You mean the rules they keep changing due to popular demand and have recently added this
Media Meta +1
OC Artwork +1
Socjus attack by media
to posting guideline that basically means they can claim an vague link to pass.
And posts that continue literal lies to generate drama, drive a wedge against a group of people gets left up.
Oh and rules that mods willing break, but they give themselves a "warning" so it's cool.
lol, /u/shadistsreddit , just fucking lol. You talk of commenting in good faith but there hasn't been a good faith post there for 2 years now, even you as a mod post in bad faith, which is what makes shitholes like yours no different to Ghazi, who themselves have mods that abuse rules and post in bad faith as long as the narrative is cool. Seriously deluding yourself so hard to sleep at night, you are garbage pretend doesn't change that.
There are certain subs, like that one, that I basically have to avoid for my sanity's sake. Not r/drama though, this is gallows humour for South Park neutrals
1 SnapshillBot 2017-08-30
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 IsADragon 2017-08-30
More like censorship amirite. Can't say nothing about no one anymore.
1 ChipChippersonAMA 2017-08-30
Woah easy there Hitler
1 nomad1c 2017-08-30
man i thought it was gonna be about that book "The Rules" and their challenges with women
false advertising
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-08-30
Why the fuck does that sub even exist? Smh
1 EloeOmoe 2017-08-30
A slightly more accessible (it's about games! and journalism!) front for /r/incels
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-08-30
Fuck incels tbh.
1 Notthehalf 2017-08-30
You mean the rules they keep changing due to popular demand and have recently added this
to posting guideline that basically means they can claim an vague link to pass.
And posts that continue literal lies to generate drama, drive a wedge against a group of people gets left up.
Oh and rules that mods willing break, but they give themselves a "warning" so it's cool.
lol, /u/shadistsreddit , just fucking lol. You talk of commenting in good faith but there hasn't been a good faith post there for 2 years now, even you as a mod post in bad faith, which is what makes shitholes like yours no different to Ghazi, who themselves have mods that abuse rules and post in bad faith as long as the narrative is cool. Seriously deluding yourself so hard to sleep at night, you are garbage pretend doesn't change that.
1 ShadistsReddit 2017-08-30
I'm sure your understanding of good faith would make for a rather interesting explanation.
1 Shabazza 2017-08-30
Hit me up when you finally have concrete plans to genocide anything remotely left.
1 ShadistsReddit 2017-08-30
Given my mod actions that's hilarious, hell the post linked is someone complaining that I banned one of his alts for antisemitic bullshit.
1 DefNotaZombie 2017-08-30
There are certain subs, like that one, that I basically have to avoid for my sanity's sake. Not r/drama though, this is gallows humour for South Park neutrals
1 zahlman 2017-08-30
Where's the dramatic part? This isn't even a good agendapost.
1 baaaaby 2017-08-30
how could something be off topic on kotakuinaction. its just a forum to whine on