Matt Furie has "Adventures of Pepe and Pede" by (former) Texas assistant principal pulled from the shelves and the profits donated to Council on American-Islamic Relations.

108  2017-08-29 by shitpost953


Have you posted bussy yet?


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Man, imagine if he could monetize all those memes

Feels good man

Imagine if he wasn't such a cuck.

The_Retard is talking about pirating it

Cucked Little Nazi Fascist Bitch Matt Furie

What the fuck is wrong with these morons?

They're morons.

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Cucked Little Nazi Fascist Bitch

oh man, they are mad

Snowflakes_irl ❄️

Don (((steinberg))) of course.

More proof that Pepe was meme of peace before those alt-right spergs usurped it.

Pepe was always about love and tolerance. The Trumptards corrupted it and turned pepe into a symbol of hate and intolerance.

I can understand being a white nationalist - you do you, but leave the memes out of it you sick sons of bitches.

Pool's closed.

Memes must remain neutral or the entire meme economy collapses.

"Memes must remain neutral because my side can't make memes for shit!"

Most of the populace have the attention span of a gnat. They are not like us. They would never bother reading more than a paragraph unless it has to do with sex. Right now, the proven, most effective weapon is, believe it or not...memes. The Great Meme war should extend well beyond just CNN. We must use short, visual and audio clips to educate the masses of their impending enslavement. It does no good to keep it all pent up in this bubble of T_D. The CNN memes are just a single battle. The war is much more involved. Even as I type this, they are trying ways to hush up conservative sites. We must respond in a cohesive and effective manner, sand like them...keep banging the drum day in and day out. This is going to be a long and protracted fight. Endurance and daily perseverance will be required. Almost every day I log on to The Hill and slap the Left with facts mixed with ridicule. You must all do the same, we have to get the truth out to the Normies. Red pilling with endless memes may well be the best way. We should bash them all...Obama, the DNC, the Investigation Committee members..make it personal, isolate them and publicly ridicule each and every one of them.

The funniest part of this is the guy who wrote it won the war lol

Posting the same frog and "remove kebab" jokes over and over isn't creatively inventing a meme. Want to see what liberals are creating? Read a book or an article that isn't from a tabloid or watch any decent stand-up comic.

Way to shift those goalposts bud. You did that real creatively

Have fun in your little box with your frog

Thanks! You have fun watching Girls and Trainwreck

That's quality entertainment. Next you're gonna say the Cosby show is ruined because Cliff Huxtable is a rapist.

Cliff Huxtable is an upstanding family man

Bill Cosby, allegedly, did some bad things

Can we not divorce the entertainment from the creators and just like what we want? So Bill Cosby drugged and raped 30 women and Leah Dunham stuck a rock in her sister's pussy. Jared Leto is a creepy dude who wears too much make up but 30 Seconds to Mars still has some epic songs. Just take the good and ignore the bad.

So Bill Cosby drugged and raped 30 women


Just take the good and ignore the bad.

pretty sure that's what Dunham was coo-ing to her infant sister as she stole her innocence

pretty sure that's what Dunham was coo-ing to her infant sister as she stole her innocence

Stop trying to turn me on.

30 Seconds to Mars still has some epic songs


you're crazy if you don't think they know how to work crescendos into their music. Might not be your cup of tea, but their music is super dramatic and epic.

any decent stand-up comic.

Le Drumpf, amirite you guys?

Posting the same . . . over and over isn't creatively inventing a meme.

That's exactly what a fucking meme is dipshit

inventing a meme

Like genders and species, memes are not invented.

Pepe was just a depressed frog when the memes started, i think before it was pepe it was just known as sad frog.

Leftists need to seize the memes of production, because they can't produce anything on their own.

You all are such fools. Pepe was a 4chan meme first and foremost. 4chan users decided they didn't like how much normie attention Pepe was getting, so they decided to make him into a white power symbol so only weirdos like them could use him. And their plan worked.

I love how this retroactive lore became so popular once the boards started getting called out. Plan worked so well it's now being used unironically and no one uses regular sad frog

Before all this shitstorm pepe was just a sad frog, thats all it represented. Look at old pepe memes and its just pepe being sad about different things none of them racist or even political. Eventually it became smug pepe and pepe hated normies, and after the racist pepes started showing up.

Regardless i wish the guy the best in enforcing his copyright but its gonna be hard with how much it has spread.

It's funny because the smug pepe pics always gave me an "unapologetic degenerate" vibe. Ironic to see the same people pretending to be innately superior.

I always tie him mentally to the 'wagecuck' memes where some neet is bragging about not having a job.

pepe was just a sad frog, thats all it represented. Look at old pepe memes and its just pepe being sad about different things none of them racist or even political. Eventually it became smug pepe and pepe hated normies, and after the racist pepes started showing up.

Sounds like the average channer progression

This is so fucking painfully stupid.

Wow, how autistic do you have to be to write a children's book about your retarded internet memes?

Enough to think that orange doofus is a super secret genius strategist and not the painfully narcissistic idiot he so clearly is. The dude has been the shame of NYC for decades

i see you have not studied fifteenth-dimensional parcheesi closely

You mean 69 dimensional windows backgammon

orange doofus is a super secret genius strategist

B..b..but he HAD to be in order to beat my KWEEN

Bernie can still win this.

No serious person thinks Bernie Sanders should run this country

No serious person thinks a woman should run this country

so brave!

If you want to get all serious.



Somewhere between Chris-Chan and the Government should provide girlfriends guy.

Who do the government girlfriend guy?

95% of /incels

I don't know if I can post his name since it might be considered doxxing. Just google "encyclopedia dramática government get girlfriends" and it should pop up.

The OG incel.

This is just what the kekistan normies do

Just a little less autistic than the people who buy it for their kids.

This has to be one of the most puerile reasons anyone ever lost a job over.

granted, most children now a days only like memes and minecraft

Up next: fidget spinners not really racist!

Anyone got a scan of this thing?

wtf I love copyright trolls now.

ITT: SRS holding a circlejerk. Again.

Lmaooo it's 2017 and you still think SRS is a relevant thing

stfu u 9gagging belieber

Stop being such a thin skinned bitch.

You can't spell SRS without SoRoS

Dangit, I was going to submit this with the title "Creator of rare pepes cucks the alt-right."

Altright get cucked again :)

I love everything about this except for the fact that CAIR gets a few extra bucks now.

Cool, a harmless children's book is now probably funding child genital mutilatio.

Funny because it's true

is CAIR the ones working with the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists?

epic tr0le my dudes.

And suicide bombers

"I mean sure, some of the new rules took a little adjusting to get used to Sharia compliance. And I mean the Jizya tax seems a little steep. But at least I'm not a racist"

I mean, it's USA, genital mutilation is expected anyway.













Back in my day we'd just give them a machete and a few homos.

hahaha who the fuck let that guy teach children

Wow, that sucks. Fucking terrorists don't need more money for bomb belts.

You know, it is possible for people to dislike something due it being bad and not because of oppression.

intellectual property


intellectual property



Keep trying to Stop Pepe, your only making him more popular

I still remember & fondly miss the good old days when posting a 'Pepe' meant that you did something irrational and your sole reason for doing it was because it [felt] good, man.