AskGaybros argues about being fat. Again.

41  2017-08-27 by TJsAwesomeName


This is why we need mayocide.


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Tbh this quote would be relevant in like 99% of the posts.


Day of the Scale when?

9/11 sounds catchy to me.

Advertise a 50% discount at Golden Corral and other AYCE buffets nationwide. Then, either chain the doors shut or better yet, invite fitness trainers to do sign-ups outside and they'll gas themselves in no time.

Literally worse then gay nazis, its a much bigger betrayal.

A fat person is like the house on your block with trash in the yard and domestic violence. It just brings down property values for everyone around them.

You know, there was a time in America when if you saw a morbidly obese person you'd react with somewhere along the lines of "Woah, it's the fat person." Because outside of circus sideshows they would be the only spherical person you'd ever seen.


Put down the burger and grab the lifting bar. Also post bussy.

Lol I might eat a burger every two months. If I was an asshole like you'd, I'd tell you to bend over and we'll find out who the bussy is. But my masculinity is not threatened by the feminine. In fact, I consider it a compliment.

I have a camp you need to visit.. and it's not fat camp.

Genocide isn't edgy, it's sickening, and only a sick person makes reference to it.

Wrong camp. I meant conversion camp you paranoid mother fucker.

Violence and homophobia isn't edgy, it's sickening, and only a sick person makes reference to it. There's no further response to that level of hatred.

No I'm pretty sure it's just a normal reaction, not edgy or sickening.

ur definitely not an edgelord

oh no I totally am.

Can you not give so ....uhm stereotypical answers?

If it's "sickening," it's edgy by definition...

associations with the feminine, I consider it a compliment.

What the fuck does that even mean, where did this "oh you're so scared of femininity come from", hows that fragile self image working out for you that you need to "assert" how "confident" you are in your own skin?

I feel like Tumblr is leaking....

How do gay guys even have standards? They live in a culture based on Grindr hookups, "you sucking?", and random fudgepacking sessions.

You're too fat says the homo as he instead proceeds to plow a hairy, stinky, AIDS infested bussy of a slightly less overweight gay.

Living in LA, this is the conclusion I, too, have come to, especially based on what my homosexual friends say about their experiences in the culture.

Everyone lowers their standards to their actual level of attractiveness. Or they gets drunk to make everyone appear more attractive.

GET drunk! Do you even grammar?

Gets fuck mates

You sucking?

Not sucking but eating ass if it's well maintained

Imagine caring this much about either side of this argument and spending a Saturday evening whining about it.

Definitely getting banned from there.

I'm glad I read the bottom of that thread, /u/tato_1988 gets absolutely fuckin torched.

way to prove the stereotype that only fat fucks cry about people not being attracted to fat fucks lol

im sure most of these guys would take a "body by heroin" twink over a fat dude in the name of health

You wouldn't?

no because i have good taste

If you're in /r/drama you probably have bad taste in partners or none at all.

Just @ me next time

my taste is impeccable but that's countered by other horrible life decisions like posting here

Better dead than fat.