Ed Skrein quits Hellboy after calls of whitewashing a half Japanese character -- this is very important to some people

47  2017-08-28 by justwondering664

Original tweet: https://twitter.com/edskrein/status/902244967296491520

Plenty of people happy to see a mayo is out of a job and pledging to support his next project in there.

A call for others to stop Blackwashing goes unheeded: https://twitter.com/Batlantern7/status/902259185458360320

A sign that there will be no black James Bond: https://twitter.com/g1dders/status/902261598093533184

I feel like this is going to be a growing source of race-drama over the next day once the usual people get involved. Get in on the ground floor for this one.


Who's going to review all the Asian movies pisswashing Western movies?

You never really get an answer on that one.

Japan's population: 127m

  • Foreign residents: 2.2m

  • Asian foreign residents: ~1.7m

  • Approx Percentage of non Asian residents: .004%

China population: 1.379b

  • Foreign non Asian population: ~300,000

  • Approx Percentage of non Asian residents: .0002%

Asian population in America: 5.1%

That's why you white people don't need representation in Asia. It's really hilarious you even try to use the double standard card.

What if we just don't care about you?

Then you're just like the average American! Congrats

🗽 America 😴

You'll just have to cry into your successful brother's piles of money.


You realise not all Chinese are Han, right? There's ten million uighurs in China alone.

Are you saying that the smaller the minority, the less they deserve representation? Like, by that logic it's OK to ignore the existence of trans people because they are even rarer than mayos in Japan.

I want representation now.

I'm sure the Hollywood jews had no part in this at all.

Japanese Kabuki is misogynist because men play women!!!! WE AMERICANS DEMAND ANSWERS JAPAN!!!

There's no drama yet tho.

I don't understand how you can whitewash an Asian. Just get cirrhosis of the liver to yellow the skin and squint while on screen.

Tbh I though most (((PoC)))) considered asians white anyway?

Like Ed Skrein's not used to sporting the face of someone other than hisself.

Jeesh the amount of butt licking congratulations makes it seem like his taint is made of candy.

Firstly, dude shouldn't have been cast as a asian character, that's on the casting director. Secondly, if you complain about this, people who have complaints about blackwashing are now legit.

Who even the fuck is Ed Skrein

Fired from Game of Thrones and recast. Played the bad guy in the hit film Deadpool.

Wait....why does a Wigga care about whitewashing?


Same people applauded Idris being cast as Rolland in the dark tower. lol what a shit movie anyway

I love how everyone quickly forgets how behind Idris Elba they were when he was cast as playing Roland of Gilead, a white man with blue eyes. Lul My how the tables turn.

Press F

That movie was shit for a whole host of other reasons.

That movie was shit for a whole host of other reasons.

Namely for the same reason that people dont like Black Roland. It has nothing to do with the actual books. Same difference.

I don't really think that the Hellboy movies made enough profit to risk this, tbh. They are comic book movies about demon-man and his supernatural buddies fighting mystical threats. That's a 'white dude' movie.

You can do stupid pandering feminism bullshit in movies, but not in ones aimed at teenage boys.