Basic bitches get into a slapfight about His Neckbeardedness Jontron and whether racism is a political view or some shit

42  2017-08-27 by Rockstar_MWG_05


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Tbf, racism kinda is a political view in the US. Maybe not in a legal sense, but a lot of Americans cast their votes primarily to support (or to oppose) racism.

And I know which side all good /r/drama users support.

Against, since racism against mayos doesn't exist

Why sub or comment in the sub if you don't like the guy?

Attention whore?

idk if im retarded but if you're implying it's a jontron sub it's not

People in his sub today were literally saying he wants to erase blacks from the gene pool. Their ability to twist facts is honestly impressive

Literally anyone that disagrees with SJWs is an alt-right nazi that wants to exterminate other races.

Says the SJW that not at all can understand why their "antifa just beats up nazis" defense doesn't sit well with sane people.

He made a comment along the lines of "well they enter the gene pool" with regards to African immigrants. If that's not racist I don't know what is

How is that statement in itself racist?

He said you gotta ease into that shit. He wants them there, he just put it weirdly. Still weird AF during that debate.

I don't know if you've ever had a recorded conversation before, wherein the person you're conversing with does everything in their power to string your unprepared self up and get you to say ridiculous things, and thousands of people are listening in trying to pick apart everything you say as if you're completely 100% composed and articulating your well-thought out opinions perfectly, but that's the position Jon was put into.

Take a man with no political speaking experience and throw him into such an intense situation and you're bound to get some amazing sound bites you can use to ruin his public image. You can do incredible things when your only goal is to mark someone as "bad" so you can justify making a punching bag of them, rather than taking a moment to truly question what someone thinks and why. I know it sounds like I'm assuming your intent, but if you cared to dip your toes in this a bit further you'd find he's quite ashamed of his own remarks and demonstrated he doesn't back them up quite soon after he made them.

TBH, I shouldn't care enough to say even this much. But it really bothers me how this continues to go down. What a lot of people are doing is basically spreading the word of "Jon's a racist, don't support him", and that's skipping a lot of steps on the racism response ladder. Some people don't get their intent across well. If it's ever in doubt, maybe we shouldn't assume the absolute worst. We really don't solve anything by calling apples oranges. We just make people hate more.

I literally replied to someone with the name Jontron and came back to find a political argument how did this happen


I don't give a fuck if he's the leader of the KKK as long as his channel doesn't turn into a skeptic alt-rightesqu bullshit where he makes a half-human half-furry avatar.

And call it Pondering Orangutan

Or whoever that goat guy is

What did this guy actually say? can't be bothered to watch any videos...

People act like it's common knowledge , yet not a single person spelled out what he said and in what context, it's like the pre-internet era all over again

He had gotten into a debate with somebody and said like "Black people statistically commit more crimes than white people" or something like that, can't remember how it went exactly, but after that a bunch of people threw a fit and /r/JonTron got brigraded