to shitposting

this sub never leaned pro trump its just that butthurt people dont like when their perceived side gets made fun of

and theyre the ones going crazy atm so thats where the drama is

You can discuss serious things without being serious. I think you should be allowed to throw in your own political convictions too on occasion if you manage to keep a healthy distance. Aside from PK, some MRA's and some incel stuff I haven't seen a lot of hardcore serious posting. It's American (internet) culture that has changed, not the sub. Or rather the sub has changed along with (internet) culture.

dont get me wrong sometimes you see a sentiment thats so dumb it cant be helped but to go wtf

i just mean trying to get a real debate going here isnt going to be particularly fruitful

I get u fam

Writing bussy maymay one-liners and bird posting?

No, actually. That's some of the worst shit in my opinion.

I've never gotten the feeling that it has turned pro-Trump. I don't think I've ever seen a fully pro-Trump comment. It's more like a counterjerk to the Trump hate all over reddit, which I think is warranted and I hate Trump.

I'm not really that worried about that either, which is why I said I didn't fully agree with the dude's description of the sub. I'm not really all that worried about the alt-right taking over /r/Drama or whatever. It's hard to put into words exactly my misgivings about the direction it's gone without sounding like a huge loser.

I'm just tired of people trying to have serious conversations about the BIOLOGY and SCIENCE of trannies or debating the serious merits of fucking socialism vs capitalism or whatever. Like the fucking teenaged and young 20s fucking social rejects here actually have something worthwhile to say about islamic theology. It's boring and it's not funny.

It just feels like this sub used to be a lot funnier to me, but that's probably just because I've spent too much time here over the years on various accounts and I'm just tired of it now. Still, I can't help but feel like there is this new contingent of users that just likes to "shitpost" by saying edgy shit and repeating terribly memes like "bussy" and "mayocide" for some stupid reason. Like I feel like a large group of people on this sub have never even spent much time on SRD, they just know you hate it here so they spam "LMAO, YOU TRIGGERED? POST BUSSY AND KEEP YOURSELF SAFE FAGGOT. DRAMA ISN'T YOUR SAFE SPACE. CAN THE SRDINE." And sure whatever, that's all true, but it's not funny.

It's pretty much the dumbest complaint to have, really. I can just not look at the sub, which has been my approach mostly. Some sick part of me just wishes we could go back to time when assy and velvet llama tried to outshitpost each other and were actually funny on occasion. Now like you said it's just political shit, which of course is going to be posted.

Sounds like there are two things that bugs you.


This one I agree with. You're talking about the same kinda vibe you get over at KiA, TumblrInAction, Imgoingtohellforthis etc, right? The right-leaning 'lol feminazis legbeard cuck religion of peace'- anti-SJW stuff. Of course I dislike SJW's too, but that jargon gets so fucking tedious after a while. Personally I think saying edgy shit can be hilarious, but you have to do it in a fresh way imo. Either very over the top or subtle and that can be hard to pull off. Then the retards coming from outside see it and join in thinking it's just another edgelord sub.

I kind of understand the SRD thing too, since a lot of the older regulars were active in both subs and the reddit drama rivalry was more for fun even though the criticism was real. Now there's a sentiment that SRD is our sworn enemy and we're supposed to feel superior to them. I think that's because of politics too, now everyone have to choose a side. SRD chose left and drama chose anti-left. This, coupled with the fact that there are a lot of new users who don't go on SRD and haven't understood it. (this is legit the corniest paragraph I've ever written btw. I have to get a hobby)

serious conversations about the BIOLOGY and SCIENCE of trannies or debating the serious merits of fucking socialism vs capitalism or whatever. Like the fucking teenager and young 20s social rejects here actually have something worthwhile to say about islamic theology

This one I agree with to a certain extent. The tranny thing is just another edgy 2 genders meme in my eyes and is indeed boring.

However, one of the things I enjoy about the sub is that a lot of users shitpost low effort shit most of the time, but then they surprise you with interesting knowledge or a new outlook on something. Maybe you think that sounds sophomoric, but there are smart people here from a lot of different backgrounds who write interesting serious posts imo.

If you're gonna serious post about ideologies or other very complex stuff I agree that you have to put a fun spin on it and I am guilty of doing that a lot without humor whatsoever. I'll try to stop because it does feel dirty after even though I felt I made a """good point""". Still, I actually have studied Islamic theology on university level and it just comes out sometimes, but yes I agree that it's often preachy and pretentious.

it's just political shit

That's because everybody is familiar with it too. If someone posts great drama that requires some reading to understand the context no one will upvote it and instead go to the Trump thread of the day because they already know what to think about it.

This has been my worst comment here ever I think, but I can't delete all that, sorry mang.

This one I agree with. You're talking about the same kinda vibe you get over at KiA, TumblrInAction, Imgoingtohellforthis etc, right? The right-leaning 'lol feminazis legbeard cuck religion of peace'- anti-SJW stuff. Of course I dislike SJW's too, but that jargon gets so fucking tedious after a while.

It's just tiresome is all. I guess we agree on that more or less. I tend to shy away from the term SJW similarly to how I shy away from the term alt-right, but I definitely have plenty of grievances with them too. It's just I don't really like the feeling that a lot of threads just become designated "Shit on SJWs/leftists/antifa" thread, regardless of what OP posted. This is similar to one of the significant issues I have with SRD, to be honest. I'd be less averse to it if people could be funny about it, but it's easier to just post memes I guess. And don't get me wrong, I think that SJWs, the gamergate saga, and anarchists/general leftists have been some of the greatest sources of drama for this sub. I just feel the threshold has really been lowered.

Now there's a sentiment that SRD is our sworn enemy and we're supposed to feel superior to them. I think that's because of politics too, now everyone have to choose a side. SRD chose left and drama chose anti-left. This, coupled with the fact that there are a lot of new users who don't go on SRD and haven't understood it. (this is legit the corniest paragraph I've ever written btw. I have to get a hobby)

I mean, I've had far more criticisms of SRD over the years than I have had of this sub. It's just our antagonism towards them feels like dogma or tradition more than anything real. Which makes it hard to be funny criticism because people are just talking about an "enemy" completely made up out of whole cloth. I wouldn't deny that in general SRD has taken the left route, but lots of threads depend on how it goes early on or how the topic itself selects for commenters. For instance there was an SRD thread the other day where people were criticizing the term "PoC" itself, because its often a disingenuous way of actually saying "black people". That's not how we portray them though.

However, one of the things I enjoy about the sub is that a lot of users shitpost low effort shit most of the time, but then they surprise you with interesting knowledge or a new outlook on something. Maybe you think that sounds sophomoric, but there are smart people here from a lot of different backgrounds who write interesting serious posts imo.

I'll level with you about this. I don't actually hate "serious posting", I just hate serious posting from people who I feel are stupid. I know that might sound like I'm actually saying "I only like serious posting from people I agree with", but I don't feel that's really the case. I actually agree that there has actually been a lot of interesting discourse here over the years. In the past it was less political stuff and weird things like the social psychology behind anonymity and how people interact online, but there are still things these days that are interesting, I'll absolutely give you that some people know what they are talking about and make good points.

I guess what irks me is this more modern take where some retard will make a "serious post" about their beliefs and if they get called out they will just hide behind memes, especially our Rule #1, which I honestly think is an excuse for people to reenact this comic.

If you're gonna serious post about ideologies or other very complex stuff I agree that you have to put a fun spin on it and I am guilty of doing that a lot without humor whatsoever. I'll try to stop because it does feel dirty after even though I felt I made a """good point""". Still, I actually have studied Islamic theology on university level and it just comes out sometimes, but yes I agree that it's often preachy and pretentious.

I feel like I'm being a huge hypocrite here, but I actually don't think you have to put a particularly fun spin on it, but only if you actually know what you are talking about. I mean, ideally you would do both. But more and more it often feels like neither.

This has been my worst comment here ever I think, but I can't delete all that, sorry mang.

Don't even worry about it. Obviously my comment here is far worse than yours in terms of taking things too seriously. Which also makes me a hypocrite. Actually, this kind of shit is my bread and butter. I come to drama to laugh, but I always really enjoy the serious discussions that can happen here that have some merit. I just feel like the signal to noise ratio has gotten a lot worse recently. It's hard to say how much of that is /r/Drama changing and how much of it is me changing or just getting bored.

Either way, don't worry about serious posting my man. I'm just a bitter dude that doesn't enjoy /r/Drama as much because I've finally had to accept that Snally will never be my qt grad student waifu.

Actually, this kind of shit is my bread and butter. I come to drama to laugh, but I always really enjoy the serious discussions that can happen here that have some merit.

Well, that's a relief then. I get antsy when the "stop serious posting" comes around because I feel like a big "akshually" autist writing pointless megaposts with no value when everyone else just want to chill out with funny one-liners.

The thing I think is special about the sub is how it's the only functioning internet community I've seen that has zero moderation and still maintains a diverse group of people and ideas. One of the few places on reddit where you'll see two people disagree on something without unnecessary downvotes or dogpiling for going against the hivemind. It'd be a shame to waste that on just memes.

PublicFreakout used to be a bit like that, but now it's become a boring place for right-leaning people to complain about millenials, BLM and fat women.

don't worry about serious posting my man

I'll take that as permission to do a bigbigbig write up on the pitfalls of modern capitalism vs anarcho-communism ;))

I've finally had to accept that Snally will never be my qt grad student waifu.

Have u even asked her out yet? Girls like when ur confident!

Well, that's a relief then. I get antsy when the "stop serious posting" comes around because I feel like a big "akshually" autist writing pointless megaposts with no value when everyone else just want to chill out with funny one-liners.

I mean, you probably are a mega autist, I'm just a bigger one. Also, one-liners can be funny but they rarely are these days. :((((

One thing I think is special about the sub is how it's the only functioning internet community I've seen that has zero moderation and still maintains a diverse group of people and ideas. One of the few places on reddit where you'll see two people disagree on something without unnecessary downvotes or dogpiling for going against the hivemind. It'd be a shame to waste that on just memes.

Agreed. Don't know how long you've been around, but it is a special place. I just worry it will eventually attract the type of people who only care about the "no moderation" part.

I'll take that as permission to do a bigbigbig write up on the pitfalls of modern capitalism vs anarcho-communism

Wow, I can't wait. My bussy (very good meme btw famalam tbqh) is literally quivering at the thought of such an exciting and NEVER BEFORE EXPLORED topic such as this. I just hope you address how the ultimate winners of this conflict will deal with the impending

Have u even asked her out yet? Girls like when ur confident!

She hates commiefornia and that is where I am for the foreseeable future. We had some good talks on this account and others. Now I honestly feel creepy btw, because way too many people on this sub are practically in internet-love with her, and I'm not an exception. Maybe I'll have better luck convincing /u/TheLadyEve to be my surrogate aunt, which is another huge wish of mine. I pretty much hero worship her because I nearly went into her field, but decided on a way less important and impactful one. And yeah I pinged her, I'm trying to be a cool kid and fit in here. :^)

mega autist, I'm just a bigger one

Yes... and yes, probably

way too many people on this sub are practically in internet-love with her

Isn't this just a meme though? I hope so because that's pathetic even by drama standards. I mean, why? She writes really well and she's smart, but I'd never want to meet someone on here IRL. I imagine everyone as being like myself, but probably uglier and with less social skills. It'd be awkward as fuck to transition from your raunchy online persona to your IRL laid back personality too.

Never meet your heroes, right? I don't think you should meet your favorite autistic internet acquaintances either.

Look here you little shit, I never set out to do pointless inter-rater reliability titi monkey mating behavior coding bullshit. But that's where I am if I want to respect myself and not be a "data scientist". I can accept that /u/snallygaster will never love me for my approach to the field because it's steeped in scientism, but I'll be damned if I don't still hold out hope that one day things will work out and we'll both move out to whatever midwestern shithole she thinks is a decent place to live and TheLadyEve will give her away to me, while TiTrCJ and Oxus look on and clap.

After this point my fever dream usually ends with an overdose or autoerotic asphyxiation. So make of that what you will.

But yeah, don't ever meet your heroes. Especially if they are korean e-sports stars. That shit is just embarrassing.

maybe youre just oversensitive

Redditor for 182 days 😂🖒👌

So what? This isn't my original account. Doesn't change the fact that this subreddit is an alt right shithole.

So what?
This isn't my original account.
Doesn't change the fact that this subreddit is an alt right shithole.

Based on what do you say that? Because we shit on leftists just as much as rightist?

I don't get exactly what you mean either /u/Deity_Of_Darkness there's an anti-Socialist sentiment that can get a bit too strong sometimes, but that's because r/socialism is the worst sub on reddit.

Give some examples of the alt-right infestation.

All right, all right, all right.

Doesn't change the fact that this subreddit is an alt right shithole.

Center right shithole.

Get your terms right famalam.

r/drama was always right-of-center to be contrary to SRD.

Bullshit, it's South Park neutral.

your face is literally hitler faggot

You don't have to be right if center to can srdines.

right (or left) "-of-center" is by definition "anyone who disagrees with me"

I deemed it so.

Calm down, PK.

Actually, this sub is good now.

Actual agenda posting communists doesn't like it when the sub continues to not be cummie friendly.


I have no objections to sending tankies, neoliberals and T_D into gulags. I just find mocking r/socialism and friends is getting boring.

How can you look at r/politics and friends collective rage and find that boring

it is. Politics drama is boring af it's the same shit over and over. The good drama is when it breaks out where you'd least expect

Plus there's not much fun in watching people get mad over something that makes sense to be mad at.

The best drama is people flipping their lids over petty meaningless things, or people flipping their lids when they're subject to something they *really * should have seen coming.


Arguments about jewdank, gallowboob, and other porn-related garbage.

Nazis not understanding why they get fired after attending a Nazi rally.

AntiFa protesters and/or rioters not understanding why they have a warrant for their arrest after bragging about punching a cop on their facebook

over something that makes sense to be mad at.

It's been hilarious watching people flip out over things it makes no sense to be mad about.

Look at all the people who got buttmad over Trump having the gall to condem both sides for being retards.

People being mad at Trump for Hillary walking over the stage to stand in front of Trump and call him a creep for being behind her is fucking hilarious.

South Park Neutrality means all the people flipping out over President Trump are as hilarious as all the people flipping out over President Obama.

if you secretly agree with them but dont want to say it

"I have no objections to mocking people I disagree with, but it's so boring guise how sometimes you make fun of people I agree with"

I just find mocking r/socialism and friends is getting boring.

/r/socialism hasn't been regularly posted here in ages. Has there even been 1 thread a month from there this year?

I just find mocking r/socialism and friends is getting boring.

If socialists don't want to be mocked, they can go back to being Hilla- wait, no, they can go join that neolib- eh, fuck it. Mocking it is.

I loved the cat girl drama. There's only so much enjoyment you can milk out of socially retarded ideologues.

I like cats too! Here is one!

Beep I'm a bot. reply if there's a bug v0.5

It's time to change your tampon. They can only hold so much shit, you know...

It's time to change your

Tampon. They can only hold

So much shit, you know...


                  - holy_black_on_a_popo

I'm a bot made by /u/Eight1911. I detect haiku.

good bot

if u got shit on ur tampon u got bigger problems homeslice

When sex negative dorks refused to provide ample bussy content

Stop shilling for PK and start baiting the Trumptards.

this is trumptard bait. There's already a bunch of angry comments in this thread

And all of them are left'tards.

Cry harder, bitch

Because Trump alone is a walking butthurt generator, and most the butthurt he causes tends to come from the liberal left, so that drama will be more represented.

And /u/xNotch is a moderator here, so show some respect fam.

OP you would loooooove /r/OMGDrama, go check it out!

A true gem of a sub.

Radical centrism = alt right now?

me too thanks

frist of all how DARE yo u

We're south park neutral

Weve always been alt right.

Radically inclusive National Socialism is the only solution

Tbh after we hit front page, this place got flooded with /r/cringanarchy types when we all thought it would be SRDines that would muddy up the place.

You're still a butthurt little bitch though.

When the alt left pushed millions of people into the alt rights arms after years of calling them racists and nazi unwarranted. Once you blurred the definition of the terms, it didn't really matter anymore now did it? "I am whatever you say I am"

imagine unironically believing that a million otherwise woke midwestern soccer moms turned to Trumpism in desperation after being called privileged on Tumblr

all the coal miners were tired of getting ironic retweets from sjws

You got called racist and Nazis because you fucking are. Then you went full blown Nazi and racist instead of you know, having a sense of self reflection and bettering yourself. But hey just blame the left for your own shortcomings, that and also go KYS.

Fucking Tiki Torches, a crying faggot who tried to impress a vice reporter with his gun collection and a dead eyed incel fuckboy driving his 40 grand muscle car into a group of people is what you guys have accomplished since someone once told you about your white privilege.

"I am whatever you say I am". So you're a pathetic little Nazi pussy?

Also, I completely and unequivocally denounce everything these nazi fucks stand for but if your gonna make people choose a side, don't be surprised when they choose to not side with someone that constantly calls them racists and nazis.

Your post history screams alt-right. Get fucked noob

Well I guess I'm alt right then.

No problem, anything to ruin your serious posting horseshit.

Post Bussy instead.

Well this concludes this episode of "you're a racist"

Is this a lame meme of yours? Cause honestly dude you fucking sucks.

When did you become a thin skinned little bitch?

the alt right i been hearin' so much about!

this is a new low for /r/drama and so i sincerely would like to thank the mods for stickying such a critical and salient post. 2 true m'sir

Just because I hate hippies doesn't mean I'm a MAGA whore. I voted for Hillary and I cried for days when she lost.

Hippie punching is a hallowed Establishment Democrat tradition

That's the thing, they carry disease due to improper hygiene and anti-vax retardation so touching them isn't recommended. :(

but enough about my genitals

No, no, let's circle the conversation back to your genitals, I'd like to hear more.

OMFG, ARE YOU A HIPPIE?! I have hippie repellent, don't get any closer! >:(

Hahaha. That wouldn't happen because soccer moms generally got a bit of sense to not be manipulated by such stupid behaviour and rhetoric.

This post has caused me to pull myself furiously.

Euro Truck Simulator 3 to have 'Akbar mode' achievement:

  • level up your Left-Handed Steering Wheel and White Lorry stats to qualify for larger cargo vans
  • complete Part & Parcel deliveries to access pedestrian areas
  • deliver Cultural Enrichment to unlock gas canisters and other cargoes

Yeah I saw that /r/imgoingtohellforthis post as well

Get off the computer, Mom.

Caring about political buzzwords in this fucking era?

SRS plz go

SRS was so 2008.

They diversified their portfolio, but they're still around.

Places like SRDbroke turned SRD into a monstrosity and they have their fingers in a lot of other subreddits.

They just don't use the SRS "brand" anymore or their ArchAngelle alt accounts when they do it.

Wow a person that's still scared of the biggest non-threat I've ever seen.


Yea sure man. I'm a nazi because you say I am. Keep pushing people into that bubble but don't act surprised when they flip back on you. Trump is the consequence of this flawed mentality of demonizing anyone that dares disagree with you. I think the left needs to a little self reflection of their own before they choose to push people into even further extremes of retaliation.

I would have voted for Trump if I was an American. Liberals aren't "leftists", they are whiny, "centrists" who are too pathetic to even acknowledge the necessity of violence in society. Personally, i'm an anarcho-egotist (i.e. Stirner). Liberals are very spooked.

Ugly men who wave around swastikas, talk about "white pride", attempt to defend the Confederacy, are nazis.

The same time it became a bussy lovin' radical anarchist trollin', lefty toleratin' shithole.