Socialist faggot posts propaganda to /r/games and gets butthurt when he gets called out. Runs to /r/chapotraphouse to cry socialist bitch tears.

104  2017-08-29 by SkippyDippo


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Username definitely checks out in this case

Tacking Trump on doesn't make bussy any less of a shit meme.

Opinion duly noted!

Wtf? If you don't like bussy, why the fuck are you even on this sub. What the fuck, I thought all the idiots that came in from the /r/all flood had left.

Is this oc?


I'm sorry.

Me too thanks.



Socialists are now arguing that socialism is 'state capitalism' and capitalism is socialism.

In the past, communist nations used its peasants to farm fields. In the present, communist nations have used its peasants to farm gold in World of Warcraft. Like labor c amps?

That's horrifying.

Oh my! Horrifying? When did you start caring about peasant children in rural China? You're a good man..

You've never played WoW, have you?

Not having played video games is an insult now? How old are you?


Vidya is important to reddit

No, being forced to play WoW, a shitty subpar mmo is cruel and Skippy can clearly empathize with that horror having played such a shit game. Why do you always try to pick fights when you no joke have an IQ below the median /u/flipkt ?

To be fair though, there would be no market for it if not for the fact that...

gold farming was lucrative because it took advantage of economic inequality and the fact much time is needed to earn in-game currency.[4] Rich players from developed countries, wishing to save many hours of playing time, were willing to pay substantial sums to gold farmers from developing countries. Gold farming says. As far as I can see it's not just the authoritarian regime of Chinese communism that creates gold farms, but also the fact of global economic inequality. Just sayin'.

Man, you're just being a combative motherfucker lately, aren't you?

of all of the goddamn examples to use in arguing the superiority of socialism over capitalism

rural China

Steve Bannon owned a company that literally did just that.

Steve Bannon owned a slave labor camp for WoW gold farmers? Or, he ran a business selling farmed gold? I mean, the shitty thing about capitalism is people can make big money on the backs of the 3rd world for our entertainment. The shitty thing about communism is capitalists will make big money off of our backs.

It is much, much easier and more profitable to make big money by trading with other first world countries than "off the backs of the 3rd world." Dependency theory etc has been disproven over and over again but left-wing "social scientists" cling to it because it feels right.

That comes from this ridiculous idea of the "reserve army of labor" that pushes everyone's wages down. When that didn't turn out to be right because living standards kept rising, they shift the goal posts and say its because its exported. Why those wages are now rising is conveniently forgotten.

Socialists think capitalists are retarded. Capitalists think socialists are retarded. Meanwhile (((they))) own everything and think you're all retarded lmao.

Socialists are literally retarded, though.

Who's a good goy?!


Yes, you are!

Wow a comunist and an antisemite you must be a real joy to be around.

he also hates cat girls

He is literally worse than Hitler.

Requesting ban



Hey, thanks for the brand new identity tags fam! Fight more!

Look at all the parts of the world Jews run: America, Israel, Europe. You'll note that these are the only parts of the world worth living in.

But unironically

Are you flytape?

I assume Socialism will be as great for video games as it was for literature. But what will be the socialist realism genre of video games?

Farming Simulator 2017 Potatoe Edition! Where you have to eat your mule to have enough energy to pull your plow.

People living under socialism will be too busy lying about their harvest numbers so they don't get gulag'd actually farming so they don't starve to death to play simulated farming.

  • Live under socialism
  • Try making video game with smuggled computer and gas generator
  • Get executed

Wow socialism really does work

This but ironically ;)

dead gamers

nothing wrong here

Dead gamers is enough to make me consider socialism

But what about the bussy shortages?

The inevitable black market will provide.

Capitalism once again

Oh no they'd make a video game system that you had to pay for in advance, it would be incredibly expensive and take two years from payment to delivery. It would come with one game with promises of more that never actually come.

So Kickstarter then

If Lada made video games.

As a side note, what do you call a Lada driver with a speeding ticket? A liar.

Sounds better than average game dev startup


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I never thought I'd see the day someone managed to make a bot even more useless than the "non-mobile wikipedia link" one but here we are.

I have a feeling r/games and related subreddits are hives for astroturfing and perception management.

Lol. "The only people who hate commies are paid shills" basically. This is your mind on NEETbux.

Not to mention the guy admits to going to games to post propaganda...

I went to a library to convince people of the joys of illiteracy, but people were skeptical and mocked me. Clearly there are subversive agents working behind the scenes to push bourgeoisie propaganda.

If we take this post literally then the thing you did was quite odd, and the conclusion you reached - bizarre.

tbh there's gotta be a couple corporobots in /r/games

if they're shilling for anybody though, it's probably EA or Ubisoft instead of the abstract notion of capitalism

The one popular videogame to come out of Communist Russia is Tetris, and Tetris was taken from its creator by the state and wasn't restored to him until a few years after the end of Communism in Russia.

So, yes, by all means, create a popular game under Communism (so the state can take it from you and make money from your effort).

You already know these kids are going to say that the U.S.S.R. wasn't real communism.

They essentially want to call a Mulligan on an entire political ideology.

Don't forget the implied racism. "Slavs and brown people were too stupid to do socialism right, but surely we will manage it."

Lots of yellow in there too

and jews

So they'd hole the same view as Lenin then

Karl Marx didn't even describe real communism.

I mean, it's actually not. Neither was Cuba, neither was any country. One of the fundamental points of communism is the absence of a government, as this government should only be needed during the transition period that is socialism. It was some weird state-capitalism-fascism-socialism hybrid that had no plan on serving its citizens past the first few moments Lenin got into power, and worsened with Stalin.

Whether actual communism is achievable is more doubtful.

thats kind of the whole point of communism

B-but muh seizing the means of production...


What does this mean? i don't speak commie

I think its a reference to that brain meme which is pretty indicative of the level of discourse.

CTH can only speak in memes. its p. pathetic (kinda like half of u faggots in this sub)


nice meme

Why use the word faggot though? Are you one of these people that thinks it's ok to use homophobic hate speech because 'hurr durrrr free speech is my right'? Regardless of what your point is it just shows that you are an intolerant cunt...

Why use the word cunt though? Are you one of these people that thinks it's ok to use misogynistic hate speech because 'hurr durrrr I'm fighting against oppression'? Regardless of what your point is it just shows that you are an intolerant retard...

Why use the word tard though? Are you one of these people that thinks it's ok to use ableisy hate speech because 'hurr durrr free speech is my right'? Regardless of what your point is it just shows that you are an intolerant brogressive...

Aha I see what you did there! It's a shame that by trying to be clever and sarcastic you're actually just validating my point. And then you went and stuck 'tard' on the end just to make it even more ironic.

The word faggot is hate speech which directly targets homosexuals. The word tard directly targets people with learning difficulties.

The word cunt doesn't target anyone, it just means vagina, so some of the more aggressive feminists decided that its mysogynistic. In reality it's no different from calling someone a cock or a tit - but we've been conditioned from birth to view cunt as the dirtiest word and so for some reason people still get offended by it.

Who cares faggot

try to be less of a faggot from now on faggot

Stop being so gay.

Stop being so gay.

I tried but then everyone on reddit called me a fag and it made me sad so I went and sat on another big dick to make myself feel better.

Nice. At this rate we'll be rid of you in no time.

The word faggot is hate speech which directly targets homosexuals. The word tard directly targets people with learning difficulties.

You are wrong.

God hates fags

Genesis 44:13

Keep Yourself Safe, faggot.

The word faggot is hate speech which directly targets homosexuals. The word tard directly targets people with learning difficulties.

No, it targets you.


What does gendered slur even mean and why do I only ever hear neckbeards using it ironically...

Cock, pussy, tit, wanker, knob-head, bell-end, cunt: these are all fantastic insults that can apply to anyone. If someone wants to explain to me how that is equivalent to using a word which directly targets gay people than I'm all ears.

But I expect I'll just get more SHORT SENTENCES IN ALL CAPS...

Think of it this way: your idea of entertainment is posting stuff online trying to offend people. It seems there is something lacking in your life, perhaps an emotional vacuum left by the lack of some essential intimacy, friendship, or social support. Maybe it's the lack of inspiring parental figures. Maybe it's inability to fit in socially. Maybe it's a realization of a certainly doomed future.

Whatever that pushes you to form this online persona, and to seek equally wounded people, can be fixed by finding some hope.

Go backpack overseas for a few months. Clear your head. Get out of this toxic degenerate online life, it's not something that you can use in real life, and it will only bring you scorn.

shut up fag


looking through your comments I can see repeated use of the word fag, as well as use of 'n****r' several times as well. I'm assuming based on your comments/name that you're a little kid, but you need help man. I'm serious. Even proper adult racists aren't dumb enough to post shit like that on public forums.

Are you being a faggot ironically or are you srs?

This is why we need the mayocide to start soon.

Are you a racist ironically or are you serious?

LOL fag

Thanks for your input, faggot.

I really think gaming needs a lot more socialism.

This is the most I-don't-have-a-job sentence I've read all year.

I can't wait to stand in line for six days to buy the new Nintendo console. I love playing Pokemon in public.

Pokémon Go line up against that wall

From the idiotic article...

In my kind of socialism, big game companies would be run cooperatively by workers. They would be confederated to allow the sharing of resources while maintaining a good deal of creative autonomy.

Well, we already have the open source movement, so we can just at the list of AAA Titles they have pub- Oh, wait. Yeah, Tux Racer.

But never fear, we do have a private company that runs almost exactly like this. Valve. Fucking no-one-is-really-in-charge-and-we-have-a-completely-flat-org-chart-mother-fucking Valve.

RIP HL3, L4D3.

Dota is pretty alright though

Well they had the real dota to copy from.

gaben does no wrong you whore

Has he posted bussy yet?

valve is shit

Hey fuck you don't leave out portal 3 in this.

This is why Cuba and the USSR have been great sources of video game development

Socialism done good for the tetris inventor, made no money on it, only his goverment did and then nintendo, a company based in another country.

Why can't we all live in a world were the artist doesn't profit from his art.


They're a bunch of idiots crying to eachother over being slightly challenged. It was a bewildering, maybe a bit edifying, experience --not an upsetting one.

/u/InquiztiveGit sobs into a soggy tissue after spending 2 days across 4 threads devastated that the "conversation" he started wasn't met with people just accepting his glorious soviet rule.

The article has an interesting highlight:

Traditionally, socialists have been reluctant to prescribe detailed visions of the society they would like to establish, focusing instead on contradictions of capitalism and providing generic formulas like “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”.

This explains the behavior of so many socialists/communists/whatever, where they criticize capitalism but are completely unable or unwilling to respond to criticisms of their preferred economic system.

Criticism is the easiest thing in the world. Offering solutions is way too hard for the retarded socialist.

He's trying to act like he doesn't care but his all caps edit exposed his delicious tears.

Offer the solution for socialists to stop getting their ideas.

"From each according to their ability " which in this case is none.

This is the absolute dumbest thing about modern left-wingers. They honestly think you can run an economy as a series of improvisations and experiments based on a back-of-the-napkin list of vales.

Like the proposals that came up in the 19th century (from the people Marx slandered as "utopian socialists") were naive but at least they were proposals; and it's hard to blame people at that time for not understanding how much different the world had become from the one they were born into, in which their ideas might well have worked.

Today you have these assholes who are 100% convinced we can work six hours a week, play video games the rest of the time, and enjoy at least as high a standard of living as we have now, if only we adopt... mumble mumble

Details shmetails... We'll figure out what we're doing AFTER the revolution silly.

Socialist faggot

Really all you needed to say.

this person posts in twitch memes to get their argument across

exactly what i expected from socialists tbqh


I keep seing this sub and I still have no clue what is it about. Seems like a bernie bros hangout. Quick rundown anyone?

champagne socialist podcast that makes 800k/year off patreon (split between like 3-6 people idk)

generally soc-dem and SOME can be reasonable people. as is with reddit its currently being infested with tankies/anarchos/commies and other degen scum.

they recently hit 10k subs and it will become even more of a shitheap as it grows.

they are "weird twitter" (faggot goons from Something Awful) and can only converse in layered post-irony and sarcasm

basically completely worthless in every aspect

/u/InquiztiveGit what the fuck is a "galaxy brain" you unbeliveable retard?

its the gay meme with pictures of brains that go from regular brain to like a guy soaring the cosmos with radio-frequency waves emanating from his brain

its gay and stupid and i hate my life and want to die

why u link to the bitch tears and not the callout

Imagine hating antifa so much that you stab yourself instead of shitposting online.

clearly y'all haven't played a little Stalinist masterpiece called TETЯIS

I guess they didn't learn from the last several years that people don't like politics being shoved into gaming.

AIDS and starvation? I dunno, I'll ask some peeps from Venezuela what their favorite Morrowind game is.


A revisionist turanist Hungarian honvéd and a Gárda member was teaching a class on Ferenc Szalasi, known hungarist. ”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Holy Turul and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Szent István!” At this moment, a brave, patriotic, morbidly obese senior SNS member who had survived 19 years of independence and understood the necessity of state language law and fully supported all legislative decisions made by the Slovak National Assembly stood up and held up a valaška. ”What do you know about Slovakia, boha ti?” The arrogant Magyar grinned under his thick bajusz and smugly replied “It has no history, even I am older than Slovakia. Can you name a Slovak king, you buta Tót?” ”Svätopluk I.” The Hungarian was visibly shaken, and dropped his lángos and copy of Szabadság, szerelem. He stormed out of the room crying those turanist crocodile tears. The same tears revanchists cry for the “Hungarians in Slovakia” (who today live with such muh privilege that most can enjoy signs in Hungarian language) when they jealously try to claw justly earned independence from the autochthonous Slovak ethnicity. There is no doubt that at this point our gárdist, Csaba Feketepatkányi, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a fascist paprika guzzler. He wished so much that he could pledge his allegience to the Slovak nation, but he himself had denied its existence! The students applauded and all rejected double citizenship that day and accepted Ján Slota as their leader. A golden eagle named “Orol Tatranský” flew into the room and perched atop the double cross and shed a tear on the chalk. “Hej Slováci” was sung several times, and Ľudovít Štúr himself showed up and re-established Great Moravia across the Carpathian basin. The turanist lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He nearly died of pálinka poisining and was sentenced to live in Rimavská Sobota for all eternity.

Gaming Under Socialism

Bunch of bourgeoisie thinks they're proletariat.

Seriously u/InquiztiveGit, thank you but no thank you for the Socialist pitch. I don't want to die by being punished to play shitty games from sunrise to sunset.

/u/InquiztiveGit name one game that North Korea has made.