'Straight Outta Compton' Star Jason Mitchell Handcuffed After Tirade on Delta Flight

61  2017-08-28 by justcool393


Cool story, bro


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Mitchell was cuffed and detained when he finally left the aircraft, but Delta refused to press charges and he was released.

I wish I had that much privilege.

Or else... hear me out... just maybe... airlines aren't eager to publicize conflicts over overbooked seats right now for some reason

nah who am I kidding it must be because he's privileged

United Express Flight 3411 incident

On April 9, 2017, O'Hare International Airport police violently and forcibly ejected passenger David Dao from United Express Flight 3411 after he refused to depart the airplane upon the demand of management. Dao screamed as officers pulled him out of his seat, and his face hit an armrest during the struggle. Officers then dragged him, apparently unconscious, by his arms on his back along the aircraft aisle past rows of onlooking passengers. He was later seen with blood around his mouth.

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It is.

Are you really insisting that a rich black guy who flies first class is not super privileged compared to an average whitey (or Asian for that matter)? And not just in the sense of being able to afford stuff, but in how the social institutions treat them?

For example, yeah, I'm pretty sure that this black first class guy would not have been beaten up by the security like that Asian pleb even if this case went first.

I am saying that I don't think any of this impacted the airline's refusal to press charges, which can be 100% explained by wanting no publicity around conflicts over overbooked seats

Since when do you defend bourgies?

Charges for what? Calling someone a pussy?

There's a million bullshit charges they could have stuck him with, anything from "Disorderly Conduct" to something like "Interfering with the Operation of an Airplane" which is probably some class A felony with 25 year mandatory minimum thanks to towel heads

I don't think airlines can afford prosecute people for being angry for their fuckups.

I'd be pissed off to if I paid for a first class seat and didn't get it.

Yeah, to be fair to him, how the fuck do you overbook first class?

The black guy was totally random selected to lose his seat

He was though, airlines know it would be a PR disaster to purposely choose a black guy to lose his seat

Also how would they know the guy was black? Most likely they just look at the seat map for a flight and pick a random seat before even seeing the passengers.

maybe the person he lost his seat to was even blacker

Also how would they know the guy was black?

Yeah, see, the problem is he has a white name.

"A Delta official tells TMZ, the airline did NOT overbook. Mitchell was late to the airport and missed his flight, on which he had a first class ticket. Mitchell was flying standby on a later flight -- the flight in question -- and the only seat available was "comfort+."

I hate Delta, but this is 100% on Jason Mitchell. How the fuck are you going to miss your original flight and then cause a delay for a later flight because you want someone to give up THEIR first class seat for your late ass. When you're on standby you are given the lowest priority.

Oh yea, but the thing is he could have just gone on twitter and made the airline look horrible, but instead he threw a fit right on the damn plane.

Why not both? Making a big deal out of something is a good way to make a company give you what you want.

The article said he missed his original flight, and was standby for the following flight.

I'm on the side of the guy who got kicked off the flight. Fucking thief stole his seat!

It's because he's black

An amazing display of a nigger exhibiting typical chimp-out behaviour


An example of an autist with a familial history of inbreeding

Who said it was common? I just said you did.




Effort <----

do you perhaps live in Charlottesville