/r/aznidentity GOLDENBOIS sling shit over inconsequential nonsense in a thread about McGregor vs. Mayweather

40  2017-08-27 by LSDawson


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u/GlutenFreeVegan how are asians systematically oppressed by white people. Besides even if you were the people who talk about oppression are the same group that consider you honorary white people.

affirmative action for one. We're also the most targeted race when it comes to acceptable normalized racist remarks.

Everyone who isn't chocolate can claim the affirmative action thing. Please inform us of how people making racist remarks. Your level of oppression is terrible, we really need to do a better job at systematically oppressing you

Except asians americans do actually get fucked over the most on it. We have to score 50 points more than whites on the SATs to compete. Most half asian candidates are encouraged to fill in white instead of asian on their applications for better chances.

Schools that stopped AA like UC Berkley saw a huge influx of asian american students from middle and lower economic classes that were being kept out due to AA.

You get fucked over more by blacks and hispanics. No self-respecting white person wants Affirmative Action anyway, it's retarded.

That tard is pissed at the wrong people.

The no self-respect white boys wrote the legislation.

Because they're cucks.

nah that's incorrect too, when universities like UC Berkley took down AA, asian american acceptance rates shot up from mostly middle and lower class homes, white acceptance went rates dropped the most significantly and blacks and latino's remained roughly the same. AA by numbers ends up helping white women applicants the most

That doesn't make any sense, nogs and wetbacks get the most fake SAT points when it comes to admissions because their average is so low. They'd be the first to not get admitted. And UC Berkley is one college.

universities like UC Berkley

I only used uc berkley was an example. West Coast universities have started to ban AA since about 4 years ago and have had similar results.

AA does boost non-asian minority numbers but to a degree which significantly hurts asian american numbers more than whites. Asian americans are being discriminated against for ivy league uni's in the same way jews used to be discriminated against decades ago. it just transferred over to people with my skin


Which is what I said. You're getting fucked over because blacks and hispanics are getting a leg up. We are too but to a lesser extent. Neither of us want Affirmative Action, trust me. The chocolates that benefit from it view you guys as basically white anyway, so they aren't going to feel bad for keeping you out of schools.

Jews though, discriminated against? lmao. They are overrepresented everywhere.

but i don't blame blacks or hispanics for taking advantage of a fucked up system, i blame the heads of the institutions who implemented it in the first place. I also blame the media for constantly putting asians in a "honorary white" status as well. Overall, the point of everything was to show that systematic oppression against my kind exist, which i think i've done.

I never denied that. AA is literal institutional racism and like I said before, self-respecting white people don't like it. Only cucks who think we owe blacks and hispanics do.

You understand that using your own logic, by claiming affirmative action is oppression, you are claiming white people are also being oppressed in the US via affirmative action, right?

White liberals that support affirmative action are still white.

Yeah no shit, that's my point. The entire argument makes no sense.

you oppress yourself, heh

Mayos benefit from AA by purging their white guilt. And as usual with white guilt, we make asians pay for it twice as bad as we do.


by numbers, AA is designed to protect white applicants (specifically white female applicants) from being pushed out by asian american applicants in lower and middle class households who don't gain any benefits from it. If you look at universities that have taken away AA, asian american acceptance rates shoot up the most, white applicants go down the most, and black and hispanic go down as well but not not by much

Only because Jew isn't a category.

Those grew up with asian cultural background turn out fine hence affirmative action is used to put down the economically strong asians that doesnt fit into the oppressed minority mold.

The 2nd gen grow up day 1 bombed with bants and media so they know the life of a beta small dick manlet is their destiny.

Two autists for the price of one.

Pay cash and you get 20% discount.

What's not to like?

Realizing you still overpaid.

how am i an autist?

Gluten free



Any more redundant questions?

i chose this name knowing it'd be ironic, you chose yours thinking it would be edgy.

Aww, little fag thinks he knows me. Go kill a whale you stupid jungle monkey.

Ok, you can return to /r/aznincels and gleefully tell them how you just "won" a debate on the internet against le evil whitey by explaining how your "ironic" username is totes better. You'll be a LEGEND!!!

They'll build monuments in your honer. They'll have a parade, then they'll throw you an extravagant party, and it'll be a complete fucking sausage fest, just like your pathetic little chink hugbox.

Please try again...

well i'll be surprised if anyone builds anything in anyone's "honer". I can't imagine that'd be an easy thing to do. Thanks for the support!

They won't, like your sub of butthurt incel virgins whining about "oppression", that was a joke.

The closest thing to a monument you'll get is a tombstone when you realize it was your own righteous self-pity, and the fact you wasted half your life on kids cartoons is the reason you ended up in your 30's with nothing, and you decide to kamikaze yourself. Save yourself some time and just do it already.

hahahaha okay buddy, hope u have a great day today

You do the same there buddy. Consider taking responsibility for tour own shortcomings and you'll be amazed by how your life improves. Tc.

thanks! same to you as well, you might learn not to be so angry all the time ;]

I couldn't be happier, but w/e makes you feel better. ;)


good one, scatmunchies

Now that we’re on friendly terms, would you mind if I shit in your mouth? Yes, it’s a sexual thing.

Respond back to my points now, bitch.

Imagine acting this hard on the internet

Now you have 141 post karma, I have over 800 post karma.

The world's smallest e-peen contest.

This was my favorite part - if you find yourself boasting about how much more post karma you have on Reddit, you need to kys.

That's exactly the kind of thing I'd expect someone with sub 15k comment karma to say



Ahem ;)

I mean, technically shouldn't whoever has the least karma win?

No, giving a shit about karma means you lose.

But it’s 600 post Karma. You can make that from /r/teenagers with a me_irl repost.

Even on the internet, Asians have small peens.

So I don't care about boxing or fighting or whatever but I just learned this was a BOXING match between a BOXER and an MMA fighter, and the BOXER won. Did this surprise anybody? Like wtf was this shit.

Would have been more fun to see them fight MMA because it would have been a murder.

I wonder if Rousey would have won

Can they just go back to shooting chocolates from their rooftops so I can like them again


/u/YueFei90, just want to remind you that McGregor, an MMA trained fighter, landed 30 more punches against Mayweather than Pacquiao, a professionally trained boxer.

u/Hodor played by a FAGGOT, just want to remind you that Mayweather walked down McFaggot, something he never did against professionally trained fighters.

Now don't get butt hurt now. Come to AznIdentity or EasternSunRising.

Don't fucking drag me into your incel sub. Faggot. Coward. Scum. Lowest of the low. GO KILL YOURSELF.

u/Hodor the Faggot, just want to remind you that McFaggot was stumbling half unconscious before the bell of round 10, something Pacquiao certainly didn't do against Mayweather.



But you faggots ban anyone who doesn't think the rice people are master race.

Solid copypasta 7/10

But the actor who plays Hodor has a bigger wang than all the Wangs in the world.


You do know that was a prosthesis right?

No wonder the western media portrays asian men as effeminate - it's hilarious to watch you feisty little yellow buggers get mad about it.

Keep going!


I take that you are across the fucking pond.

God, why do the English have such retarded sayings? LOL

But the actor who plays Hodor has a bigger wang than all the Wangs in the world.

And...You like sucking it? Faggot. Ho. Whore. (Failed) Troll. Hiding behind a horde of nefarious sycophants. An echo chamber. Gweilo. Gringo. Fag. Cracker. Frog. Haole. Peckerwood?! Wigger.

CopyPaste "white slurs" 10/10

"Brah", you mad?




You'll be MY FAVORITE REDNECK INCEL to beat the shit out of.


Probably because you messed up and killed your sister than fucked yourself. It happens.



holy shit this guy is real

Holy shit you're a fag. Get over it.

I got lucky. The other dream I had last night involved me falling in love with a princess then getting chased by Amy Schumer around an art gallery.

Holy shit...a guy (hopefully you were being sarcastic about this) who dreamt about this shit questioning if another person is "real". Take your meds and worry about yourself first.

Worry about your graphic designing bullshit that contributes absolutely nothing to society.

Damn, you personalized the insult. I'm almost offended.

What will you say next, that Yue Fei's tattoos contributed nothing to society?

Do me do me next! Pls. I love you.

You do know no white person is actually offended by anti-white slurs - it’s just something we pretend to give a shit about because we’re not allowed to say nigger anymore.

Also, I’m not gay - I’m into coprophilia, and I bet your hot little mouth will look beautiful when I shit in it. I can’t wait to let it all go, so deep down your throat you choke as I smear the rest around your face, plugging your nostrils and filling your eyes. You’ll panic a little, like you’re suffocating, but you’ll get so hard you’ll be a full 4 inches.




Isn't it coprophagia?

That’s just eating poop. Coprophilia is when poop gives you sexual pleasure.

be honest, how many times have you jerked off to this video?

Criticizing someone else's username? You named yourself after a guy who is famous for killing Jurchens. That's so fucking problematic for azian identity, I don't even know where to begin.

Great job, motherfucker! You know how to use Google! Faggot.

You think I googled your username just on the off chance that maybe it would be an icon of Chinese nationalism? I'm shocked and hurt that you would underestimate this mayo's knowledge of Chinese history.

u/HodoracharacterplayedbyanactualFAGGOTactor, just want to remind you that Mayweather literally walked down McFaggot, something he never did against professionally trained fighters. He usually dances around the ring.

Now don't get butt hurt now. Come to AznIdentity or EasternSunRising.

Don't fucking drag me into your incel sub. Faggot. Coward. Scum. Lowest of the low. GO KILL YOURSELF.

u/HodortheFaggot, just want to remind you that your McFaggot was stumbling half unconscious before the bell of round 10, something Pacquiao certainly didn't do against Mayweather.

Post dick pics old

u/Ed Buttered Faggot Post dick pics old.

u/HodoracharacterplayedbyanactualFAGGOTactor, just want to remind you that Mayweather literally walked down McFaggot, something he never did against professionally trained fighters. He usually dances around the ring. Now don't get butt hurt now. Come to AznIdentity or EasternSunRising. Don't fucking drag me into your incel sub. Faggot. Coward. Scum. Lowest of the low. GO KILL YOURSELF. u/HodortheFaggot, just want to remind you that your McFaggot was stumbling half unconscious before the bell of round 10, something Pacquiao certainly didn't do against Mayweather.

I heard something like 35% of Asian men have a 40% lower sperm count. Is that true? Also the testicular size is smaller too. Is that why they have tiny peckers?

Inconsequential? Why post it then. lol

/u/YueFei90 , just want to remind you that McGregor, an MMA trained fighter, landed 30 more punches against Mayweather than Pacquiao, a professionally trained boxer.


Some obscene stat you pulled...lol. Face it, your white fuckboi lost, and more white fuckbois are crying on some obsolete sub.

It just shows that McGregor did better than Pacquiao.

your white fuckboi lost

Why is your self-esteemed established on White people losing? Have you nothing to be proud about? How about your Commie China flag? Go give it a kiss and a good grab. Maybe that'll make you feel better.

"Bro", Prez Trump is destroying Western civilization for us "Commies DURRRRR COMMIES MAN", so out of anyone, we actually have him to thank.

Go bang your head over and over again to a fucking statue of your likely homosexual Jesus who got crucified and nailed over and over again until he couldn't take it anymore. Then your "self esteemed" might feel better.

Trump does not represent the Western civilization, just like the CCP does not represent the Chinese people. The West will survive

fucking statue of your likely homosexual Jesus


self esteemed

Oops. Fixed.

You didn't answer my question, though.

Yes because I, as a Canadian, have had my life and culture completely ruined by the POTUS

Great. Good for you. You're fucking irrelevant anyways.


dont worry, we're still better than you

Don't worry faggot, I'm not worrying. We're still better than you.

Wolfskiefaggot, time to pull out IQ scores, amiright?! Uh oh, WE WUZ KANGS AND SHIT says the butt hurt white fags.

even you know we're better than you

Fuck these idiots man, I love Panda Express. I got your back buddy.

Fuck these idiots man,

I love Panda Express. I

Got your back buddy.


                  - itoucheditforacookie

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Bad bot

Good comment

Exactly "brah", fuck the idiots you hang out with. Birds of the same feather flock together. Did your idol Mark Twain say that shit or what? lol

BTW I love McDonald's, Subway and all those bullshit fast food restaurants you white pinkies frequent.

I got your back buddy too. Watch out. Too funny...

Tiny pecker tiny pecker tiny pecker 😂😂😂🍆🍆🍆

Brah /u/YueFei90 you should know that /u/hodorthedoorholder has over 9000 Post Karma while you have short of 900, yet what have you posted to contribute to the /r/drama community or even the /r/ican'tgetlaidsoletsblamesomeoneelse community for that matter?

Butt-uh brah, you should know that I haven't nearly been on reddit as long as your fuck buddy Hodor?

Go post on u/oneofmy"own"gotattackedsoIfeelinsecure and r/the need to defend a fag who named himself after a faggot autistic character now.

Maybe once /r/YueFei90 has been on Reddit for a while and isn't so much of a... Virgin, he'll realize /r/drama wants his drama load spewed into it's face. Unlike every woman he encounters.

I have over 9000 post karma? Yeesh! Maybe I need to keep myself safe.


i need to kill myself :(



My money is more than 10+.

u/HodoracharacterplayedbyanactualFAGGOTactor, just want to remind you that Mayweather literally walked down McFaggot, something he never did against professionally trained fighters. He usually dances around the ring.

Now don't get butt hurt now. Come to AznIdentity or EasternSunRising.

Don't fucking drag me into your incel sub. Faggot. Coward. Scum. Lowest of the low. GO KILL YOURSELF.

u/HodortheFaggot, just want to remind you that your McFaggot was stumbling half unconscious before the bell of round 10, something Pacquiao certainly didn't do against Mayweather.

Just do it


I like how every forum dedicated to a racial group that is non-white turns into a place to bash white people. I sure wonder why white people are starting to play identity politics right back.

did you read the post? it had 0 upvotes and the link specifically was to a conversation that condemned indiscriminate white bashing

good for us it is just a loud swan song

All the "/pol/ but Asian"-type subreddits (/r/AznIdentity, /r/AsianMasculinity, etc.) are fucking hilarious. I love whenever they pop up here.

Top banter from then lol

Goddamn, dude, I've seen you here today more than /u/UltraShitPoster. Did you just discover the sub recently and you have the same weird compulsions as USP does and you've gotta leave your taint in every /r/drama thread? I worry about you guys.

Haha yessendhalppls^

Is Edd Edd & Edie even still on?

Ended way back in 2009. Ran for 10 years!

I think /u/yuefei90 is literally autistic. Not even memeing

Now you have 141 post karma, I have over 800 post karma


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