Enlightened vegetarian argues with degenerate carnist about the morality of eating meat.

21  2017-08-31 by Nubthesamurai


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Did you even pass middleschool?

Also zoz

why do you ask?




I should send you a picture of the remains of my dinner. Rubs with the meat stripped off the bone with my teeth. Mmm. Delicious, juicy, dead pig flesh.

except you won't.

Indeed, because I already threw it in the trash three hours and I don't feel like digging it out. I'll send you tomorrow's.

Did you know that a pound of meat is better for you than a pound of vegetables

I know the opposite, but don't particularly care.

It means you are a one line joke. You have an issue and I suppose you believe it excuses your behavior. It no more does for you than any other adherent who believes their righteousness justifies their awfulness. Your attitude is fed by your fundamentalism which you believe justifies your words and actions. With that kind of outlook you likely have a very narrow social circle of similar adherents who all reinforce each others' ideological purity. I'm saying that your friends probably don't like you. You're all just a cult, enforcing your cult rules and shunning all the outsiders and dirty unbelievers. Your worldview is myopic. Your righteousness and behavior is self-reinforcing isolation. To the point where you believe your vanishing selection of doctrine-adhering restaurants are actually keeping parity in quality to the traif, haram, unclean, impure, heretical etc restaurants who do not cater to your particular religion. Fuck your religion. Imma eat some brisket, bitch.

If only he ended that with some party parrots, that'd be best mic drop ever.

long time lurker, first drama post and its only to say that this post gave me a fucking semi

/u/thikthird Its people like you that makes me so glad I had 3/4ths a pound of beef for lunch.

it's people like you that make me so glad to know you'll be dead before you're 35.

I'm 46, nice try. Plus I can kick your ass still since my muscles have complete proteins.

you're a third of that, tops.

Why thank you, meat keeps my collagen supple.

nah it ages you faster.

No, being fat ages you faster. Proper calories and sunscreen are my secret weapon. Oh and tasty meats. Bison is very good too as red meat goes as its very lean.

your secret weapon is that you can say whatever you want because you're lying.

You aren't worth lying to.

i'm the only thing that made your day worthwhile.

Wife is on the tag so it's bj night. You standing in for her?

You're not married.