Hurricane Harvey victim GOES AWF on CNN Reporter

123  2017-08-29 by nordicangst


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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How much jerking off did journalists do knowing this hurricane was going to hit, it's like their Christmas

knowing this hurricane was going to hit

14 hours? I don't know why people still don't realize how quickly this shit hit.

Dude, the media has consistently over-hyped every hurricane since Katrina. Every time, nothing has happened, and all their countdowns and graphics magically disappear like nothing ever happened. I haven't seen Wolf Blitzer this happy since Hillary got the democratic nomination.

Dude, the media has consistently over-hyped every hurricane since Katrina.

No shit. It's just this time, they got less than 24 hours to get the media boner stiff. There was hardly enough time for a glass of wine.

How the hell could you not know? I live on the other side of the Atlantic and I knew ahead of time that Texas was about to get hit by very severe weather.

14 hours? I don't know how people still don't understand how quickly this shit hit. Nobody knew it would be this bad, either.

Huh? I don't live anywhere near Texas and I feel like I heard news about the hurricane almost a week in advance.

Yeah, but it went from a category 1 to category 4 in less than 24 hours. I think that's what they're talking about.

OK, that makes more sense.

It changed from a category 2 to a category 4 almost overnight. It was also only going about 10 MPH. That is the difference between 110 MPH wind blowing everything for 8 hours constantly to 140+ MPH wind blowing everything for 8 hours constantly

110 mph | 177 km/h

metric units bot | feedback | source | stop | v0.7.8

Dafuq people predicted 50 inches of rainfall in SE texas for over a week in advance, I live in Iowa and it was all we heard on the news

They want to be Dan Rather and tie themselves to a tree but are too lazy to be that crazy.

Remember the MSM, oh shit I mean human LOCKED...

Sorry *puts microphone back into her face *

Beyond the 30 second mark in the video you can see the microphone slowly retreating out of picture.

At that point I was hoping the woman would grab the mic and beat the reporter with it.

Crazier things happen all the time in H-town.

I guess the crying was just too juicy to not air


Dats da wrong solution.

I'll be damned, someone finally has had enough!

Kudos to this woman not to be blinded and impressed by media bullshit and see it and then tell it - and I really rarely use this phrase - tell it like it is and expose them for the human vultures that they are.

If it were other circumstances, I'd request AMA with her if only to tell me to fuck off.

She's safe in a shelter. If she doesn't want to talk bro the media she can control that by not talking to the media. She just wanted someone to blow up on.

And she chose someone who deserved it

She's safe in a shelter.

It's not like she just live through a natural disaster...

Fuck that. Watch 5 minutes of ABC or Fox and they're going around pushing people for a sob story that will boost their ratings. Fuck them. Cynical cunts.

The media tend to be massive assholes, and normal people rarely understand that until it's literally shoved into their face.

But reporters are parasites, making a living--and often enjoying their jobs--off of human misery and suffering.

WTF is with all the triggered Trumptards in the comments?

Daddy no like CNN

  1. it's youtube

  2. video was posted to T_D

Poor lady is in shock and the MSM just wants to use her suffering for views and clicks. Despicable.

said the niggah watching the video lmfao

Trumptards are some of the most delusional and the most retarded people on the entire planet. This is exactly the type of video you'd expect to find them in the comments of.

Their entire worldview literally depends on them attacking the media because the media tends to say things that conflicts with what their cult leader says.

I seriously think your average Trumptard is probably more indoctrinated than your average north Korean.

Nice broad sweeping statement there, illustrating the effects of pathological ideological polarization on what I presume would otherwise be a rational adult mind.

Cry me a river.

And that's precisely what's wrong with the political clime almost everywhere in the west now: dipshits think they are morally superior and can cease to reason. You are Trump's victory personified.

Yaddy yaddy yada.

muh buttery males

muh economic anxiety

REEEEEE all you want. Trump represent the people and the people are retarded. I as a single person can't do shit but laugh at it. 2 SCOOPS 2 TERMS 2 GENDERS REEEEEEEEE

Dude gross. Quit getting your smug all over the place.

Your penis is showing.

┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°)├┬┴┬┴

Why are you so sensitive lol

SRD infests this sub like lice. They serious-post every time Trump gets brought up, like the butthurt fagboys they are.

Mediatards are some of the most delusional and the most retarded people on the entire planet.

Their entire worldview literally depends on them attacking Trump because Trump tends to say things that conflicts with what their cult leader says.

Oh boy, you can't just give someone a QUICK RUNDOWN without some warning.

Their entire worldview literally depends on them attacking the media because the media tends to say things that conflicts with what their cult leader says.

To be fair, CNN is fucking terrible. I mean, all 24-hour news networks are bad but CNN is the worst of the bunch. Not only is it incredibly biased when covering the President, it's non-presidential coverage is garbage too.

They have been conspicuously silent regarding Trump's almost proficient handling of a natural disaster...wonder if he'll use this to change his stance on climate change lol

wonder if he'll use this to change his stance on climate change lol

I hope not. His anti Global Warming stance was one of the reasons why I voted for him.

Climate change is likely happening but I don't think that humans have as much effect as the left would lead you to believe, unless you want to talk about the number of humans on the planet instead of the type of fuel we use.

Coal power plants are one of the major contributors to global warming and that cannot be denied.

Thankfully renewable resources for energy are becoming so cheap it doesn't make sense to build new coal plants and they'll soon be shut down because they're too expensive to operate compared to other sources.

CNN might be terrible, but it's leaps and bounds superior to any right-wing media source, which is alarming.

The reporter is with Very Fake News.

Where's the father to her children?

He's probably fine, most prisons are flood protected.

Well you sure? 90% sure during Katrina they just let the jails/prisons flood with the inmates inside

Using Katrina as an example is unfair. NOLA was built specifically so everyone living there would die in a flood. You can't protect against that.

That is true. We should put America on stilts.

> ignore all recommendations to evacuate

>"oh shit nigga it's rainin hella hard"

>"we gon' drown"

>saved by white people

>"White people didn't help us!"

Katrina was right.

eeeeeeeddddddddgy. Try harder.

We need to do what they did in Germany.

Can we get edgier?

Slavery was for their own good.

90% of lynchings were justified.

Yo chill man that last example is crossing the line

What does the weird brownie tin have to do with anything here?

i thought it was referncing the african slave trade boats and how crowded they were and how lots of people died in piss and shit because they never got to shower

You have a fucked up mind

well what is it then wtf

It's all edges. You know, the part of the brownie most lunatics prefer.

tbh American crime rates would probably be lower if slavery was still around. A good number of blacks would be better off being owned by wealthy whites than they are now in inner city shitholes. Not including the lack of freedom kek

Those pans cost like $40. Just make your brownies in a muffin pan so all of them have edges

You mean mayocide?

Own up to our racist history and make Holocaust denial a crime?

I meant the genocide and work camps part.

'fart noise'

Since you like being edgy you also might like killing yourself.


ignore all recommendations to evacuate

You mean like when the mayor of Houston told people not to evacuate?

you mean the black mayor of Houston ?

>a single mayor is responsible for the several hundred cities that got BTFO by mother nature

Try again.

officials didnt even tell them to evacuate because it would cause a mass exodus and people would be in more danger in a traffic jam in the highway

unless she lived in the few areas that were alerted early, you cant even make your meme correctly smh

"Don't evacuate because you'll clog up the highway and people might die."

"Ok now evacuate in flooded cars and boats. Yes some will die. "

idk how many died while retreating, but like 100 people died in 2005 when they had the whole city evacuate so its not like they dont have a reason

It's hard to find the numbers but of how many died while evacuating during Ike. It seems that the actual hurricane killed most of 74 in Texas. I wouldn't doubt that Harvey's death toll will be higher once the water recedes and more corpses are found.

They are evacuating either way. Houston's city government completely downplayed the storm. A better option would have been early evacuation especially from the lowest spots. I'm sure many people did evacuate on their own though.

I knew they evacuated some areas but it wasn't enough.

I mean, I'd rather have people on top of their houses instead of in the streets when the floods hit. But they couldnt have been able to effectively save everyone.

Either way, no one there had a choice so it makes no sense to blame the citizens in the flood.


























As someone in Houston this one has been making the rounds. There were a few other similar types interviews. On the other hand there's been other reporters who have been incredible throughout this whole thing.

Either way, I'm far less concerned about reporters who overstep than dickbags like /u/NotAllMenAreLikeThat who try and pop out shitty agenda posts over Harvey.

If you don't want to talk to the reporters, don't agree to do the interview?

Lol as if they asked permission to interview her. They just shoved a camera and mic in her face, that's standard operating procedure.

Well, if that's what they did then they can go fuck themselves with a pineapple.

You think she's currently going to be in a mental state that she can talk about the pain she's endured in the last 24 hours without breaking down and getting angry? This is probably the first time she's put it into words

This kinda reminds me of that interview of the woman after Oklahoma was hit by those tornados and the reporter kept saying "Do you thank God?" and she said "I'm an atheist." The reporter just stood there and had difficulty speaking. These reporters lack the ability to connect witb people