Lead dev of up-and-coming browser blocks anti-ad/tracking extension in violation of the philosophy of Palemoon, nerd rage ensues.

35  2017-08-27 by snallygaster

The browser: Palemoon
Its slogan: Your browser, Your way.

Will this kill the browser's momentum? Stay tuned!


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  2. The announcement - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

  3. /g/ thread - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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That's pretty bold to criticize Snally's sentence structure. Are we going to see a showdown between the two most powerful r/drama posters?

Where did that quote come from?

OMG!!!! I suggested this the other night to some dudes on the discord! It's from my post a while back, didn't get much attention but someone suggested it and I can't believe it but it actually is a meme now! A ha!

You can kys now, you life is complete and you will live on in a meme forever.


well this is a cool new adblocker to add to my collection

From what I've heard Chrome blocked it a few months ago, so you're shit outta luck unless you're using a meme browser. Seems like a great extension, though.

yeah chrome did but firefox didnt so it's still usable even if youre not a hopeless nerd

yeah, but if you're a hopeless nerd you can still use it on chrome, it just takes more steps

ELI5 Adnauseam?

Ad networks that provide ad buyers with sophisticated tracking data about you are able to charge more. (E.g. you'd probably pay more to know the median age of who clicks your ads) They have to charge more because they spend more money on people who make that sophisticated tracking data possible (analysts, devs, etc).

AdNauseam pollutes their data with fake clicks, it makes it less valuable. Those ad networks which do the most tracking stand to lose the most money; that is, unless they're able to perfectly filter out all adnauseaum clicks.

Wow! That's petty good. Thanks!

Except it's not. It's a meme addon pushed by the rebellious teens of the internet. Vigilantes who go out of their way to "reduce profits for ad tracking companies" by reducing their own security, while they could just care about their own security and use umatrix like everyone else. Not a good idea to install it.

Well damn! Btw i wasn't going to install it anyway. uBlock Origin is enough for me.

ublock is good. Just enable all third party filters and enjoy the internet.

How does adnauseaum reduce security?

Go home google

how does false ad clicking compromise security, dipshit?

Thanks. Just installed.

firefox is a meme browser

i think you got that the other way around. chrome is the meme browser at this point.

You can still use it on chrome actually, you just have to manually install it.

That extension sounds like garbage. I don't want something clicking things behind my back, that's a recipe for getting exploited.

It IS garbage. You simply do not install addons that click on random links without your permission. It's security101 FFS.

oh. you are alive. so there.

I was dead?

For a while

Yeah. I started searching for you. More so than usual. I was worried.

botnet targets the goynet once again

This isn't 1990s furry drama, what's going on?

developed by a furry

marketed towards autists

This had barely any momentum to begin with.

Pale Moon is old as hell, the only place it's coming is in ur nan's pussy, m8