White women wonders about "finding love in a racist society as a single mother with a biracial son", gets not very friendly replies.

163  2017-08-26 by 1171798


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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infact there would be much less drama if she took a husbando over a real guy.

I'mmu single mother of a biracial son. The Chinese father abandoned me while I was pregnant, he refuses to even see his son or financiarry assist me with raising our son. First couple of years was really difficult for me, my father disowned me, dropped out of correge early and started working. Thankfurry my aunt isn't racist as my family, gave me a place to stay and helpedu me get back on my feet. She has no husbando or children of her own and see us as her own kids.

Dating has been rough for me, cannu even count how many times I've been rejected... What hurts me the most is I'm not getting rejected because of my looks, personality, status, or the factu that I'm over 25. I'm getting rejected because I'm a mother of a haffu son, It pisses me the fuck off. What difference does it make if my son is haffu? Regardless of bloodline, a child is a child. Keanu Reeves was haffu, he became actor in united states so what's the big deal if my child is haffu? They have no problem with me being a single mother but once I tell them the the child is haffu mainland Chinese the racists just demand that gaijin leave glorious Nippon...

Sorry guys for speaking out of turn, I'm just so depressed right now I could commit seppuku. I want to find someone who will love me and take care of me but just so difficult in our current society. Do any of you have any similar life stories or advice for me?

its haafu not haffu but you tried your best

source: im a weeb

Good bot

I don't even know why I even care, white men aren't even my preference

Equivalent of the incel losers calling a girl a stupid whore when they get rejected. I'm sure the parallel will be lost on her though.

I bet she watchest the mtv and the cnn. Fucking bella and the bulldogs.

recently, scientists have also found out that women carry the DNA of all the past male lovers they've had unprotected sex with in their spine and the DNA of past lovers actually ends up in the DNA of all a woman's future children-- he could have been worried about this because you obviously had enough unprotected sex to get pregnant

wait...what? the? fuck? hahahaha

This is idiotic beyond description. Is that what I'd baby mama told him when the kid came out Chinese?

This does happen with flies.

Male fetal microchimerism can be found in women with no children (10% of them according to one study). Possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or sexual intercourse.

There's a world of difference between "women sometimes carry male microchimerism" and "DNA from past partners skeeting deep inside those sugar walls stays with women forever and is passed on to their offspring." The study itself acknowledges its limitations and says more research is necessary.

It's also worth saying that the number of cells ranges between 0 and 20 / 100,000 cells.

Cries in Keith L. Moore's Embryology TextBook.pdf


I can't even...

it's crazy how fucking brainwashed some women are when it comes to this subject, they legitimately think men should raise someone else's kid without making a peep.

diversity was a mistake

Divorce wasn't a thing for a long time, but people were still widowed often enough. Blended families aren't that weird

And men have always preferred women without the baggage.

It's not that blended families should never happen, it's how goddamned entitled women feel not to be judged by something that in every material way makes them an inferior mate. They require more resources, because they come with a kid--and a kid that isn't yours. You will never come first with them, because of that kid. She will be less available to you both sexually and socially because she has the other kid.

There is no way to argue that a single mother brings anything of value to the table over a woman without children. Yet they act like it shouldn't matter to us--even as they make a number of very mercurial decisions about our suitability as mates.

There is no way to argue that a single mother brings anything of value to the table over a woman without children.

Clearly you don't partake in the timeless wisdom of the Huffington Post

If you’ve won the love of a single mom, you’ve hit the relationship jackpot. Few love as selflessly and fiercely as a woman who’s raised her kiddos on her own (or mostly on her own).

A girl in the comments actually put it rather elegantly

Tbh I could never be with someone who already has kids. Way too much going on. And it's like starting a game in someone else's save file


7 Damn Good Reasons To Date A Single Mom

  1. She can roll with the punches.

Well okay then

bussy shall deliver us to peace.

Amen sista


Who wants to raise a coal burners kid, the kid doesn't look remotely like you and the woman thought it was a good idea to have sex with a nigger

Living up to your flair I see

Stop being a racist piece of shit. The correct term is "basketball American".

Ho ho ho haven't heard that one in a while. Got me in tears haha really. That was a good one, you're first one in a while.


That's only true during NBA playoffs, the universal term is "Person Of Overwhelming Pigment"

"chocolate American" is out then?

It was causing too many people to attempt cannibalism, which is an inefficient way to dispose of black bodies.

whoa what a funny joke. Not often does this sub gets such a stroke of genius tbh


jesus christ fucking autoplay OP why have you done this to us WHYYYY

for me that was the worst part of the link

The color of her kid isn't the problem. Her having a kid is the problem.

She says they noped out after they saw the color of the kid.

If a guy's walking around with a kid that looks nothing like him, the assumption is usually going to be either (a) he's a pathetic weakling raising someone else's kids for free or (b) he's kidnapped the kid.

It's a level of public humiliation that is a bridge too far even for most single men who would hate themselves enough to date a single mom.

The kid being black definitely makes it worse

Hey! ✋🏿

What's going on

"betray the white race"

is the alt right really on girlsaskguys? lmfao

It's definitely been brigaded by /pol/

They live for shit like this.

Pretty sure the OP is /pol/bait, too - otherwise we're meant to believe that /pol/ just happened to find that post organically. Still, plenty of people 8theb8.

If it makes feel you better i didn't find it on /pol/ but on a incel forum dedicated to facial aesthetics.

/pol/ is just a different kind of incel forum.

It may be, doesn't change the fact that this is not a /pol/ agendapost.

When they said OP they were talking about the post by the single mother, not you.

thanks, i am still new to this crazy reddit 😊😊😊

Np, it is an easy mistake to make.

Save yourself while you still can.

Send nudes to continue using our services. I am the top admin of Reddit no bamboozle.

What is an incel

A guy who can't get laid, and thanks to the power of the internet to amplify toxic attitudes, believes that women and society are to blame for this. Incel stands for 'involuntarily celibate' - they literally believe that they are victims, and their attitudes range from a kind of understandable "I'm lonely and horny" to "rape should be legal and all women are gold-digging whores".

Wow. Actual enlightenment in /r/fuckingdrama of all places.

I've met several of these losers IRL and it's almost comical how clueless they are. As long as they can keep themselves away from the retarded millenia up-talking YouTube femeillenials, this issue could be resolved within a generation.

In Allah Snackbar's name may this praise be upon us.

/r/drama has really healthy sexual attitudes. That's why we're drowning in bussy.

They could solve their own problems if they just realized that their bitterness and hatred is preventing them from enjoying life as a functional human being, which is a prerequisite to having a relationship, sexual or not.

I can't understand what women don't see in a guy who spends valuable time posting in a community dedicated to not getting laid and hating women. Fucking feminists.

I still can't believe that the whole incel thing sprung from a random crazy dude with a tumblr. What a time to be alive.


Albert Einstein

You can post links to ED here?

I though reddit blacklisted that site

Marjan Siklic (Croatian: Marjan Šiklić) is a deluded blogger and epic lolcow from Zagreb, Croatia

Sounds about right.

Your forgot that one guy who nailed his dick to a board.

From the wild:

I too had a mental breakdown some months ago after swallowing up too much blackpill. But it doesn't matter.

I used to believe that all my failures in life (not just romantic, everything) was 100% me. But now I know that genetics and the degenerate civilization I was raised in also contributed. And I can lounge here with all the fellow losers, without thinking any less of them for it or vice versa. I have transcended things like wanting to be a normalfag or feeling like I'm a failure.

Basically her only two options are finding a token black guy who is still fine with taking care of another man's child, or a cuck.

No self-respecting man will stay with her beyond using her for a cumrag.

Just because your mother's never-ending parade of special "uncles" didn't play catch with you, doesn't mean every other single-parent child is doomed. Maybe you were just a particularly ugly kid. Ever consider that?

I have two loving parents, a nurturing mother and a strong, 6'4 father.

We all know you had a spunk-guzzling single mother who popped out several other rats that all sooner or later became leeches on the dole. The modern welfare state is cancer because it has sustained your ugly dysgenic ass. KYS fam.

I clearly struck a nerve. Is daddy strong because he's got that prison-honed physique? Is mother nurturing to the point she brings back hobos (multiple) to give them a clean bed and a rim-job if they've used a wet-wipe in the last month?

It's great that I have already pushed you closer to the truth (an alpha redditor would try and stick with the single-mom story, you're a virgin fuckboy though, not even a cuck because he can't get with a woman).

Don't talk about striking anyone's nerves when you just had a spergout responding to my first comment. I didn't even mention a single-parent child being doomed (just mentioned that she's going to have a hard time finding a man) and you responded to me sputtering and flinging shit.

You triggered?

I don't have the inclination to read past your first paragraph, tbh. It's clearly rustled your incel jimmies. Mission accomplished.

You should have told me that online interactions exhaust you after a few posts. Imagine the sort of maladjusted wreck you are in real life; a degenerate spawn of some cock-hungry damaged whore whose asshole is so wide that her shit slides out horizontally.

maladjusted wreck

Lol. No.

Wait, so now you're the racist? And the other guy is the black kid abandoned by his father?

You've really got to be most consistent in your shtick.

The guy's posts read like some frustrated voyeur porn from the perspective of a neglected child (peeking into his single-mom's room while she gets pounded).

Got a link?

Are you retarded?

Did a child write this?

If you actually think like this then you have issues.

Single mothers are statistically more likely to churn out fucked up kids, this is an objective fact.

No amount of bordering-on-erotica insults will change this. I have had two amazing parents raise me; this makes me better off than you faggots who had new dads every day.

Single mothers are statistically more likely to churn out fucked up kids, this is an objective fact.

People like you always respond to points that were never made. It's as if you use your responses as an excuse to continue the same rant.

Nobody here is disagreeing with your brilliant observation that single-parent households are not optimal environments for raising children. I'm pointing out that you're fucked in the head because normal people don't look at a single mother and think that she's a cumrag who will "pop out several other rats that all become leeches".

Well looks like the statistics didn't work out so well for you. Guess those stable homes churn out insecure spergs as well

Single mothers are statistically more likely to churn out fucked up kids, this is an objective fact.

Thank you for being the voice of reason in this thread

Stop being a fag and just suck his cock already

I was raised by a single mom and I'm happily married with two kids and plenty of money so fuck you. Also, I don't use words like "f**" or "n**" so apparently I was raised better than you.

t. virtue signalling cuck

post pics of tall daddy cock

6'2" isn't even that tall, tbh. nothing to brag about, at least lmao

6'2" | 1.88 metres metric units bot | feedback | source | stop | v0.7.0

Maybe you were just a particularly ugly kid.

Well the kid in discussion is half-black, so his experience would still apply.

LOL, not all of us came from broken homes.

Indeed, I'd wager that most of those who think dating single mothers is a bad idea, came from two-parent households. THAT'S why we value women who stick things out and make things work, over those who throw in the towel because they can get custody and they don't need no man.

THAT'S why we value women who stick things out and make things work

This explains a lot. Your mother put up with a shit relationship and it clearly rubbed off on you.

not all of us came from broken homes

Lmao. "We're completely broken people for other reasons, too!"

Got 'im.

Wow, this whole "guys don't want to be with a single mother" thing has gotten you personally riled, innit?

You can tell how mad I am by all the laughing at inadequate people I do.

I'm t-totally laughing at you g-guys haha, haha,, ahah

Cute but as commenter there says:

"Try and think about it from the perspective of a male... not only do you want someone to "take care" of you, but also your half black son. Being a single mother is hard enough, but now every time your man goes out in public with your son, every other person is going to think that you cucked him with a black guy and he was so spineless that he stayed with you to raise this guys kid. What kind of self respecting, sane man would ever sign up for that arrangement?"

From that I assume you are too poor to take care of multiple people. I do not listen to poors.

Or I don't waste my money on poor decision makers ;)

Oh come now. By definition, you will be people who are silly enough to decide to date you.

What? You don't make sense

Anyone who dates you is, by definition, a poor decision-maker. Lern2read.

I disagree


You mean "what kind of spineless coward worries about the thoughts that every Red Robin waitress has about him and the kid he's buying lunch? " OMFG WHO THE FUCK CARES what OTHER people think!? Maybe she's an awesome cook, gives great massages, and loves sucking your cock. Wouldn't you rather have that than an entitled ice queen that never lifts a finger? Ugh this thread is like one long painful Seinfeld episode. "She had man hands, I ended it". You people are stupid and shallow and lazy and that's why I'm happily married and you're alone. If you ever want to find someone to love and love you back, you're going to have to let shit like man hands and mulatto kids go. Y'all need to learn how to roll with it or you're going to be miserable and alone forever.

I don’t date women with kids because I don’t want to be legally responsible for the bastards, and i would be, if the relationship lasted a few years.

I’d be expected to continue paying for someone else’s kid well after we broke up.

That’s the kind of thing that leads to murder / suicide.

Bahahahahaha. You're an idiot. That's not a thing. I'm a lawyer.

in loco parentis and the "estoppel doctrine."

Yeah, I don't think you understand what you're talking about. Don't confuse your Google search with my 15 years of practice.

You still have a ton of student debt after 15 years?

How’s that soul crushing debt and depression treating you anyway?

Good, got the debt paid and the alcoholism under control, thanks for asking ;)

I’m just under three months? Interesting fact: if you were to fire a bullet into the roof of your mouth, you’d be dead before you heard the gun go off. It takes the brain more time to perceive sound than it does for that bullet to tear your mind away from your pouring skull.

Settled a big products liability case last month, paid off everything and bought a Disney cruise and a beach house. Happy as a clam. Funny the difference a day makes. Why are you stalking me? Better yet, why am I explaining myself to teenagers on the internet? Never give up on your dreams, kids. Sunshine is always just around the corner. ;)

Sunshine is always just around the corner.

Is that what you call booze and cocaine?

You must have lots of irl friends. You're so charming.

If you’re going to call a person an idiot on /r/drama, you had better prepare yourself for a retaliatory attack.

So do you ever wonder if you’ve been really good at hiding your drug and alcohol abuse from coworkers, or do you think that maybe they just don’t care?

I'm still right about the law, too. BECAUSE I KICK ASS AT IT. I'M A FUCKING REGAL LEGAL EAGLE, FEAR ME. :D

Fair enough. No hard feelings

What? No, there is no scarcity of good decision making women

You've got them pouring out of your ears, yeah?

Enough to choose

Pics or it didn't happen. Seriously at least tinder convo screenshots or you're lying.

Sure, because girls with no child's are sooo hard to find

I dooon't seeee piiiiiictuuurreessss....???

Of what?

Of all these virginal unicorns beating your door fown, incel.

nice, but i dont have a need to post photos because of a butt hurt single mom ;)

Sure, but the crossover between women who make good decisions, and women willing to do filthy and degrading things is very low.

as if no white couple ever adopted a black child ever tho? "i can't permit my wife to give birth to a child that takes after her side of the family because every other person is going to think that i got cucked" it's faulty logic and also no normal person thinks like this. redditors maybe but most people are too self centered to care or would think "oh how nice, they adopted"


who isn't in current year or whatever

Trigger intensefies

Ahahaha, your daddy didn't love you

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No, that seems like a very normal response in fact.

Burn the coal pay the toll

This but unironically. Also my saying "This but unironically" isn't me memeing, i straight up mean it.

Also my saying "This but unironically" isn't me memeing, i straight up mean it.

I'm going to start adding this, whether I mean it or not.

This, but unironically.

this but ironically

This but with a duck up my butt

I wouldn't date a woman with a child, even if it was white as snow and had blue eyes like the deep ocean itself.

Why waste resources and time on raising another man's child? Deep down you know it will never be yours.

lmao seriously, like imagine writing on your dating profile "by the way if you want to date me you'll need to pay me $250,000 to cover complications from sleeping with some other dude and if that's a problem for you you're racist."

Deep down you know it will never be yours.

And when they get older and you try and enforce discipline, they will remind you.

You really can't let shit like that shake you. Just say, 'No, but I'm still in charge here'. Take away their ammunition by acknowledging both the truth of it, and it's irrelevancy.

I mean, shit, I've been in charge of people before I'm not even old enough to be the daddy of. How do you get your girlfriends to listen to you if you get shook every time they toss out, 'You ain't my daddy'?

But the whole point of relationship is her calling me daddy.


I wouldn't give a child ammunition anyway. Unless there was only one gun in the house.

Chains and a dungeon?

Thats why you lie to them and tell them they are yours. Lying solves everything

can confirm, my parents lied to me and told me I had a normal number of chromosomes my whole life, and look at me now!

Wow, what a downer

Lol fuck no, that opens you up to some nasty legal shit.

I would, if she were otherwise the best choice of my options, and the kid wasn't enough of a negative to offset it.

What I'm saying is, two six's, I'm picking the one without the kids. But between a six and an eight, the eight's still probably going to win.

Then make sure you're married and settled down by 26 at the latest.

so glad I got married mid-20s.

Ahahahaa omfg and you pussies wonder why you'll be forever alone.

How does not intentionally cucking yourself make you a foreveralone?

It's not "cucking" you if you weren't dating at the time she had the kid, idiot. You're only "cucked" if you're cheated on. She can't cheat on you if you'd never even met. Christ, are you prepubescent? That's the only way I could really explain your lack of understanding on this subject.

The essential part of the cuckoo strategy is getting another to raise your offspring for you.

I don't know how it got tied up with cheating really

"Cuckold" Google it. We're not birds, sweetie. We're hoomans.

Yeah and it came from the cuckoo strategy in birds. I just wonder why the meaning changed when it comes to humans is all

Sweetlove, you have to actually get a girl to like you before you have to worry about being "cucked". Baby steps.

I fuck guys, but ok.

You fuck guys yet are emotionally invested in the intricacies of "cucking"? Fascinsting. I find it a relief that you won't be either reproducing or raising children.

I'm not emotionally invested. I'm curious about the meaning of the word and how it changes depending on the context

We're hoomans.

Found the Ferengi!

Honestly even acknowledging other people exist is cheating to me.


Deep down you know that you're going to die alone

Sure, but at least I'm not paying for furthering some other dudes genetic legacy.

You have to get a job before you can do either, loser.

I'll have you know that the allowance that my mom's boyfriend gives me is sufficient for my NEET needs, thank you very much.

And you can have another? In our time spreading your genes is super easy if you are into that. You could have kid every year!

Why waste resources and time on raising another man's child? Deep down you know it will never be yours.

Why not? The child will be much more like if he or she copies your character (and they do) than purely your genes.

Sweet then I'll just have my own kids and not waste needlessly on raising others then, and unless the fucker is formed from one of my sperm cells it will never be my child.

That's been my strategy. It's worked out well so far.

What about tits and ass? :(

She's doing her part to support the mayocide. No good deed goes unpunished.

Holy fuck

If single moms are so great, why are they single? :thinking:

Every single mom I've seen on dating websites is just very unlikable.

They also always seem to have absurd requirements, the number of unemployed single moms I've seen with strict job requirements is nuts.

What if I told you this is already possible? Strip clubs have been a thing for quite a while.

Dating a stripper is... risky.


Yeah no. That just increases the likelihood of being roped into extra bullshit. And of the kid being extra insane, what with the revolving parade of sketchy dudes trying to fuck his mom.

Let's just say i currently have an $800 scratch on my car due to a similar situation.

Lol this fag uses dating sites, go figure. You're the male equivalent to a single mom, btw.

If only you weren't a Trumptard/conspiratard I might take you seriously.

If you can't handle my black son at his worst, you don't deserve me at my best.

Just raise him until he’s 14 and let prison take over from there!

Ain't raising another dude's fuck trophy. Damn sure not raising a black fuck trophy.

fuck trophy

r/childfree is leaking

If you go black, we dont want you back.

Best comment.

Fucking epic

Once you go black you're a single mother

That website is fucking cancer on my phone. Seems pretty funny though. Thanks OP.

I'm viewing it on desktop with popup-blocker, ad-blocker and java disabled and it still had some unstoppable cancer video playing.

Disgusting. Decisions have consequences.

Once you go black you're a single mother.

Try and think about it from the perspective of a male... not only do you want someone to "take care" of you, but also your half black son. Being a single mother is hard enough, but now every time your man goes out in public with your son, every other person is going to think that you cucked him with a black guy and he was so spineless that he stayed with you to raise this guys kid. What kind of self respecting, sane man would ever sign up for that arrangement? 

When this is the first paragraph of the first reply you know it's gonna be good.

The black father abandoned me while I was pregnant, he refuses to even see his son or financially assist me with raising our son.

Lol. If only there had been some way to see that coming for her ...

my father disowned me, dropped out of college early and started working.

Bastard black kid and she's a college dropout? I'm getting more and more erect!

What difference does it make if my son is biracial? Regardless of color, a child is a child. Obama was biracial, he became the president of the united states so what's the big deal if my child is biracial?

I'm pretty certain your little Tyrone isn't gonna be president.

I want to find someone who will love me and take care of me but just so difficult in our current society.

I could do that. Although I could also just find a skinny, better-educated, 20-something who didn't let a bunch of thugs run a train on her. If I'm apparently paying for it (i.e. take care of her) I might as well get some value for my money.

But have you, tho? No. No, you haven't.

Why doesn't she just get another nigger boyfriend? Story reeks of trollbait a coalburner will be too busy smoking crack not posting on the internet.

Where did this coalburner thing come from? Out of the loop

Women who "want to be taken care of" need to realize that they are third-tier people. They don't get to be the primary woman of a man of any quality.

Poor girl. Fucking insecure sissy boy males can't take dating a girl who's had sex with a black man. What a bunch of pussies.

By your logic she's not losing out on anything, so why complain?

because there's no way all men are pussies. She's just saying it's hard to find the non-pussies.

Bait-iest shit baited




ITT: People equating having step-children with cuckoldry and people somehow actually failing when trying to argue with former group.

stop having babies with unstable men who are going to leave you?