Top 10 Worst Fandoms

18  2017-08-26 by AntifaSarqueefian

All fandoms are bad, but these are the absolute worst ones. My Top 10 Worst Fanbases:

1 Furries. From bestiality in the ancient past to the grown men putting on fursuits in the postmodern age, this is the absolute pinnacle of pure, unadulterated cringe that has built its way up throughout the course of human history. I dare not speak of the horrors drawn in the depths of the internet, lest you undergo psychological trauma from being unable to comprehend the true form of this fandom. The furry fandom in general transcends beyond cancer.

2 FNAF. I need not even explain how irredeemable this series, let alone its fanbase, is. This game reaches levels of cancer that shouldn't be possible. There's not even a hope of it slowly dying anytime soon either because its creator milks money out of sequels as much as he can. This is what separates it from Undertale.

3 Steven Universe. A cesspool of SJW's, ultra-progressives, and hyper-militant fangirls (case in point: the suicide thing).

4 Minions. There's a frikking Minions fanbase. Imagine the pure, unadulterated cancer of the Sonic fanbase during the 2000's and apply it now, and you have the cringy "art" and "OC's" for this "fandom".

5 Undertale. Generally horrible fanbase for a decent enough game. Full of bad memes now, and rabid fanboys of this are higher than for most other series. I need not mention that part of the fanbase, either. Also, on a personal note of mine, they tend to wank the heck out of characters like Sans, Omega Flowey, Asriel, and Chara to no end for vs. debates. Unlike FNAF, though, at least the creator hasn't succumbed to sequelitis and prolonged the cancerous fanbase even more. As we type these words, the fanbase is diminishing more and more as people leave for other series.

6 Homestuck. I can't see at all why people like this stuff. I've even steeled myself and tried to read some of it, but is just...bad. This fanbase is just one of those you usually tack on with the likes of FNAF and Undertale.

7 Bendy and the Ink Machine/Tattletail. As one of my best friends said, anything associated with FNAF or Undertale will have a bad fanbase.

8 "PC Master Race." Half of the time, I can't tell whether it's a joke or not, and that's the worst part of it. Obnoxious and quick to whip out their "superiority," they'll go on and on about graphics as if that's the only thing that makes a good game. If you put something 1080p in front of me, I'm not going to complain. I've even had someone I know say that "multi-platform master race" is wrong when I mentioned it, asking me what consoles had that PC's didn't. I mentioned exclusives and some games that don't work best with a mouse and keyboard (arcade fighters), and he went, "but mah emulators." Name me an emulator that can flawlessly run current-gen Xbox One/PS4/Switch games or even last-gen games, and I might reconsider it.

9 League of Legends. Overrated MOBA and a toxic fanbase beyond redemption. It doesn't help that people new to it will never be able to fully bridge the skill gap between them and the experts since they'll always be one step ahead, anyway.

10 Call of Duty. Full of screaming little kids in multiplayer saying they did your mom last night or people in Zombies beating you down for not sinking dozens of hours into memorizing the maps and stuff and taking it way too seriously. The series itself is overrated and regarded too highly by its playerbase, of course, but with the release of Infinite Warfare, CoD might pull itself together and be less of a cash cow. Competitive is a joke, too, since multiplayer is very luck-based regarding where you spawn, who gets killstreaks first, etc.

Honourable Mention 1. CS:GO. Yes, Gaben's baby isn't safe from this list. The game itself is, in my opinion, overrated and a generic FPS. Ragers, cheaters, etc. are pretty prolific. The people bagging on others for not spending $2k on a freaking knife skin are cancerous, and I personally don't like anything in the competitive scene.

Honourable Mention 2. Competitive Smash Bros Melee. There's a huge aura of negativity and disdain for people playing anything besides Melee (PM/Smash 4).

Honorable Mention 3. Overwatch. The fanbase itself is pretty bad with how massively successful the game has become, and they're quick to compare it to TF2. Also, it's like Blizzard is trying to force diversity down people's throats or something, and besides that, it even seems like a tacked-on afterthought or some characters' only defining trait. The game itself is fun, though.

Honourable Mention 4 (& Knuckles). Sonic. This fanbase's historic infamy alone gets it very close to this list, and it still has some of those crusty, nasty leftovers from the whole 2000's decade left over, although it's improving slowly now. From terrible recolored OC's to bad self-insert fanfics to abysmally horrifying art to the game series itself (which still remains mediocre), this series has had a very bad history.

Honourable Mention 5. MLP: FiM. If you had asked me in 2012 what the most cancerous fanbase was, it would have been MLP. However, I almost forgot completely about bronies altogether until some zoophile used some of my favorite songs in her bestiality pony games. The fanbase itself, as far as I know, has gotten a lot tamer and has stopped trying to spread it around like some sort of "animation gospel". Twilight Sparkle kind of reminds me of Patchouli Knowledge from Touhou in a superficial way, which is pretty cool, I guess. Eurobeat Odyssey did a couple of good songs for MLP, too, and his stuff is always good.


Disclaimer: This is a shameless copypasta.

DAE Rick and Morty?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

That's dank, man.

Nothing is worse than Harry Potter and Game of Thrones fans.

These and Dr. Who. Also Ice Poseidon.

Does it still count if I prefer classic Who to modern Who (aka atheist Jesus)?

Old Who is pretty neat. I can even stand episodes of the modern incarnation, but I avoid the fandom.

Remove all GoTposters immediately.

Fuck you, Harry Potter is amazing.

CS:GO is derivative and boring


Overwatch is bad

munch my hot ass

Honorable mention for Dream Daddy.

Excuse you.

No weebs? There's an entire sub dedicated to /r/weeabootales.

  1. Furries


Honourable Mention. #4 Sonic

Never mind, this is in no way a TRUE AND HONEST list.

Supernatural should be high up there, if not number one. The actors have had to get multiple restraining orders because of those crazy people.

Once Upon A Time because of the crazy Emma x Killian fangirls.

Any fanbase of a popular thing can go in this list.

COD squeakers are the worst.

What about 50 Shades? Omfg, one time I saw a morbidly obese woman who was wearing a wedding ring and had her two young children with her. The woman was wearing a shirt that said "Mrs. Grey" on it and it had handcuffs and dildos and clamps on it.

if we are just going off reddit, dota 2 has a fucking awful fanbase, then again 90% of their "personalities" are awful too so you really can't blame them.

Name me an emulator that can flawlessly run current-gen Xbox One/PS4/Switch games or even last-gen games, and I might reconsider it.

RPCS3: A work-in-progress PlayStation 3 emulator that can already play a few commercial PS3 games.

Xenia: A work-in-progress Xbox 360 emulator that can already play a few commercial 360 games.

Cemu: A Wii U emulator that can play several Wii U games in 4K with better graphics than the Wii U itself. More complete than RPCS3 or Xenia.

Dolphin: Capable of playing most if not all Wii and GameCube games (with many even running flawlessly), Dolphin is the most complete Wii/GameCube emulator available.

PCSX2: Although difficult to set up as it requires a PS2 BIOS ROM (which is not bundled with the emulator itself), PCSX2 is the most powerful PlayStation 2 emulator available. It can run most titles at optimal performance.

/r/drama fandom

Bronies got snubbed

i like fnaf too bad its a buncha teenagers

0/10 No Rick and Morty and were on Reddit.

Fnaf is bad, but Steven Universe has killed.