Rejoice, my friends, for the death of the White Oppressor is nigh

5  2017-08-27 by Dr_Gop


nigh af


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Ok, now... I don't wanna go full pol here but...

Really veys my oys.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

This is the funniest shit in a while.

Not even hiding it anymore...

You know there is data, is not like they are making this up. This isn't your "teh jooz" conspiracy.

There was no data.

They used meta regression by searching previous studies that may or may not be related to the goal at hand.

It's a kind of magic statistics but they use word "scientific" so who am I to argue?

so children of men but this time fertile men are hunted down? lol