Is it racist for to block messages from Africa? Should people who block Africa be banned? Language exchange site Interpals discusses.

26  2017-08-25 by krautchanner


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the ugliest motherfuckers in the world are form there. Like these motherfuckers got deformities on they face from eating there own shit or something.

this does not go out to the America or Carribean negro. This does not go out to egypt.

About these people being my ancestors, IT MIGHT be true, but how can you know for sure? Like half the African people got a fiacl deformity , they black as hell, they are a fucked up continent with their fucked up music and them holding them baskets on top of there head. They wanna blame everything on the African American, but don't have to look to check themselves and there own bullshit. I'm eating some food, then I look at this ugly African bitch on TV and it ruined my heal.

How can these be my ancestors?!

I've met too many African punks to with friends with them.

MOST of the African people I've met are two faced. There head is bulky as hell too

Whose pasta is this?

This is the funniest thing I've seen all night wtf

That's one way to keep Nigerian princes at bay.

A lot of Africans speak fucked up pidgin/creole languages, so if you want to learn the standard version it would make perfect sense to block them.

Even if they are racists I don't see the point in forcing some Polish skinhead to learn English through an awkward Skype convo with M'Benge from Senegal... Actually, on second thought that would be kinda interesting to see.

Is this a website to make friends on? Why aren't incels on there? They could have all the Nigerian princesses they could ever dream of.