0  2017-08-27 by ISeeOnlyMe


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Ray's last name is Perr, for those wondering. I received 162 matches on 204 right swipes (swiping right only on 7-8+ women), although many matches came in after my initial swipe (I swiped first, then they swiped later) leading me to believe this number is a MINIMUM successful matches, and it's likely many more matches swiped right on me in the days following or would have without the profile suspension I have since obtained. The profile was suspended a day ago pending review. The last time this happened to my woman beater account, it was deleted permanently. I will check again on the profile in a few days to confirm my suspicions. For those of you that are disappointed by the results, I urge you look as hard as you can into the results. An underage virgin inspired by Ray's... history insisted he take her virginity. Multiple models (the top tier of females) beckoned him over for one night stands, feeling confident in sharing their personal info with a self admitted criminal of the most heinous kind. Worst of all, females were down playing and trivialising acts of child r_pe. It really ought to make you think.

u should show the real ray this tbqh

We already did this

you win, I expected the drama regulars to make fun of you. they never came. I should have posted it earlier, when the regulars were awake, but now they are sleeping and my post got downvoted.

maybe , ill be back.

Haha god it's just so obvious how much you hate yourself eh. You're probably 14/15 right? Think you understand the world around you. Think your opinions are the real truth. Your future is written in everything that you write. And you probably think you're so complicated and unique. I can read you like a children's 5 page book. You're a nothing. And I wish anything I could say would change that, but frankly you're just one of the students that needs to fill the ranks at Mcdonalds. It's a hard truth but you need to swallow it quickly. You are not a creator, you are a destroyer. Someone that puts down everyone around themselves until they form a hole where there's only room for you. You lonely, sad fucking pit of pathetic. You will never be anything in this life. You will get up every day wanting to change yourself and be better today. But you'll never escape who you are. A nobody. So enjoy your life, enjoy putting people down, enjoy never amounting to anything. At least I'm doing something with my life, no matter how small you think that is. If doing this kind of shit online is what gets you to sleep at night, then go ahead. But never forget that you will live this life alone, depressed, and believing you are something more than you are. But it's just the opposite. You're a zero.