Incels start to develop some class consciousness

72  2017-08-25 by Neronoah


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I smell copy pasta. Anyone on Desktop with RES able to copy and paste the source of the post?

it's too long to post in a comment


I love you!

The social conservatism plus being economically far left makes me think incels were radical centrists all along.

Lanyard wearing incels makes sense.

Diamond theory: There is a far left and a far right, but also two centers, a top one and a bottom one.

The good center is above both sides, however the bad center is the worst of them all.

I think that two dimensional models for political ideologies are too simplistic. But yeah, in that case it's true.

Are they bottoms?


jesus, my time isn't completely worthless, and since i can't find whores on backpage anymore, i need you to do your fucking job for me.

If there's a way to make me like some shitty aspect of our society it's analysing it through Marxism.

If you aren't studying late antiquity and early middle ages through the lense of class struggle, you're doing it wrong.

"Consent is theft!"

That's actually an effective definition of the LTV

It's Friday. Gonna feel real nice to Chad out this evening.

The red-with-a-tiny-yellow-hammer-and-sickle pill

These are the sexual proletariat.

This is why the Chinese need to nuke America right away. Nuke some sense into them I say.

I think there are incels in every country in the planet. Nuclear holocaust when?

I've never gotten how it's "involuntary". If you are celibate, it's completely involuntary. I mean, there are "vows of celibacy" which would make no sense if it were in any sense involuntary. These men simply do not want to face the fact that what they can achieve, in the area of romance, is not Angelina Jolie. It's completely voluntary to not accept someone in your range of attractiveness and personality and instead be angry that more attractive and socially developed people find you creepy.

It's possible, in a sense, to be "involuntarily undateable" maybe. But not involuntarily celibate. Not if you're posting on a computer, from inside a house. You have enough money to buy sex.

If they hit the coasts we'd be golden.

We nuked japan twice and got anime. Do you really want to know the the byproduct of nuking america will be?


Imagine being so retarded that you actually type up a doctoral thesis on how pathetic you are.

Oh God, this is isn't incels, this is advanced incels.

But really, this is some next level shit.


I want that to be my stripper name

That's my spirit animal.


this is the best shitpost there's ever been

How the fuck are women the product of an incel's labor??? As far as I can tell they get 100% of the product of their contributions to society, which is to say zero.


Now That's What I Call Dialectical Synthesis

This is the best thing to come from cuckcels

I blame the appaling state of Americas health system. You need to start building insane asylums, pronto.

Oh goddammit first the sjw's invade socialism now I have to deal with these tards too?